Monday, August 31, 2020

Solution to Wren & Martin: Exercise in Grammar 96

1. Be just and fear not.
2. I ran fast, but I missed the train.
3. He fled, for he was afraid.
4. Make haste, or/else/otherwise you will be late.
5. Unless you try, you will not succeed.
6. I am sure that he said so.
7. Wait till I return.
8. Do not go till I come.
9. He finished first though/although he began late.
10. Take care lest you fall.
11. Take a lamp, as/because the night is dark.
12. As/Because he was ambitious I slew him.
13. Open rebuke is better than secret love.
14. If you eat too much you will be ill.
15. I shall not go unless I am invited.
16. He had succeeded better than he hoped.
17. I do it as I choose it.
18. If duty calls us we must obey.
19. live well so that you may die well.
20. Think not a trifle, though/although it shall appear.
21. The purse has been lost or stolen.
22. Rustum is slow but sure.
23. He remained at home as/because he was ill.
 24. As he was industrious, I encouraged him.

Animal Friends: Gk -page - 28

   Some animals are our friends. They help us in many ways. Can you identify these animals?

Solve the riddles:

1. I carry you in a hot desert. Camel.
2. I give you milk. I am found on the plains. Buffalo.
3. I give you silk clothes. Silkworm.
4. You relish me as seafood. Fish.
5. You use my eggs to prepare omelets. Hen.
6. You ride on my back on high mountains. Yak.
·      Identify the ways of caring for pets and write them in given space below:
1. Cleaning a horse.
2. Taking our/your pet dogs for a walk.
3. Feeding a kid.
4. Playing with a kitten.
5. Feeding a cow.
6. Feeding pigeons.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Solution to Wren & Martin: Exercise in Grammar 94

1. Unless – Subordinating Conjunction
2. After – Subordinating Conjunction
3. Till – Subordinating Conjunction
4. And – Coordinating Conjunction
5. If – Subordinating Conjunction
6. When –Subordinating Conjunction
7. Before- Subordinating Conjunction
8. For –Coordinating Conjunction
9. Since –Subordinating conjunction
10. Lest – Subordinating Conjunction
11. If – Subordinating Conjunction
12. Before –Subordinating Conjunction
13. After –Subordinating Conjunction
14. Because –Subordinating Conjunction
15. Than –Subordinating Conjunction
16. Before –Subordinating Conjunction
17. Until –Subordinating Conjunction
18. If –Subordinating conjunction
19. Than –Subordinating Conjunction
20. Or –Coordinating Conjunction
21. Unless –Subordinating Conjunction
22. Whether – Subordinating conjunction
23. Else – Coordinating Conjunction
24. If –Subordinating Conjunction
25. For –coordinating Conjunction
26. If – Subordinating Conjunction
27. Or- Coordinating Conjunction
28. Than – Subordinating Conjunct
29. Either … or – Coordinating Conjunction
30. Whether … or – Coordinating Conjunction
31. Unless – Subordinating Conjunction
32. That – Subordinating Conjunction
33. For – coordinating Conjunction

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Try Yourself-III: GK Page- 32:

Let us Practice:
Answer the following questions:
1. What is the name of Sleeping Beauty’s castle? In which country is it located?
Answer: Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany.
2. What is Belize famous for?
Answer: Great blue Sinkhole.
3. Name the currency of the United Kingdom.
Answer: Pound Sterling.
4. Why was the Great Wall of China built?
Answer: To protect China from foreign attack (the Mongols).
5. Name the newest ocean.
Answer: Antarctic Ocean or the Southern Ocean.
6. Name the Prime Minister of Brazil.
Answer: Bolsonaro was sworn in as President of the Republic on 1 January 2019, succeeding Michel Temer.
7. What is the famous quotation of Jawaharlal Nehru?
Answer: “We all grow better in sunshine and love”.
8. What is Sushi?
Answer: The food of Japan.
9. Name the religions followed in India.
Answer: Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism, Christianity, Buddhism, Jainism, Zoroastrianism, Bahaism.
10. Name the Capital of the Philippines.
Answer: Manila
11. Name the Dance of France.
Answer: Pomeranian Dance.
12. Name a food item from Italy.
Answer: Lasagna.
13. To which country does the dish Tom Yum Goong belong?
Answer: Thailand.

