Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The comet - II : ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page-83)
1. "For a moment James wondered if he had done his sums right." Why was James doubtful about his sums calculations?
Ans:- James was doubtful about his calculation because he saw the sky full of stars. Now he was not able to understand whether his calculation was right or wrong. So he wondered for a moment if he had done his sums right.
2. Why did the scientists at the conference say about James' 'sums'?
Ans:- The scientists acknowledged the sums of James Forsyth. They concluded that the Dutta comet will surely collide with the earth.
3. Immediate action was needed, the scientists decided. Give one example of each of the 'defensive' and 'offensive' actions mentioned in the text.
Ans:- Some of the scientists suggested defensive whereas some were in favour of offensive measures. Under defensive measures, they were to stay under bunkers. But it was postponed very soon. Some of them wanted to use offensive measures to deflect the comet from its path. So they suggested the explosion of nuclear play-load near the comet.
4. "I am not buying any Christmas presents till December 15." What did Sir John mean by that?
Ans:-  According to Sir John offensive action was doubtful. He wanted to wait till December 15 for the result of the suggested mission. So he told Dutta that he was not going to buy any Christmas presents till December 15.
Comprehension Check (page-87)
1. What is Duttada expected to do on his return from London?
Ans:- Duttada is expected to do ‘Shanti Yajna’ recommended by Guruji to do on his return from London to calm down the malevolence force behind the comet.
2. What is the reaction to the proposal?
Ans:- He is upset listening to the proposal of ‘Shanti Yajna’. He does not believe in such superstitions. He got angry at this arrangement. He does not believe that comets bring catastrophe.
3. (i) What does 'Project Light brigade' refer to?
Ans:- Project Light refers to the mission to be taken place to deflect the Dutta comet from its path to evade collision with the earth.
(ii) What does Sir John say about the project in his letter to Duttada in October?
Ans:- Sir John informed him about the Royal Astronomical Society in detail. Also, he informed about the warmth of the weather which would be unusual due to the comet. At last, he expresses his views about the mission to be taken place by the “Light Brigade”.
4. Did Sir John buy Christmas presents on December 15? How did Duttada get to know about it?
Ans:- Yes, Sir John bought Christmas presents on December 15. Duttada got to know about this through a letter.
5. Why, according to Indrani Debi, had the comet not been disastrous? Do you agree with her?
Ans:- Indrani Debi got a ‘Shanti Yajna’ performed. So she believed that the evil spirit of the comet had already been pacified so the comet had not been disastrous. I don’t agree with her because it is mere superstition.
6. Is Duttada's general outlook
(i) rational
(ii) moral
(iii) traditional?
Choose the right word. Say why you think it is right.
Ans:- Of course Duttada’s general outlook is rational. He thinks very well about the action and the reaction. He is full of scientific temperament this is why he is a scientist. He does not believe in rites and traditional rituals. His thought is based on causes and results which must be experienced or seen.
Discuss the following topics in small groups. Write your answers afterwards.
1. Should a scientist’s findings be suppressed if they seem disturbing? Give reasons for or against the topic.
Ans:- Scientists have extraordinary brains. In case of disturbances their findings can be suppressed but for the time being only. They prove their findings with visible or invisible evidence. So no question of suppression is sustained due to disturbances.
2. Do you think ours is a traditional society? What are some of the things we do to be called traditional? Do you find these things useless or useful?
Ans:- Ours is a traditional society. It is true. There were so many reasons behind the fact. People were very far from science and technology. They were not well educated. They used t worship the moon thinking that it is God. But when they came to know that the moon is just like our earth their attitudes changed. The modern world is fully based on science and technology so a few people are found asking about ghost and their spells. Sometimes traditional society lays emphasis on our thought expressing old and outdated philosophies. So I don’ think they are useful enough to be promising.
3. Give two or three examples to show how science has been useful to us.
Ans:- In the modern age science has contributed to the convenience of human beings. It is a science that developed medicines to fight dangerous diseases. Science had made our travelling very easy. Now a day anyone can measure the distance very soon. We are able to defend our country with the help of modern and sophisticated weapons. We can see the games and sports sitting at our homes. So it is quite clear that science has been useful to us.
