Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The open window : ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page-57)
1. Why had Frampton Nuttel come to the "rural retreat"?
Ans:- Framton Nuttel had come to the rural retreat to get his nervousness diagnosed. He was suffering from high tension and anxieties.
2. Why had his sister given him letters of introduction to people living there?
Ans:- His sister had given him letters of introduction to her familiar persons living there because he was new to meet a few people in the countryside. She knew that he would not feel contented there and his condition would be worse than before.
3. What had happened in the Sappleton's family as narrated by the niece?
Ans:- Aunt’s husband and her two brothers used to go hunting. They used to go and return on time almost every day. But three years ago it so happened that her aunt’s husband along with her brother had gone hunting but never returned because they were gulped down in the swamp.
Comprehension Check (page-60)
1. What did Mrs. Sappleton say about the open window?
Ans:- Mrs. Sappleton’s illusion compelled her to tell Framton that the window would remain open until it is dark because her husband along with her two brothers would come through the window.
2. The horror on the girl's face made Framton use around in his seat. What did he see?
Ans:-The girl was curious to know the fact, so she glanced through the window to discover something. She viewed three figures proceeding towards the window. She was horrified to have a glance at the figures.
Comprehension Check (page-61)
1. Why did Framton rush out wildly?
Ans:- Framton rushed out wildly because he was afraid of the ghosts. He thought about the figures to be the ghosts of aunt's husband and the brothers.
2. What was the girl's explanation for his lightning exit?
Ans:- The girl knew about Mr. Nuttel’s episode concerned with the dog. She believed that Nuttel was afraid of a dog. So she chose to make a sudden and quick exit.
Discuss in small groups.
1. Is this a mystery story? Give a reason for your answer.
Ans:- This is really a mystery story. The reasons are quite clear. Framton Nuttel was told about a great tragedy. According to the girl, Mrs. Sappleton’s husband along with the brothers went hunting but did not return home. Also, she said that they die in the marsh. Now the fact was that Mrs. Sappleton had an illusion that they would come through the window. They used to go through the very same window. Another mystery is that they appeared in the form of figures. They were seen heading towards the window. It proves that the story is full of mysteries.
2. You are familiar with the ‘irony’ of the situation in the story. (Remember the Cop and the Anthem in Class VII Supplementary Reader!) Which situation in ‘The Open Window’ are good examples of the use of irony?
Ans:- The irony is concerned with Framton Nuttel. He is suffering from nervousness and high tension. He decided to go to the countryside for his treatment. But instead of a good treatment, he gets another anxiety of frightening ghosts. He looks through the window of Mrs. Sappleton about which he was told that her husband along with the brothers would come through the window. He finds that three figures were approaching the window. He was afraid thinking that they were dangerous ghosts. And so, then and there left the place. This ironic situation contributed to his ailment.
3. Which phrases/sentences in the text do you find difficult to understand? Select a few and guess the meaning of each. Rewrite a simple paraphrase of each.
Ans:- (i) Treacherous piece of bog: Dangerous piece of bog.
(ii) Falteringly human: Hesitating thought.
(iii) Whirl of apologies: Reel of apologies. Continuous apology.
(iv) Sympathetic Comprehension: Sense of understanding a tragedy and paying sympathy

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