Thursday, August 20, 2020

Solution to Wren & Martin: Exercise in composition 44

 In the following sentences change the voice: (Only answers are provided.)

1. Babu was elected Captain.

2. He was seen opening the box.

3. His words must be listened to.

4. Will those happy days ever be forgotten?

5. Who broke this jug?

6. He was accused of various offenses by his subordinates.

7. Grapes cannot be gathered from thistles.

8. Someone has cut off the telephone wires.

9. Alas! His voice will be heard no more.

10. They held the 1998 Asian Games in Bangkok, Thailand.

11. Without effort, we/one can gain nothing.

12. Let the week not be insulted.

13. Wealth is desired by all and (is) acquired by some.

14. Why should you suspect me?

15. We keep the information on our computer.

16. We are told by the legend how its name was received by the castle.

17. I lost my watch.

18. Why were you defrauded of your earnings by him?

19. It will be learned/learned by the public with astonishment that war is imminent.

20. His wife was made to do the work (by him).

21. He was appointed monitor.

22. His recovery was despaired of by the doctor.

23. They refused his admittance.

24. His warning was laughed at and all his proposals (were) objected to.

25. He was regarded as an impostor and called a villain.


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