4. Give one example to show how science has been misused and as a result been harmful to us.

Ans:- The most important fact is that science has worked for the benevolence and convenience of human beings. But if it is not used reasonably it can bring disaster on the earth. The whole human community may be finished even with the help of only a few nuclear weapons. We have some examples of its misuse. A large number of people are victims of its harmful results. Leaders are assassinated with modern revolvers and guns. No nook and cranny is found safe now a day because of their irrational uses. So it is proved that science has been misused and as a result been harmful to us.

The comet -I: ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page-77)
1. Why does Indrani Debi dislike Dattada's "hobnobbing" with Dibya?
Ans:- Indrani Debi disliked Dattada’s hobnobbing with Dibya. Dattada was so engrossed with his work with Dibya that he forgot even to shut the door or to feel cold. He made his great passion of stargazing throughout the night Dibya the telescope without informing anybody at his home.
2. She is complaining and smiling. Why is she smiling?
Ans:- She is complaining and smiling at the behavior of Dattada. He off and on forgets to shut the door at the time of his getting out. He is not at all careful of family privacy and the complications.
3. (i) What was Dattada's secret ambition?
Ans:- Dattada’s secret ambition was concerned with the telescope and sufficient time. He wanted to have both telescope and enough time to view stars and planets. He wanted to discover a new comet.
(ii) What did he do to achieve it?
Ans:- He bought his telescope after his retirement. He installed it and initiated gazing at the stars almost throughout the night. Sometimes he forgot to inform his family members about it.
4. What is the difference between a planet and a comet, as given in the story?
Ans:- A comet must be a new one. It would come from the distant angle of the Solar System. Its orbit would be highly eccentric. A comet when comes close to the sun is not sure when it will come again. It can take a few years or centuries.
5. Why was Duttada hopeful that he would discover a new comet soon?
Ans:-He had paid his full attention to the discovery of the comet because he was an amateur astronomer. He knows that professional astronomers don’t pay any attention to the comet. So he was hoping to discover a new comet soon.
6. Why does Duttada say---"I almost wish I had not discovered this comet."?
Ans:- Dattada was tired of attending so many receptions and grand functions which he did not like because he was a little introvert. This everything was done due to his discovery of a new comet. So he said, “I almost wish had not discovered this comet”.
7. Why is his wife unhappy about the discovery?
Ans:- His wife is superstitious. She thinks that the arrival of a comet brings catastrophe to the earth. So she is unhappy.
Comprehension check (page-80)
1. How did Sir John get hold of James' original manuscript?
Ans:- Sir John came across Mr. Taylor. He was shown a paper in a club at lunch. He was inquired of his opinion about the manuscript which was the original one of James’. Now Taylor wanted a consultation about, before sending the manuscript to a professional referee. This is how Sir John got hold of James’ original manuscript.
2. What is the important point the paper makes?
Ans:- The paper makes the important point that the Comet Datta will collide with the earth.
3. Why does Sir John say that James' paper should not be published?
Ans:- Sir John did not want James' paper to be published because it would cause worldwide panic. So he says that James’ paper should not be published. He wanted the truth of James’s paper to be toned down.
4. What do the two men finally decide to do?
Ans:- The two men wanted to hold a furtive consultation of international experts about how to prevent the collision.

Jalebis : ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page-65)
1. Why didn't he pay the school fees on the day he brought money to school?
Ans:- His teacher Ghulam Mohammed was absent from the school. He was supposed to collect the fees. That is why he didn’t pay the school fees on the day he brought money to school.
2. (i) What were the coins 'saying' to him?
Ans:- The coins provoked him to buy and eat fresh Jalebis. One of them said what he was thinking of. Another said those who had money would eat Jalebis. Jalebis are to be eaten. He heard one of the coins saying that if he bought Jalebis that day, surely he would get the scholarship. So buying Jalebis would easily provide him money to pay the school fees.
(ii) Do you think they were misguiding him?

Ans:- Yes, they were misguiding him properly. The money he had was to be paid to the school as his fees.
3. Why didn't he take the coins' advice? Give two or three reasons.
Ans:- He didn’t take the coins’ advice instead he was provoked to buy jalebis to eat.
4. (i) What did the oldest coin tell him?
Ans:- The old coin asked him if he did not have a feeling of eating Jalebis. If he bought Jalebis that day, he would get his scholarship the very next day. So he could pay his fees easily.
 (ii) Did he follow his advice? If not, why not?
Ans:-He was not able to follow the advice of the coin because the advice was against his prestige. He was not at all habituated to stand in the market eating anything. He came from a prosperous family.
