Monday, August 31, 2020

Solution to Wren & Martin: Exercise in Grammar 96

1. Be just and fear not.
2. I ran fast, but I missed the train.
3. He fled, for he was afraid.
4. Make haste, or/else/otherwise you will be late.
5. Unless you try, you will not succeed.
6. I am sure that he said so.
7. Wait till I return.
8. Do not go till I come.
9. He finished first though/although he began late.
10. Take care lest you fall.
11. Take a lamp, as/because the night is dark.
12. As/Because he was ambitious I slew him.
13. Open rebuke is better than secret love.
14. If you eat too much you will be ill.
15. I shall not go unless I am invited.
16. He had succeeded better than he hoped.
17. I do it as I choose it.
18. If duty calls us we must obey.
19. live well so that you may die well.
20. Think not a trifle, though/although it shall appear.
21. The purse has been lost or stolen.
22. Rustum is slow but sure.
23. He remained at home as/because he was ill.
 24. As he was industrious, I encouraged him.

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