Monday, August 31, 2020

Animal Friends: Gk -page - 28

   Some animals are our friends. They help us in many ways. Can you identify these animals?

Solve the riddles:

1. I carry you in a hot desert. Camel.
2. I give you milk. I am found on the plains. Buffalo.
3. I give you silk clothes. Silkworm.
4. You relish me as seafood. Fish.
5. You use my eggs to prepare omelets. Hen.
6. You ride on my back on high mountains. Yak.
·      Identify the ways of caring for pets and write them in given space below:
1. Cleaning a horse.
2. Taking our/your pet dogs for a walk.
3. Feeding a kid.
4. Playing with a kitten.
5. Feeding a cow.
6. Feeding pigeons.

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