5. He reached home with the coins in his pocket. What happened then?
Ans:- He reached with the coins in his pocket. No sooner did he sit on the bed than the coins started speaking. They wanted to be spent on the very that day. Then and there the boy went to the market and purchased Jalebis.
Comprehension Check (page-68)
1. (i) Why didn't he eat all the Jalebis he had bought?
Ans:- He bought Jalebis worth one rupee. The then Jalebis worth one rupee is worth 20 today. So it is quite clear that he had bought a lot of Jalebis which he was not able to consume alone. He ate how much he could and he shared with the other children the rest of it.
(ii) What did he do with the remaining Jalebis?
Ans:- He distributed the rest of the Jalebis among the boys who came from the neighboring houses.
2. "The fear was killing me." What was the fear?
Ans:- He had eaten so much Jalebis that it was almost impossible for him to digest properly. He started facing the acidity in his stomach. He had a fear to say that he would not be able to take his meal at home. The very that was killing him.
3. "Children's stomachs are like digestion machines." What do you understand by that? Do you agree?
Ans:- Children’s stomachs are like digestion machines. I know that children are busy all the time in their works. They don’t sit idle any time. So their stomachs work all the time more than the adults who prefer sitting to work. But if the children eat more than their need, surely they will face the problems of indigestion.
4. How did he plan to pay the fees the next day?
Ans:- He was confirmed that he would get the scholarship the very next day. So he thought to pay the money as his school fees.
5. When it is time to pay the fees, what does he do? How is he disobeying the elders by doing so?
Ans:- When it is time to pay the fees he goes out of school with his bag because he has no money to pay the fees. He is disobeying the elders by eating sweets in the market and willingly crossing the railway track. His elders forbade him to do so.
Comprehension Check (page-72)
1. What was the consequence of buying Jalebis with the fees money?
Ans:- He bought Jalebis with his fees money, consequently he did not pay the school fees in time.
2. His prayer to God is like a lawyer's defense of a bad case. Does he argue his case well? What are the points he makes?
Ans:- He acknowledged himself in front of God that he was a good boy. Also, he accepted that he knew Namaaz, Surats, and Ayat-al-kursi. He confessed his mistakes made by buying Jalebis with his school fees. He wanted God to give him only four rupees. He tried to argue his case very well. But it was of no use.
3. He offers to play a game with Allah Miyan. What is the game?
Ans:- He wanted God to keep four rupees under a rock when he would go to the signal. On returning from the signal it would be a pleasure for him to take the money. Thinking about the game he starts proceeding towards the signal.
4. Did he get four rupees by playing the game? What did he get to see under the rock?
Ans:- No, he did not get the money he thought to be kept by God under the rock, instead he found a hairy worm under it.
5. If God had granted his wish that day, what harm would it have caused him in later life?
Ans:- If God had granted his wish he would not have done any work to earn his living in his future. He would have been habituated to get all the money required for his future expenses. He would have been a useless boy.

The open window : ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page-57)
1. Why had Frampton Nuttel come to the "rural retreat"?
Ans:- Framton Nuttel had come to the rural retreat to get his nervousness diagnosed. He was suffering from high tension and anxieties.
2. Why had his sister given him letters of introduction to people living there?
Ans:- His sister had given him letters of introduction to her familiar persons living there because he was new to meet a few people in the countryside. She knew that he would not feel contented there and his condition would be worse than before.
3. What had happened in the Sappleton's family as narrated by the niece?
Ans:- Aunt’s husband and her two brothers used to go hunting. They used to go and return on time almost every day. But three years ago it so happened that her aunt’s husband along with her brother had gone hunting but never returned because they were gulped down in the swamp.
Comprehension Check (page-60)
1. What did Mrs. Sappleton say about the open window?
Ans:- Mrs. Sappleton’s illusion compelled her to tell Framton that the window would remain open until it is dark because her husband along with her two brothers would come through the window.
2. The horror on the girl's face made Framton use around in his seat. What did he see?
Ans:-The girl was curious to know the fact, so she glanced through the window to discover something. She viewed three figures proceeding towards the window. She was horrified to have a glance at the figures.
Comprehension Check (page-61)
1. Why did Framton rush out wildly?
Ans:- Framton rushed out wildly because he was afraid of the ghosts. He thought about the figures to be the ghosts of aunt's husband and the brothers.