Try yourself- iii GK –page 27

A. Answer the following questions:
1. Who is a greengrocer?
Answer: One that sells fruits and vegetables is the greengrocer.
2. What is the name of the Yummy noodles from China?
Answer: Chowmein.
3. Mention any two percussion instruments.
Answer: (a) Tabla, (b) Tambourine
4. How many umpires are there in a cricket? How do they work?
Answer: Three (3). Two on-field—and one at the bowler’s end, the third umpire takes the final decision.
5. To which country does J.R. Hazlewood belong?
Answer: Australia.
B. Identify the following pictures:
1. Vet
2. Pizza
3. Mouth organ
4. R. Ashwin
5. No ball
6. Shehnai.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

The Hundred dresses – II: ncert solution Class 10


Oral Comprehension Check: Page- 74

1. What did Mr. Petronski’s letter say?

Answer: Petronski’s letter said that Wanda would not go the school anymore. It is because she along with her parents moves away to a big city. The letter also expressed that in the absence of Wanda the class and the school will be free from the burden of holler ‘Pollack’ which was caused by her funny name.

2. Is Miss Mason angry with the class or is she unhappy and upset?

Answer: Yes! Miss Mason is unhappy with the class and completely upset. It is because some of Wanda’s classmates insulted and humiliated her because she had an unfamiliar name. Miss Mason further said that the girls should not hurt anybody due to the above reasons.

3. How does Maddie feel after listening to the note from Wanda’s father?

Answer: Maddie was shocked listening to the notes from Wanda’s father. She wanted to convey that she did not hurt her willingly or intentionally. It was done in utter ignorance. Had she known about the consequences she would not have behaved in this way which led her to leave the school.

4. What does Maddie want to do?

Answer: Maddie wants to pay a short visit to pacify her about what had happened. She wants to tell her that it was done to make her free and frank with her classmates. Her intention was quite different from what  Wanda thought of.

Oral Comprehension Check: Page – 76

1. What excuses does Peggy think up for her behavior? Why?

Answer: Peggy thinks up to rectify her from being blamed for making fun of any foreigner because of her unfamiliar name. Peggy decides not to misbehave with anybody in the school anymore. It is because she was blamed by the teacher in the class. She also felt insulted in the class.

2. What are Maddie’s thoughts as they go to Bogging Heights?

Answer: Maddie’s thoughts are as follows.

(i)She thinks that she will persuade her to stay back to school.

(ii) She will make her understand that everybody likes and love her.

(iii)All the classmates will stay and study together harmoniously without making fun of her.

(iv) Also, she thinks to inform her that there will be no place of insult and humiliation anymore in the class or in the school.

3. Why does Wanda’s house remind Maddie of Wanda’s blue dress?

Answer: Both Wanda’s house and her dress look similar. Her house was shabby but clean. So was the case with her dress. So Wanda’s house reminds Maddie of Wanda's blue dress.

4. What does Maddie think hard about? What important decision does she come to?

Answer: Maddie decided not to support or stand by in case of someone’s insult or humiliation. She comes to an important decision that she will not personally hurt anybody, and she will not allow anybody to hurt someone. She has decided to oppose those who misbehave with anybody. If she has to lose her friendship for protecting the students who are made fun of, she is ready to bear it.

Solution to Wren & Martin: Exercise in composition 44

 In the following sentences change the voice: (Only answers are provided.)

