Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Jalebis : ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page-65)
1. Why didn't he pay the school fees on the day he brought money to school?
Ans:- His teacher Ghulam Mohammed was absent from the school. He was supposed to collect the fees. That is why he didn’t pay the school fees on the day he brought money to school.
2. (i) What were the coins 'saying' to him?
Ans:- The coins provoked him to buy and eat fresh Jalebis. One of them said what he was thinking of. Another said those who had money would eat Jalebis. Jalebis are to be eaten. He heard one of the coins saying that if he bought Jalebis that day, surely he would get the scholarship. So buying Jalebis would easily provide him money to pay the school fees.
(ii) Do you think they were misguiding him?

Ans:- Yes, they were misguiding him properly. The money he had was to be paid to the school as his fees.
3. Why didn't he take the coins' advice? Give two or three reasons.
Ans:- He didn’t take the coins’ advice instead he was provoked to buy jalebis to eat.
4. (i) What did the oldest coin tell him?
Ans:- The old coin asked him if he did not have a feeling of eating Jalebis. If he bought Jalebis that day, he would get his scholarship the very next day. So he could pay his fees easily.
 (ii) Did he follow his advice? If not, why not?
Ans:-He was not able to follow the advice of the coin because the advice was against his prestige. He was not at all habituated to stand in the market eating anything. He came from a prosperous family.
5. He reached home with the coins in his pocket. What happened then?
Ans:- He reached with the coins in his pocket. No sooner did he sit on the bed than the coins started speaking. They wanted to be spent on the very that day. Then and there the boy went to the market and purchased Jalebis.
Comprehension Check (page-68)
1. (i) Why didn't he eat all the Jalebis he had bought?
Ans:- He bought Jalebis worth one rupee. The then Jalebis worth one rupee is worth 20 today. So it is quite clear that he had bought a lot of Jalebis which he was not able to consume alone. He ate how much he could and he shared with the other children the rest of it.
(ii) What did he do with the remaining Jalebis?
Ans:- He distributed the rest of the Jalebis among the boys who came from the neighboring houses.
2. "The fear was killing me." What was the fear?
Ans:- He had eaten so much Jalebis that it was almost impossible for him to digest properly. He started facing the acidity in his stomach. He had a fear to say that he would not be able to take his meal at home. The very that was killing him.
3. "Children's stomachs are like digestion machines." What do you understand by that? Do you agree?
Ans:- Children’s stomachs are like digestion machines. I know that children are busy all the time in their works. They don’t sit idle any time. So their stomachs work all the time more than the adults who prefer sitting to work. But if the children eat more than their need, surely they will face the problems of indigestion.
4. How did he plan to pay the fees the next day?
Ans:- He was confirmed that he would get the scholarship the very next day. So he thought to pay the money as his school fees.
5. When it is time to pay the fees, what does he do? How is he disobeying the elders by doing so?
Ans:- When it is time to pay the fees he goes out of school with his bag because he has no money to pay the fees. He is disobeying the elders by eating sweets in the market and willingly crossing the railway track. His elders forbade him to do so.
Comprehension Check (page-72)
1. What was the consequence of buying Jalebis with the fees money?
Ans:- He bought Jalebis with his fees money, consequently he did not pay the school fees in time.
2. His prayer to God is like a lawyer's defense of a bad case. Does he argue his case well? What are the points he makes?
Ans:- He acknowledged himself in front of God that he was a good boy. Also, he accepted that he knew Namaaz, Surats, and Ayat-al-kursi. He confessed his mistakes made by buying Jalebis with his school fees. He wanted God to give him only four rupees. He tried to argue his case very well. But it was of no use.
3. He offers to play a game with Allah Miyan. What is the game?
Ans:- He wanted God to keep four rupees under a rock when he would go to the signal. On returning from the signal it would be a pleasure for him to take the money. Thinking about the game he starts proceeding towards the signal.
4. Did he get four rupees by playing the game? What did he get to see under the rock?
Ans:- No, he did not get the money he thought to be kept by God under the rock, instead he found a hairy worm under it.
5. If God had granted his wish that day, what harm would it have caused him in later life?
Ans:- If God had granted his wish he would not have done any work to earn his living in his future. He would have been habituated to get all the money required for his future expenses. He would have been a useless boy.

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