2. What was the girl's explanation for his lightning exit?
Ans:- The girl knew about Mr. Nuttel’s episode concerned with the dog. She believed that Nuttel was afraid of a dog. So she chose to make a sudden and quick exit.
Discuss in small groups.
1. Is this a mystery story? Give a reason for your answer.
Ans:- This is really a mystery story. The reasons are quite clear. Framton Nuttel was told about a great tragedy. According to the girl, Mrs. Sappleton’s husband along with the brothers went hunting but did not return home. Also, she said that they die in the marsh. Now the fact was that Mrs. Sappleton had an illusion that they would come through the window. They used to go through the very same window. Another mystery is that they appeared in the form of figures. They were seen heading towards the window. It proves that the story is full of mysteries.
2. You are familiar with the ‘irony’ of the situation in the story. (Remember the Cop and the Anthem in Class VII Supplementary Reader!) Which situation in ‘The Open Window’ are good examples of the use of irony?
Ans:- The irony is concerned with Framton Nuttel. He is suffering from nervousness and high tension. He decided to go to the countryside for his treatment. But instead of a good treatment, he gets another anxiety of frightening ghosts. He looks through the window of Mrs. Sappleton about which he was told that her husband along with the brothers would come through the window. He finds that three figures were approaching the window. He was afraid thinking that they were dangerous ghosts. And so, then and there left the place. This ironic situation contributed to his ailment.
3. Which phrases/sentences in the text do you find difficult to understand? Select a few and guess the meaning of each. Rewrite a simple paraphrase of each.
Ans:- (i) Treacherous piece of bog: Dangerous piece of bog.
(ii) Falteringly human: Hesitating thought.
(iii) Whirl of apologies: Reel of apologies. Continuous apology.
(iv) Sympathetic Comprehension: Sense of understanding a tragedy and paying sympathy

The Fight : ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page-49)
1. In what way is the forest pool different from the one which Ranji knew in the Rajputana desert?
Ans:- The forest pool was far better than that of the Rajputana desert. The water was so clean that one could see the pebbles at the bottom of the pool. It did not dry up in summer.
2. The other boy asked Ranji to 'explain' himself.
(i) What did he expect Ranji to say?
Ans:- The other expected Ranji to say the reasons for his arrival. He expected Ranji to say he was sorry for his mistake.
(ii) Was he, in your opinion, right or wrong to ask this question?
Ans:- In my opinion, he was wrong to ask this question because the pool was not his personal property.
3. Between Ranji and the other boy, who is trying to start a quarrel? Give a reason for your answer.
Ans:- Between Ranji and the other boy, the other boy is trying to start a quarrel. He told angrily that nobody was allowed to be there without his permission because he owned the pool. He ordered Ranji to run away from the pool. If he did not do so, he would be beaten.
4. "Then we will have to continue the fight," said the other.
(i) What made him say that?
Ans:- Neither the other boy nor Ranji was able to retreat from the fight. This unusual situation made him say that they would have to continue the fight.
(ii) Did the fight continue? If not, why not?
Ans:- The fight did not continue because Suraj was surprised to see Ranji diving in the water. He thought he should learn the skills of diving. He requested Ranji to help him learn how to dive in the pool. Now Ranji was agreed to help him. Ultimately both of them became friends.
Comprehension Check (page-53)
1. What is it that Ranji finds difficult to explain at home?
Ans:- Ranji was injured in the fighting. Cuts and bruises on his visage and other parts of the body were visible to everyone at his home. It was difficult for him to explain at home.
2. Ranji sees his adversary in the bazaar.
(i) What does he wish to do?
Ans:- Ranji wanted him to be ignored but a little later he thought to harm him. At last, he thought to tease him by making a pose, and he did so.
(ii) What does he actually do, and why?
Ans:- He glares at him angrily. He did so because he wants to make fun of him.
3. Ranjit is not at all eager for a second fight. Why does he go back to the pool, then?
Ans:- Ranji is not at all eager for a second fight. But he goes back to the pool because he had made a promise to go there for the next fight. He did not want to accept his defeat by not going to the pool. Had he not gone to the pool Suraj would have thought him to be a timid boy.
4. Who was the better swimmer? How do you know it?
Ans:- Ranji was the better of the two boys. Ranji was adept in diving-skill whereas Suraj wanted to learn it. He requested Ranji to help him learn how to dive into the pool.
5. What surprises the warrior?
Ans:- Both Ranji and Suraj were adversaries of each other. But the clean diving of Ranjit changed the situation and astonished the warrior.