1. Babu was elected Captain.

2. He was seen opening the box.

3. His words must be listened to.

4. Will those happy days ever be forgotten?

5. Who broke this jug?

6. He was accused of various offenses by his subordinates.

7. Grapes cannot be gathered from thistles.

8. Someone has cut off the telephone wires.

9. Alas! His voice will be heard no more.

10. They held the 1998 Asian Games in Bangkok, Thailand.

11. Without effort, we/one can gain nothing.

12. Let the week not be insulted.

13. Wealth is desired by all and (is) acquired by some.

14. Why should you suspect me?

15. We keep the information on our computer.

16. We are told by the legend how its name was received by the castle.

17. I lost my watch.

18. Why were you defrauded of your earnings by him?

19. It will be learned/learned by the public with astonishment that war is imminent.

20. His wife was made to do the work (by him).

21. He was appointed monitor.

22. His recovery was despaired of by the doctor.

23. They refused his admittance.

24. His warning was laughed at and all his proposals (were) objected to.

25. He was regarded as an impostor and called a villain.


Solution to Wren & Martin: Exercise in composition 42

 (Only answers are provided)
1. His father praised him.
2. George Stephenson built the first railway.
3. The noise frightened the horse.
4. Latif did not speak a word. Or
     Latif spoke not a word.
5. the boy’s work pleased the teacher.
6. His friends took him to the hospital.
7. An earthquake destroyed the town.
8. People lined the road.
9. The people welcomed the President.
10. Kalidas wrote Shakuntala.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Cricket stars



Some of the cricket stars have become quite popular among people. They belong to different countries. Can you identify these cricket stars?

Write the names of the country to which each cricket star belongs.

1. J.M. Anderson:      England

2. R. Ashwin:             India

3. T.A. Boult:             New Zealand   

4. Yashir Shah:          Pakistan

5. D.W. Steyn:           South Africa

6. J.R.Hazlewood:     Australia

Know these Countries

 See page number 26 and write the names of currencies of the following countries:

     1.       India: __________________.

     2.       United States of America: ________________.

     3.       Saudi Arabia: ____________.

     4.       Philippines:______________.

5.       United Kingdom: ________________.

6.       China:    ______________.

7.       France: _____________.

8.       Japan: ______________.


Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Know these countries: GK-Page-26

Open page- 26 and fill in the blanks.
1. Capital of India: _______________.
2. Capital of London:   ___________.
3. Capital of United States of America: _________.
4. Capital of China: __________.
5. Capital of
Saudi Arabia: __________.
6. Capital of France: _________.
7. Capital of the Philippines: _________.
8. Capital of Japan: _________.

Umpiring Signs: GK Page- 25

You might have watched live cricket on your TV or stadium. You must have observed the umpire making various signs with his hands or legs on the cricket ground. What do these signs indicate? Let us find out.
1. Out
2. Six
3. Four
4. Leg Bye
5. Bye
6. Short Run
7. Wide
8. No ball

Solution to Wren & Martin: Exercise in Composition 41 Page- 61

1. You and he were seen by us.
2. I was asked by name. Or
My name was asked by him.
3. They were refused admission.
4. A doll was brought for the baby.
5. He was found guilty of murder.
6. Milk is often turned sour by a thunderstorm.
7. The ocean cannot be pumped dry.
8. The storm was seen approaching.
9. I am kept waiting.
10. The house was painted red.
11. I was told to leave the room.
12. I was promised a present. Or
      A present was promised to me.
13. The carriage will be ordered.
14. The cliff is being climbed by the boy.
15. Many things can be accomplished with a little effort.
16. You are being watched carefully.

