Saturday, August 28, 2021

Solution to Exercise in Composition: 106 & 107


Solution to Exercise in Composition: 106

1.       The swami asked the villagers to bring him a glass of milk.

2.       The teacher told the boys to sit down.

3.       The officer shouted to his men to halt.

4.       The king ordered the Hatter to take off his hat.

5.       The teacher advised him not to read so fast.

6.       He asked me to wait until came.

7.       He told his servant to hurry up and not to waste time.

8.       Their mother told the children to run away.

9.       He asked his daughter to take his golden jug and fetch him some water from the well.

10.   His master ordered him to go down to bazar and bring him some oil and a lump of rice.

Solution to Exercise in Composition: 107

1.       Mr. Squeers exclaimed with a sigh that milk was, to be sure, a very rare article in London.

2.       He angrily remarked that I (he/she) was a very stupid fellow.

3.       He exclaimed sadly that he was ruined.

4.       He exclaimed sadly that their foes were too strong.

5.       He remarked that I/he was a very lazy boy and that I/he had done my work very badly.

6.       They exclaimed that they had passed the holiday merrily.

7.       He exclaimed that it was a nuisance.

8.       He remarked that it was very cruel of him.

9.       He exclaimed that it was a great pity I (she/he/they/we) had not come.

10.   The Queen exclaimed sadly that he had done a very rash and bloody deed.

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