6. Now that they are at the pool, why don't they continue to fight?
Ans:- Rani's method of diving in the pool compelled the warrior to learn the skill. Ranji was ready to help the warrior with the skills. Now both of them become friends. So they don’t continue to fight.
7. Ranji's superiority over the other boy is obvious in the following:
physical strength, good diving, his being a fighter, sense of humorswimming underwater, making a good point, willingness to help.
Underline the relevant phrases.
8. What, according to you, makes the two adversaries turn into good friends in a matter of minutes? Explain it as you have understood it.
Ans:- It was an attractive skill of Ranji. When Ranjit made a clean dive into the pool and came out of the water like a duck, Suraj was surprised to see him. So he requested Ranji to help him learn the art. Now Ranji got ready to help him. The very these are the reasons that make the two adversaries turn into good friends in a matter of minutes.

Princess September: ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page-38)
1. How many daughters did the royal couple have?
Ans:- The royal couple had nine daughters only.
2. Why were they named after the months of the year?
Ans:-They were named after the months of the year so that the queen could remember their names easily.
3. The king had a peculiar habit. What was it? Why is it called peculiar?
Ans:- The king had a peculiar habit of offering gifts on his birthday instead of receiving them. In general, the kings receive gifts on their birthday but the king of Siam used to offer gifts on his birthday. That is why it is called peculiar.
4. (i) What was Princess September's reaction to the loss of her parrot?
Ans:- Princess September went on weeping for her parrot. She was not comfortable without her parrot because she loved the bird very much. She was made to sleep without having supper.
(ii) What was her mother's reaction to it?
Ans:- Her mother said that her weeping was useless. She ordered the royal maids to make her sleep without having supper.
(iii) What do the reactions indicate about the nature and temperament of each?
Ans:- Princess September shows her child-like nature whereas the queen being experienced did not express any sympathy about the death of the bird. She said that the Weeping of Princess for the dead bird is nonsense.
5. What pulled the Princess out of her gloom?
Ans:- The arrival of a little bird in her room pulled the Princess out of her gloom.
6. How did the Maids of Honour come to know that the Princess and the bird had become intimate friends?
Ans:- The Maids of Honour were the witness of the bird-eating from the Princess’s hands. Princess allowed the bird to take bath in her saucer. Princess September used to get pleasure by listening to the singing of the bird. This is how they came to know that the Princess and the bird had become intimate friends.
7. The new bird was full of new songs but the old parrots always repeated themselves. What did they say?
Ans:- The parrots used to repeat, “God save the king” and “Pretty Polly”.
8. What is the king's opinion about his Councillors? Why did he form that opinion?
Ans:- The Councillors were not in a good book of the king because they used to recite almost all the time like parrots. They were able to express their views differently but the views were proved useless.
9. (i) The eight Princesses made an offer to Princess September. What was it?
Ans:- The eight Princesses made an offer to Princess September to purchase another parrot with the help of their pocket money.
(ii) Why, in your view, did they do it?
Ans:- The eight princesses were jealous of Princess September. She had got a little bird. She was very happy with the bird. The eight princesses wanted the bird to be removed from her room forever. So they planned to buy another parrot so that the little one would leave the room.
10. What did the sister's advise the Princess to do about her bird?
Ans:- The sisters wanted her to put the bird in the cage and so they advised her to do so.
Comprehension Check (page-43)
1. In the following sentences elaborate on the parts given in bold. Under the circumstances, it was a very unfortunate remark for the bird to make.
Ans:- One day the little bird went to pay a visit to its father-in-law’s house because he was holding a party. The bird was not able to come that day. Now the Princess was anxious for the bird. It was only a very unfortunate remark for the bird to make.
2. (i) What did Princess September do to ensure the safety of her pet?
Ans:- The bird was put into the cage by Princess September to ensure the safety of her pet.
(ii) How did the bird react to it?
Ans:- The bird did not want to be caged at all. The bird said that it would not sing until it was freed from the cage. If it did not sing it would die.
3. Why did the bird refuse to be taken out in her cage?
Ans:- The bird refused to be taken out in her cage because he would not view the world properly from inside the bars of the cage.
4. (i) What persuaded Princess September to give the bird his freedom again?
Ans:- The bird put a condition that it would not sing until it was freed from the cage. Also, the bird promised to return back to her room for her pleasure and love. The very condition persuaded Princess September to give the bird his freedom again.