Solution to Wren & Martin: Exercise in Composition 40 Page-60

Turn the following sentences from the Active voice to the Passive voice:
(Note – The agent with by should be omitted in No 7, 12, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35)
(Only answers are provided.)
1. The mouse was killed by the cat.
2. The tree was cut down by the man.
3. America was discovered by Columbus.
4. He was praised by his teacher.
5. The dog was teased by the bot.
6. The horse is fed by the syce every day.
7. He was arrested.
8. A kite was being made by Rama.
9. The ball was caught by the boy.
10. A letter will be written by my father.
11. He will be conquered (by me).
12. I was kept waiting.
13. The lion was shot by the hunter.
14. The door was opened by Hari.
15. The thief was caught by a policeman.
16. The ball was thrown by Sohrab.
17. Twenty runs were scored by him.
18. I am vexed by your behavior.
19. Character is revealed by manners.
20. a very remarkable discovery was made by him.
21. Great oaks are felled by little strokes.
22. The pony will be brought by Dhondu.
23. He is loved by everyone.
24. This picture has been drawn by my cousin.
25. Good news is expected.
26. The harvest is gathered by the farmer.
27. He was swindled by his own brother.
28. The inspector was pleased by the recitation.
29. The light has been put out.
30. Our army has been defeated.
31. TVs are sold here.
32. My bicycle has been sold.
33. It will soon be forgotten.
34. The theatre was opened only last month.
35. Smoking is prohibited.


Exercise 1. Complete the following sentences using a Comparative form.
(i) I Can’t afford this dress. Could you show me something cheaper?
(ii) You are looking thinner. Have you been dieting?
(iii) The boy is too close to the television. Ask him to move a bit farther.
(iv) We are late for the show. We should have come earlier.
(v) These rooms are large. I expected them to be smaller.
(vi) You are too young for this role. We need someone older.
(vii) Put a little more sugar in my cup. I like my tea to be sweeter.
(viii) This paragraph is not very good. I’m sure you can write better.
(ix) It’s too noisy here. Let us go to a quieter place.
(x) I can’t understand these books. Give me something easier.
(xi) Garima’s house is 4 km away from the school. Sunita’s house is 2 km away from the school. Sumita lives nearer.
(xii) Arjun is 165 cm tall. Karna is 175 cm tall, Arjun is taller.
(xiii) Ingram came at 6 o’clock. Ipak came at half-past six. Ipak came later than Ingam.
2. Rewrite each sentence starting with the words given:
(i) The dog is one of the most faithful animals. Very few animals are so faithful as the dog.
(ii) Very few languages are as rich as Tamil. Tamil is one of the richest languages.
(iii) Fewer people live in Sikkim than Uttar Pradesh. The population of Uttar Pradesh is bigger than that of Sikkim.
(iv) It’s not as warm in Mumbai as in Ajmer. Ajmer is warmer than Mumbai.
(v) No one has ever paid me such a nice compliment. That’s the nicest one.
4. Fill in the blanks with the Comparative or Superlative form of the words in brackets:
(i)The cheetah is one of the fastest animals. (fast)
(ii) Madhya Pradesh is a very large state, but Uttar Pradesh is larger. (large)
(iii) Of the Ganga and the Narmada, which one is the longer? (long)
(iv) I have three sisters. The eldest is twenty-one years old. (elder)
(v) These paintings from Kangra appear to be the most beautiful ones in the gallery. (beautiful)
6. These sentences contain errors related to comparisons. Rewrite them in the corrected form:
(The only answer is provided)
(i)Sanjeev is taller than Ranbir.
(ii) Which is the easiest to learn – French, Russian, or English?
(iii) Chandni Chawk is the most important business center in Delhi.
(iv) It is hotter today than yesterday.
(v) This is the better of the two books on the subject.
(vi) Have you heard the latest news?
(vii) She secured more marks than that of mine.
(viii) Who is the taller – you or me?
(ix) It was the most generous of you to help me.
(x) Brian Lara is a great batsman of the world.
7. Correct the following sentences:
(i) It is very cold today.
(ii) They went to the market directly.
(iii) I am wise enough to see through your tricks.
(iv) Please listen to me. Or  Kindly listen to me.
(v) The patient seems better today.
(vi) Write on only one side of the answer sheet.
(vii) The younger sister is taller than the elder one.
(viii) The classroom is very small for fifty students.

