Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The comet -I: ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page-77)
1. Why does Indrani Debi dislike Dattada's "hobnobbing" with Dibya?
Ans:- Indrani Debi disliked Dattada’s hobnobbing with Dibya. Dattada was so engrossed with his work with Dibya that he forgot even to shut the door or to feel cold. He made his great passion of stargazing throughout the night Dibya the telescope without informing anybody at his home.
2. She is complaining and smiling. Why is she smiling?
Ans:- She is complaining and smiling at the behavior of Dattada. He off and on forgets to shut the door at the time of his getting out. He is not at all careful of family privacy and the complications.
3. (i) What was Dattada's secret ambition?
Ans:- Dattada’s secret ambition was concerned with the telescope and sufficient time. He wanted to have both telescope and enough time to view stars and planets. He wanted to discover a new comet.
(ii) What did he do to achieve it?
Ans:- He bought his telescope after his retirement. He installed it and initiated gazing at the stars almost throughout the night. Sometimes he forgot to inform his family members about it.
4. What is the difference between a planet and a comet, as given in the story?
Ans:- A comet must be a new one. It would come from the distant angle of the Solar System. Its orbit would be highly eccentric. A comet when comes close to the sun is not sure when it will come again. It can take a few years or centuries.
5. Why was Duttada hopeful that he would discover a new comet soon?
Ans:-He had paid his full attention to the discovery of the comet because he was an amateur astronomer. He knows that professional astronomers don’t pay any attention to the comet. So he was hoping to discover a new comet soon.
6. Why does Duttada say---"I almost wish I had not discovered this comet."?
Ans:- Dattada was tired of attending so many receptions and grand functions which he did not like because he was a little introvert. This everything was done due to his discovery of a new comet. So he said, “I almost wish had not discovered this comet”.
7. Why is his wife unhappy about the discovery?
Ans:- His wife is superstitious. She thinks that the arrival of a comet brings catastrophe to the earth. So she is unhappy.
Comprehension check (page-80)
1. How did Sir John get hold of James' original manuscript?
Ans:- Sir John came across Mr. Taylor. He was shown a paper in a club at lunch. He was inquired of his opinion about the manuscript which was the original one of James’. Now Taylor wanted a consultation about, before sending the manuscript to a professional referee. This is how Sir John got hold of James’ original manuscript.
2. What is the important point the paper makes?
Ans:- The paper makes the important point that the Comet Datta will collide with the earth.
3. Why does Sir John say that James' paper should not be published?
Ans:- Sir John did not want James' paper to be published because it would cause worldwide panic. So he says that James’ paper should not be published. He wanted the truth of James’s paper to be toned down.
4. What do the two men finally decide to do?
Ans:- The two men wanted to hold a furtive consultation of international experts about how to prevent the collision.

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