 (ii) How did the bird react to it?
Ans:- The bird happily flew away promising that it would come again and again.
5. Princess September kept her window open day and night.
(i) How did it help the bird?
Ans:- Princess September kept her window open day and night to ensure the bird’s freedom. The bird was allowed to enjoy its choices.
(ii) How did it help the Princess herself?
Ans:- The Princes became so beautiful that she was married to the King of Cambodia.
6. The eight sisters kept their windows shut. How did it affect them?
Ans:- They did not grow beautiful so they were married to the Councillors.
Discuss the following questions in small groups. Write their answers later.
1. Are the sisters unkind and cruel? Find evidence in the text to support your idea.
Ans:- Yes, they were unkind and cruel. When the parrot of Princess September died she was upset and worried. In the meantime, a little bird appeared in her room singing sweet songs. The Princess got up and loved the bird very much. She forgot the parrot. The Princess and the bird became intimate friends. Their intimacy made the sisters unkind and cruel. They wanted the bird to leave her forever. So they made a plan to buy another parrot. But the proposal of buying the parrot was rejected by Princess September.
2. Which, to you, is the most important idea in this story, and why?
(i) importance of music
(ii) value of freedom
(iii) beauty of nature.

Ans:- Value of freedom. It is important because life without freedom is no life at all. Death is better than “life without freedom”. Life should not be used as a machine.

The Treasure within: ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page-28)
1. What did Hafeez Contractor have nightmares about?
Ans:- Hafeez Contractor had nightmares about the examination of his toughest subject mathematics. He dreamt that he was sitting in the examination of mathematics without any idea of the subject.
2. What did the Principal say to him, which influenced him deeply?
Ans:- Principal advised him to prepare hard for the coming SSC examination because of circumstances that compelled him to do so. Now the Principal’s help would no longer be useful for his future. This suggestion of the Principal influenced him very deeply.
3. "....that year I did not step out onto the field." What was he busy doing that year?
Ans:- After the suggestion of the Principal he started studying the books keenly and carefully. It means he was busy studying all his books concerned with his syllabus.
4. (i) What "distraction" did Hafeez Contractor create one day?
Ans:- Hafeez Contractor did not pay any attention to his studies instead of playing chor-police.
(ii) Would you have liked to participate in the "distraction" had you been with him?
Ans:- Of course. I would have liked it because distraction gives relief from the exertions of studies.
Comprehension Check (page-32)
1. Hafeez Contractor wanted to join the police force. Why didn't he?
Ans:- Hafeez Contractor wanted to join the police force but his mother did not want him to do so, instead, she wanted him to be a graduate. So he did not join the police force.
2. In the architect's office, Hafeez Contractor was advised to drop everything and join architecture. Why?
Ans:- In the architect's office, Hafeez Contractor was advised to drop everything and join architecture because the architect discovered  Hafeez Contractor that he had an excellent ability and interest in making design concerned with architectural works.
3. (i) What was Mrs. Gupta's advice to Hafeez Contractor?
Ans:- Mrs. Gupta advised Hafeez Contractor to be an architect. It is because of his extraordinary sketches.
(ii) What made her advise him so?
Ans:- The beautiful sketches of Hafeez Contractor impressed Mrs. Gupta. So she advised him to be an architect.
4. How did he help fellow students who had lost a button?
Ans:- He was master-mind of imitating buttons from the chalk. He used his blade so keenly and carefully that no one would understand the button was imitation. In this way, he used the chalk to set the lost button.
5. Which rules did he break as a schoolboy?
Ans:- He broke the rules of examinations. He used to use unfair means to pass the examinations up to the 11th standard.
6. (i) What is Hafeez Contractor's definition of mathematics? Do you like the subject?
Ans:- According to Hafeez Contractor putting carefully many things together and keen and careful drawing of sketches is mathematics.
Answer the following questions.
1. Is it likely that someone who is original and intelligent does not do very well at school? Should such a learner be called a failure? If not, why not?
Ans:- No learner is a failure. The fact is that success depends on the keen attention and interests of the learner in a particular area of learning whether it is scholastic or co-scholastic. Some learners are found very advanced in their scholastic areas whereas some are excellent in co-scholastic activities such as games and sports. So, such a learner should never be called a failure. It is because the learner is able to exhibit his potential in the field of his interests.
