Thursday, June 25, 2020


Fill in the blanks with appropriate Prepositions
He lives in Hyderabad. He lives at 48 Tilak Street.
He started at six in the morning.
He hanged himself with a piece of cloth.
The portrait was painted by a famous artist.
I must start at dawn to reach the station in time.
I hope to reach the station in an hour outside.
The child has been missing since yesterday.
The caravan must reach its destination before/by sunset.
The mail train is due at 3 P.M.
He travelled thirty kilometres in two hours.
He rushed into my room, panting for breath.
He does not leave his house before 9 o’clock.
The Express departs at 3 P.M. from Delhi.
Human sacrifices were practised by the Nagas.
I received the message at eight o’clock in the morning.
Since last month I have seen him but once.
Besides rice, they had curry.
The fever has taken a turn for the better since yesterday.
He has spent his life in Kolkata.
I saw him felling into a big tree with a hatchet.
Come and sit beside/by me.
Nobody but/except you knows the truth.
While I was in Delhi he was in Mumbai.
He was killed by the robber with the hatchet.
We shall stay three months in America.
Besides Rustam and Sohrab, there were three other boys present.
Besides a Ford, he has a Fiat car.

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