Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Solution to Wren & Martin: Exercise in Composition 40 Page-60

Turn the following sentences from the Active voice to the Passive voice:
(Note – The agent with by should be omitted in No 7, 12, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, and 35)
(Only answers are provided.)
1. The mouse was killed by the cat.
2. The tree was cut down by the man.
3. America was discovered by Columbus.
4. He was praised by his teacher.
5. The dog was teased by the bot.
6. The horse is fed by the syce every day.
7. He was arrested.
8. A kite was being made by Rama.
9. The ball was caught by the boy.
10. A letter will be written by my father.
11. He will be conquered (by me).
12. I was kept waiting.
13. The lion was shot by the hunter.
14. The door was opened by Hari.
15. The thief was caught by a policeman.
16. The ball was thrown by Sohrab.
17. Twenty runs were scored by him.
18. I am vexed by your behavior.
19. Character is revealed by manners.
20. a very remarkable discovery was made by him.
21. Great oaks are felled by little strokes.
22. The pony will be brought by Dhondu.
23. He is loved by everyone.
24. This picture has been drawn by my cousin.
25. Good news is expected.
26. The harvest is gathered by the farmer.
27. He was swindled by his own brother.
28. The inspector was pleased by the recitation.
29. The light has been put out.
30. Our army has been defeated.
31. TVs are sold here.
32. My bicycle has been sold.
33. It will soon be forgotten.
34. The theatre was opened only last month.
35. Smoking is prohibited.

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