2. Who, in your view, is an 'unusual' learner?
Ans:- An unusual learner shows interest in some particular subjects this is why he doesn’t get success comprehensively.
3. What can schools do to draw out the best in unusual learners? Suggest whatever seems reasonable to you.
Ans:- School should try to create interest among them by using games and sports on regular basis. They should be allowed to take part in the activities in which they show their keen interests along with their potentials. Also, schools should try to discover the environment at their homes including the attitude of their parents regarding education and learning.

The Selfish Giant: ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page-20)
1. Why is the Giant called selfish?
Ans:- The Giant is called selfish because of several reasons stated as under.
(i)He does not allow children to play in his garden.
(ii)To prevent the garden from children he made a great wall around his garden.
(iii)He is so selfish that he does not think of others.
(iv)His notice put up at the garden was full of warnings.
2. On one occasion the children said: "How happy we are here!" Later they said: "How happy we were there!" What are they referring to in both cases?
Ans:- At the beginning when the children enjoyed the beautiful garden they said: “How happy we are here”. When the selfish Giant scolded the children for their playing in the garden they said “How happy we were there”.
3. (i) When spring come, it was still winter in the garden. What does winter stand for or indicate here?
Ans:- Spring indicates the time of natural beauty which is seen everywhere. But after coming spring the garden of the selfish Giant was dull because no flowers were seen. Birds were not found twittering. It was not at all a joyful moment in the Giant’s garden. So it was still winter in the garden.
(ii) Winter has been presented as a story with its own characters and their activities. Describe the story in your own words.
Ans:- Winter has its own characteristics. Winter brings cold wind which blankets the whole city or village. It brings snow and frost which created a dull situation for the reasons. Animals and human beings are found busy finding good shelter to save their lives. Natural beauty is turned into a white landscape. Flowers are rarely seen.
4. Was the Giant happy or sad over the state of the garden?
Ans:- The Giant scolded the children for playing in the garden. Only after sometimes his garden becomes dull. Birds stopped twittering and the flowers stopped blossoming. We know that a garden without flowers and birds becomes a useless field. So the Giant was sad over the state of his garden.
5. What effect did the linnet's song have over Hail and the North Wind?
Ans:- The Linnet song stops the hails hopping, and stops the roaring of the North Wind.
Comprehension Check (page-24)
1. (i) The Giant saw a most wonderful sight. What did he see?
Ans:- The Giant one day saw that some children were playing in the branches of the trees. Birds were also flying with their pleasure. That day the garden was looking so beautiful that it seemed the blossoms were smiling. The very this was the most beautiful sight the Giant saw.
(ii) What did he realize on seeing it?
Ans:- Now he was soft about his thought and deeds. He realized the reasons for sustaining winter in his garden.
2. Why was it still winter in one corner of the garden?
Ans:- The presence of a boy crying under the tree of a corner of the garden caused winter in the garden. He wanted to climb the tree, but he was not able to do so. He was strolling for his purpose which was yet to be fulfilled.
3. Describe the first meeting of the little boy and the giant.
Ans:- The first meeting of the boy with the Giant was appreciable. The Giant took the boy softly like his own child. The boy felt a great pleasure meeting the Giant.
4. Describe their second meeting after a long interval.
Ans:- The second meeting was very strange. The then the boy was wounded. The Giant was bewildered to see the boy wounded. He asked him who had wounded him. He wanted to kill the person who wounded the child. But the boy said it was not a wound but a sign of love bestowed by the Giant. The Giant was extremely pleased to hear the boy and allowed the boy to play in the garden. He helped the boy play with full ecstasy.
5. The Giant lay dead, all covered with white blossoms. What does this sentence indicate about the once selfish Giant?
Ans:- The selfish Giant turned into a generous one. He acknowledged his mistakes made to the boys in the garden. By the grace of God, he was covered with blossoms just after his death.
Discuss the following topics in groups.
1. The little child's hands and feet had marks of nails. What does the child remind you of? Give a reason for your answer.
Ans:- The little child’s hands and feet had marks of nails. The child reminds me of Jesus Christ who had marks of nails at the time when he was worn across.
2. Is there something like a garden near where you live? Would you like one (without the Giant perhaps) and why? What would you do to keep it in good shape?
Ans:- Yes, I have a small garden in my village where I used to go every day after my school hours. I along with my other friends used to climb the trees, to play, sometimes we used to eat some fruits. My garden is neat and clean in all respect. My grandfather used to say every visitor to be very careful of making use of fruits. Whoever ate fruits, were not allowed to throw the peels in the restricted place. My gardener had regular duty to water the plants and clean the garden. I like my garden very much. 