Saturday, August 8, 2020

A Hundred Dresses I : ncert solution Class 10

Oral Comprehension check: Page – 65
1. Where in the classroom does Wanda sit and why?
Answer: Wanda usually sits in Room Thirteen in the seat next to the last one in the last row. This place in the class is known for the rough boys who do not perform well in the examinations.
2. Where does Wanda live? What kind of place do you think it is?
Answer: Wanda lives at Boggins Heights. I think this place is not well-developed. It seems the place is rain-wet and muddy also.
3. When and why do Peggy and Maddie notice Wanda’s absence?
Answer: One day when Peggy and Maddie came to school earlier, they did not trace a lot of mud and so, they notice Wanda’s absence.
4. What do you think “to have fun with her” means?
Answer: “To have fun with her” indicates Peggy and Maddie's treatment with Wanda. Willingly or unwillingly they used to make fun of Wanda Petronski.
Oral Comprehension Check: Page – 67
1. In what way was Wanda different from the other children?
Answer: Wanda was different from other children in the following ways.
(i)Her name was unfamiliar to the other children.
(ii)She wears the same dress every day.
(iii)She speaks very little to her classmates.
(iv) She was a poor girl which was known to all her classmates.
2. Did Wanda have a hundred dresses? Why do you think she said she did?
Ans: Wanda did not have a hundred dresses. She said she did just to respond to their ridiculous questions.
3. Why is Maddie embarrassed by the questions Peggy asks Wanda? Is she also like Wanda, or is she different?
Answer: Maddie is embarrassed by the questions Peggy asks Wanda because she is also a poor girl but her condition was a little better than that of Wanda. As Peggy is one of the most-liked girls in the class, she does not expect her to do so. She is not like Wanda. Nobody makes fun of her regarding dresses. But she is against humiliation which is done because of someone’s deplorable economic condition.
 Oral Comprehension Check: Page – 70
1. Why didn’t Maddie ask Peggie to stop teasing Wanda? What was she afraid of?
Answer: Peggy is the best friend of Wanda. So she did not ask her to stop teasing Wanda. She does not want her friendship to be broken up. She is afraid of missing her friendship.
2. Who did Maddie think would win the drawing contest? Why?
Answer: Maddie thought that Peggy would win the drawing contest. It is because she was the only one to draw the best in the classroom.
3. Who won the drawing contest? What had the winner drawn?
Answer: Wanda Petronski won the drawing contest for the girl and Jack Beggles won for the boys. The winner Jack Beggles had drawn the design for an outboard motor whereas Wand Petronski had drawn a hundred designs all different and all beautiful. In the views of the Judges, every design of Wanda Petronski was worthy of winning a prize.
Thinking about the Text Page – 70
1. How is Wanda seen as different by the other girls? How do they treat her?
Answer: Wanda is seen as different by the other girls because of the following reasons.
(i)She was a Polish girl. Her name was not familiar to all the girls.
(ii) She was a poor girl.
(iii) She used to put on a single dress every day for school.
(iv)The other girls knew that she had only one dress. That is why they started making fun of her by asking about her dresses.
2. How does Wanda feel about the dresses game? Why does she say that she had a hundred dresses?
Answer: She feels humiliated and insulted because of her poverty and deplorable economic condition about the dresses game. She said that she had a hundred dresses to respond to their ridiculous questions.
3. Why does Maddie stand by and not do anything? How is she different from Peggy? (Was Peggy’s friendship important to Maddie? Why? Which lines in the text tell you this?)
Answer: Maddie stands by and does nothing because her best friend Peggy was teasing Wanda Petronski by asking about her dresses. She is also a poor girl, but she does not want anybody to be teased because of her/his poverty. Peggy’s friendship is important for Maddie. It is because she is the most liked girl in the class, and she has a good academic record so far.
The lines are as follows: “She was Peggy’s best friend, and Peggy was the best-liked girl in the whole room. Peggy could not possibly do anything that was really wrong, she thought.”
4. What does Miss Mason think of Wand’s drawing? What do the children think of them? How do you know?
Answer: Miss Mason thinks of Wanda’s drawing to be the most important. It is because she has drawn all the designs differently and beautifully. In the views of the judges, each and every design is worthy of winning the prize. The children are astonished to see the designs Wanda. They think her designs to be amazing ones. I know this from the real reactions and the activities of the children they exhibit just after they see the designs.