Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Selfish Giant: ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page-20)
1. Why is the Giant called selfish?
Ans:- The Giant is called selfish because of several reasons stated as under.
(i)He does not allow children to play in his garden.
(ii)To prevent the garden from children he made a great wall around his garden.
(iii)He is so selfish that he does not think of others.
(iv)His notice put up at the garden was full of warnings.
2. On one occasion the children said: "How happy we are here!" Later they said: "How happy we were there!" What are they referring to in both cases?
Ans:- At the beginning when the children enjoyed the beautiful garden they said: “How happy we are here”. When the selfish Giant scolded the children for their playing in the garden they said “How happy we were there”.
3. (i) When spring come, it was still winter in the garden. What does winter stand for or indicate here?
Ans:- Spring indicates the time of natural beauty which is seen everywhere. But after coming spring the garden of the selfish Giant was dull because no flowers were seen. Birds were not found twittering. It was not at all a joyful moment in the Giant’s garden. So it was still winter in the garden.
(ii) Winter has been presented as a story with its own characters and their activities. Describe the story in your own words.
Ans:- Winter has its own characteristics. Winter brings cold wind which blankets the whole city or village. It brings snow and frost which created a dull situation for the reasons. Animals and human beings are found busy finding good shelter to save their lives. Natural beauty is turned into a white landscape. Flowers are rarely seen.
4. Was the Giant happy or sad over the state of the garden?
Ans:- The Giant scolded the children for playing in the garden. Only after sometimes his garden becomes dull. Birds stopped twittering and the flowers stopped blossoming. We know that a garden without flowers and birds becomes a useless field. So the Giant was sad over the state of his garden.
5. What effect did the linnet's song have over Hail and the North Wind?
Ans:- The Linnet song stops the hails hopping, and stops the roaring of the North Wind.
Comprehension Check (page-24)
1. (i) The Giant saw a most wonderful sight. What did he see?
Ans:- The Giant one day saw that some children were playing in the branches of the trees. Birds were also flying with their pleasure. That day the garden was looking so beautiful that it seemed the blossoms were smiling. The very this was the most beautiful sight the Giant saw.
(ii) What did he realize on seeing it?
Ans:- Now he was soft about his thought and deeds. He realized the reasons for sustaining winter in his garden.
2. Why was it still winter in one corner of the garden?
Ans:- The presence of a boy crying under the tree of a corner of the garden caused winter in the garden. He wanted to climb the tree, but he was not able to do so. He was strolling for his purpose which was yet to be fulfilled.
3. Describe the first meeting of the little boy and the giant.
Ans:- The first meeting of the boy with the Giant was appreciable. The Giant took the boy softly like his own child. The boy felt a great pleasure meeting the Giant.
4. Describe their second meeting after a long interval.
Ans:- The second meeting was very strange. The then the boy was wounded. The Giant was bewildered to see the boy wounded. He asked him who had wounded him. He wanted to kill the person who wounded the child. But the boy said it was not a wound but a sign of love bestowed by the Giant. The Giant was extremely pleased to hear the boy and allowed the boy to play in the garden. He helped the boy play with full ecstasy.
5. The Giant lay dead, all covered with white blossoms. What does this sentence indicate about the once selfish Giant?
Ans:- The selfish Giant turned into a generous one. He acknowledged his mistakes made to the boys in the garden. By the grace of God, he was covered with blossoms just after his death.
Discuss the following topics in groups.
1. The little child's hands and feet had marks of nails. What does the child remind you of? Give a reason for your answer.
Ans:- The little child’s hands and feet had marks of nails. The child reminds me of Jesus Christ who had marks of nails at the time when he was worn across.
2. Is there something like a garden near where you live? Would you like one (without the Giant perhaps) and why? What would you do to keep it in good shape?
Ans:- Yes, I have a small garden in my village where I used to go every day after my school hours. I along with my other friends used to climb the trees, to play, sometimes we used to eat some fruits. My garden is neat and clean in all respect. My grandfather used to say every visitor to be very careful of making use of fruits. Whoever ate fruits, were not allowed to throw the peels in the restricted place. My gardener had regular duty to water the plants and clean the garden. I like my garden very much. 

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