Children at Work : ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page-9)
1. Velu stood on the platform, but he felt "as if he was still on a moving train". Why?
Ans:- Velu had gotten off the train lately being tired, hungry, and weak, so he felt that he was still on a moving train. It was also his first experience of a train journey.
2. What made him feel miserable?
Ans:- Velu saw numerous people on the platform moving with their luggage. It looked the same as it was in his village fair. He was greatly confused about what to do because he was tired and hungry. He had no money to purchase anything to satisfy himself.
3. (i) Velu traveled without a ticket. Why?
Ans:- Velu had no money to buy the ticket, so he traveled without a ticket.
(ii) How did he escape the ticket collector's attention?
Ans:- By the grace of God the ticket collector did not visit the unreserved compartment in which Velu was traveling. Now Velu was fortunate enough to escape his attention.
4. Why had Velu run away from home?
Ans:- Velu belonged to a poor family. He and his sister worked on the farm to earn a little money. His father wanted to take all of their earnings. He used to beat him if he was not ready to give him. He used to drink and beat both Velu and his sister. As a result, he was not able to bear the trouble created by his father now and then. Ultimately he decided to run away from his home.
5. Why did he decide to follow the 'strange' girl?.
Ans:- Velu was very hungry and had no money to buy his food. A strange girl asked about his well-being and promised to provide him food. So he decided to follow the ‘strange girl’.
Comprehension Check (page-13)
1. Can Velu read Tamil and English? How do you know?
Ans:- Velu was not able to read the huge signboards written in English. So it is quite clear that he cannot read and understand English. He was able to understand only the signs of Tamil which he read.
2. "If you are not careful, you will soon be counting bars there, "the girl said.
(i) What is she referring to?
Ans:- The strange girl is referring to the Central Jail.
(ii) What does she mean when she says "If you are not careful...."?
(She says something a little later which means the same. Find that sentence.)
Ans:- The girl says, “Just don’t get caught, that’s all”. She wanted Velu to understand that doing wrong will provide the opportunity for the police to arrest him. So he should be careful of wrongdoings.
3. (i) Where did the girl lead Velu to?
Ans:- The girl led Velu to a wedding hall.
(ii) What did they get to eat?
Ans:- They got to eat the leftover food thrown in the big rubbish bin.
4. What work did she do? Think of a one-word answer.
Ans:- Rag-collection.
Comprehension Check (page-15)
1. (i) What material are the 'strange' huts made out of?
Ans:- The Strange Huts are made out of plastic, tires, wood, bricks, and metal sheets.
(ii) Why does Velu find them strange?
Ans:-Velu has seen the houses made of only mud and palm leaves, so he finds them strange.
2. What sort of things did Jaya and children like her collect and what did they do with those things?
Ans:- Jaya and the children like her collect rubbish like paper, plastic, and glass to sell them.
3. Is Velu happy or unhappy to find work? Give a reason for your answer.
Ans:- Velu is not familiar with the job like rag-picking. He is not happy at all. He does not want to do such works until or unless he is compelled to do so. And so, he wants to get some other jobs.
Discuss the following questions in small groups. Write their answers afterward.
1. Is Velu a smart boy? Which instances in the text show that he is or isn't?
Ans:- Velu is a smart boy because he left his home evading the torture of his father. He does not want the works like rag-picking. He is ready to do so until he gets another good job.
2. Do you think that Jaya is a brave and sensitive child with a sense of humor/Find instances of her courage, kind nature, and humor in the text.
Ans:- Jaya is a brave and sensitive child. This is seen in her behavior. She stays alone, but she is very conscious of her earning and food and so, she is very punctual in her works of rag-picking. She insisted Velu to do the same so that he could at least get his food. Velu was helped by her in finding his ready-made food. Humour is seen in her activities when she asked Velu about the difference between a village and a town.
3. What one throws away as waste may be valuable to others. Do you find this sentence meaningful in the context of this story? How?
Ans:- The habit of throwing leftover foods in our country is a very sensitive problem. People should take the quantity of food in their dishes that can satisfy them. They should not take more than they require. If it is done the needy will get the foods, or those who are starving can be satisfied by the foods. Therefore, it is very important to know that what one throws away as waste may be valuable to others.