Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Exercise 26 (Wren & Martin)


I have not been well since I returned from Chennai.
Answer: since my return from Chennai

2.       When the sunset he returned home.
Answer: At sunset / The sun having set

3.       They fought as heroes do.
Answer: like heroes/ heroically

4.       When the righteous rule, the people rejoice.
Answer: Under the rule of the righteous

5.       Though I am poor yet I am contented.
Answer: In spite of my poverty

6.       We have come so that we may help you.
Answer: to help you

7.       When he entered the room he saw the vase broken.
Answer: (on) entering the room

8.       The thief crept as a jackal does.
Answer: like a jackal

9.       I am glad that he has recovered from illness.
Answer: of his recovery from his illness

10.   He works so hard so that he may become rich.
Answer: to become rich

11.   He worked so hard that he succeeded.
Answer: as to succeed

12.   As soon as I saw the cobra I ran away.
Answer: Immediately on seeing the cobra

13.   We ran so that we might arrive in time.
Answer: so as to arrive in time

14.   He jested even as he lay dying.
Answer: even on his death bed

15.   No man can become a great artist unless he applies himself continually to his art.
Answer: without applying himself continually to his art

16.   There was nothing he would not do if only he might make profit.
Answer: to make profit

17.   He was not so rich that he could buy a car.
Answer: (rich enough) to buy a motor car

18.   When he had uttered these words he sat down.
Answer: After uttering these words

19.   This exercise is so difficult that I cannot do this.
Answer:  too difficult for me to do

20.   This news is so good that it cannot be true.
Answer: (too good) to be true

21.   I did not pay him, as I had no money with me.
Answer: having no money with me

22.   He lived carefully so that he might live long.
Answer: so as to live long

23.   The steamer will leave as soon as the mails arrive.
Answer: on the arrival of the mails

24.   He may go home after his work is finished.
Answer: after finishing his works

25.   As he was sick, he remained at home.
Answer: Being sick

26.   He was punished as he deserved.
Answer: deservedly

27.   This sum is right so far as the working is concerned.
Answer: in respect of working

28.   It rained so hard that the streets were flooded.
Answer: as to flood the streets

29.   I took him because you recommended him.
Answer: because of your recommendation

30.   My parents were poor though they were of noble birth.
Answer: in spite of their noble birth

31.   He refuses to work whatever I may say.
Answer: for all my admonition

32.   We will do the work as well as we can.
Answer: to the best of our ability

33.   Robinson Crusoe was puzzled when he discovered the print of a foot on the sand.
Answer:  at the discovery of the print of a foot on the sand

34.   Apollo was worshiped as long as the Roman Empire lasted.
Answer: throughout the period of the Roman Empire

35.   He thought himself rich though his income was only Rs. 30, 000 annually.
Answer: in spite of his income being only Rs. 30, 000 annually

36.   We were kind to you because you are kind to us.
Answer:  because of your kindness to us

37.   The passage is so difficult that I cannot comprehend it.
Answer: (too difficult) for me to comprehend

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