Friday, August 27, 2021

Solution to Exercise 98


  Solution to Exercise 98                       

1.       My brother is well, but my sister is ill.

2.       He sells mangoes and oranges.

3.       He did not succeed though he worked hard.

4.       Rama and Hari played well.

5.       I honor him as he is a brave man.
I honor him because he is a great man.

6.       You may go, but I will play.

7.       Rama reads for pleasure, but Hari reads for profit.

8.       We decided to set out though it was late.

9.       He was poor but honest.
Though he was poor, he was honest.

10.   He is neither a knave nor a fool.

11.   We love Bahadur as he is a faithful dog.

12.   Rustum made twelve runs before he was caught at the wicket.

13.   He is rich but not happy.
Though rich, he is not happy.

14.   The sheep and the oxen are grazing.

15.   He is poor but contented.
Though he is poor, he is contented.

16.   This mango is large and sweet.

17.   Neither my brother nor my sister was there.



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