Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The comet - II : ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page-83)
1. "For a moment James wondered if he had done his sums right." Why was James doubtful about his sums calculations?
Ans:- James was doubtful about his calculation because he saw the sky full of stars. Now he was not able to understand whether his calculation was right or wrong. So he wondered for a moment if he had done his sums right.
2. Why did the scientists at the conference say about James' 'sums'?
Ans:- The scientists acknowledged the sums of James Forsyth. They concluded that the Dutta comet will surely collide with the earth.
3. Immediate action was needed, the scientists decided. Give one example of each of the 'defensive' and 'offensive' actions mentioned in the text.
Ans:- Some of the scientists suggested defensive whereas some were in favour of offensive measures. Under defensive measures, they were to stay under bunkers. But it was postponed very soon. Some of them wanted to use offensive measures to deflect the comet from its path. So they suggested the explosion of nuclear play-load near the comet.
4. "I am not buying any Christmas presents till December 15." What did Sir John mean by that?
Ans:-  According to Sir John offensive action was doubtful. He wanted to wait till December 15 for the result of the suggested mission. So he told Dutta that he was not going to buy any Christmas presents till December 15.
Comprehension Check (page-87)
1. What is Duttada expected to do on his return from London?
Ans:- Duttada is expected to do ‘Shanti Yajna’ recommended by Guruji to do on his return from London to calm down the malevolence force behind the comet.
2. What is the reaction to the proposal?
Ans:- He is upset listening to the proposal of ‘Shanti Yajna’. He does not believe in such superstitions. He got angry at this arrangement. He does not believe that comets bring catastrophe.
3. (i) What does 'Project Light brigade' refer to?
Ans:- Project Light refers to the mission to be taken place to deflect the Dutta comet from its path to evade collision with the earth.
(ii) What does Sir John say about the project in his letter to Duttada in October?
Ans:- Sir John informed him about the Royal Astronomical Society in detail. Also, he informed about the warmth of the weather which would be unusual due to the comet. At last, he expresses his views about the mission to be taken place by the “Light Brigade”.
4. Did Sir John buy Christmas presents on December 15? How did Duttada get to know about it?
Ans:- Yes, Sir John bought Christmas presents on December 15. Duttada got to know about this through a letter.
5. Why, according to Indrani Debi, had the comet not been disastrous? Do you agree with her?
Ans:- Indrani Debi got a ‘Shanti Yajna’ performed. So she believed that the evil spirit of the comet had already been pacified so the comet had not been disastrous. I don’t agree with her because it is mere superstition.
6. Is Duttada's general outlook
(i) rational
(ii) moral
(iii) traditional?
Choose the right word. Say why you think it is right.
Ans:- Of course Duttada’s general outlook is rational. He thinks very well about the action and the reaction. He is full of scientific temperament this is why he is a scientist. He does not believe in rites and traditional rituals. His thought is based on causes and results which must be experienced or seen.
Discuss the following topics in small groups. Write your answers afterwards.
1. Should a scientist’s findings be suppressed if they seem disturbing? Give reasons for or against the topic.
Ans:- Scientists have extraordinary brains. In case of disturbances their findings can be suppressed but for the time being only. They prove their findings with visible or invisible evidence. So no question of suppression is sustained due to disturbances.
2. Do you think ours is a traditional society? What are some of the things we do to be called traditional? Do you find these things useless or useful?
Ans:- Ours is a traditional society. It is true. There were so many reasons behind the fact. People were very far from science and technology. They were not well educated. They used t worship the moon thinking that it is God. But when they came to know that the moon is just like our earth their attitudes changed. The modern world is fully based on science and technology so a few people are found asking about ghost and their spells. Sometimes traditional society lays emphasis on our thought expressing old and outdated philosophies. So I don’ think they are useful enough to be promising.
3. Give two or three examples to show how science has been useful to us.
Ans:- In the modern age science has contributed to the convenience of human beings. It is a science that developed medicines to fight dangerous diseases. Science had made our travelling very easy. Now a day anyone can measure the distance very soon. We are able to defend our country with the help of modern and sophisticated weapons. We can see the games and sports sitting at our homes. So it is quite clear that science has been useful to us.
4. Give one example to show how science has been misused and as a result been harmful to us.

Ans:- The most important fact is that science has worked for the benevolence and convenience of human beings. But if it is not used reasonably it can bring disaster on the earth. The whole human community may be finished even with the help of only a few nuclear weapons. We have some examples of its misuse. A large number of people are victims of its harmful results. Leaders are assassinated with modern revolvers and guns. No nook and cranny is found safe now a day because of their irrational uses. So it is proved that science has been misused and as a result been harmful to us.

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