Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Verb Must Agree with its Subject

A Verb of a sentence must be agreed with the subject and its number and person. If the subject is singular verb will normally be singular, and if the subject is plural the verb should be plural. Exceptions are 'I' and 'You'. Here the subject is singular but the verb remains plural.
See the following examples:
I do my work properly.
You do your work properly.
Here we find that in both the sentences subjects 'I' and 'you' are singular but the verbs 'do' is plural.
See the following examples:
John along with the players is playing cricket.
The price of these items is high.
Iron and copper are useful metals.
The news I got is true.
The information I got is true.
The present politics of India is sensitive.
Mathematics is a subject of the brain.
Either you or I am responsible.
Neither you nor I am responsible.
Each of the fruits is spoiled.
Every one of the classes has to take part in the quiz.
English, as well as Urdu, is taught here.
He along with his friends has got an accident.

The solution to An Approach to English Grammar & Composition Book six-page 57 and 58

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Verbs chosen from the brackets:
(i) Each of the boys has come. (have/has)
(ii) Each boy and girl has come. (has/have)
(iii) Every book is on the table.(is/are)
(iv) Either he, or I am mistaken.(is/am)
(v) Several boys have bicycles. (has/have)
(vi) I along with my friends was going. (was/were)
(vii) Many students are absent.(is/are)
(viii) Either of you is wrong. (is/are)
(ix) The students have slept. (has/have)
(xi) I as well as my father know this. (know/knows)
(xii) Few persons were there. (was/were)
(xiii) She as well as I am going there.(is/am)
(iv) A few books are useful.(is/are)
2. In each of the following sentences, put the Verb in agreement with its Subject:
(i) The ‘lions of the east’ is an interesting book.
(ii) Neither of the explanation is correct.
(iii) No news is good news.
(iv) Three parts of the business are in my hands.
(v) The origin of the Hindu manners and customs is unknown.
(vi) The house, with its contents is/was insured against fire.
(vii) Either Jane or I am to blame.
(viii) A few hours’ studies is enough.
(ix) Neither John nor you are present.
(x) The Chief with all his men was killed.
(xi) The quality of these mangoes is/was not good.
(xii) He is one of the wisest and noblest kings that has ever lived.
(xiii) The council is unanimous in its decision.
(xiv) The committee were divided in their opinions.
(xv) Rice and curry is his favourite food.
(xvi) Not one of you has done his work properly.
(xvii) Good news is always welcome.
(xviii) Every man, woman and child in the village is wounded.
(xix) None of these boys has passed.
(xx) Two and two make four.
3. Correct the following sentences:
(i) The scholar and the philosopher are dead.
(ii) The manager, as well as his staff, was there.
(iii) A thousand kilometres is a great distance.
(iv) David, and not you, won the prize.
(v) Bread and butter is his main food.
(vi) Jane, as well as Ann, is waiting for you.
(vii) Neither Hari nor Shyam was present yesterday.
(viii) Which one of these umbrellas is yours?
(ix) Throwing stones is forbidden.
(x) The behaviour of the boys and girls was highly objectionable.
(xi) Lamb’s Tales is an interesting book.
(xii) The study of Physics requires brains.
(xiii) James with his friends was caught.
(xiv) Neither Afzal nor Akram has come.
(xv) It is one of the best pictures that has ever been painted.
(xvi) Neither of these questions appears difficult.
(xvii) Every one of the men was present.
(xviii) Slow and steady wins the race.
(xix) None but the brave deserves the fair.
(xx) A knowledge of modern languages is essential these days.
(xxi) The accountant and the treasurer have absconded.
(xxii) A hundred yards is a good distance.
(xxiii) The building with the goods was insured.
(xxiv) More than forty boys were present in the class.
(xxv) Game after game was played.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Black Aeroplane: ncert solution class 10

            Thinking About  the Text Page 40
1.“I’ll take the risk.” What is the risk? Why does the narrator take it?
Ans: It is really a risk to fly an old aeroplane into the storm for the narrator. It is because flying an aeroplane into the storm yields very destructive results. The narrator takes the risk because he wants to attend his breakfast table at his home. The very this is the reason why he takes the risk to fly his plane into the storm.
2. Describe the narrator’s experience as he flew the aeroplane into the storm.
Ans: When the narrator was flying his aeroplane, all of a sudden, he noticed a dark background inside the cloud, which did not let him view anything ahead. As a result, the plane started twisting and shaking in an uncontrolled way. In the meantime, some other devices such as compass and radio also stopped working. He found another aeroplane flying very close to his plane having no light in its wings. The pilot of the flight. According to the instruction of the pilot, the narrator followed him and landed his aeroplane. Now he found himself safe and sound.
3. Why does the narrator say, “I landed and was not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota…”?
Ans: The narrator says that he landed and was not sorry to walk away from the old Dakota, because he thought himself to be a safe and successful pilot.
4. What made the woman in control centre look at the narrator strangely?
Ans: The narrator wanted to know about the aeroplane by which he got out of the storm and landed safely. Curiously, he asked the woman in the control centre which aeroplane that was. The woman looked at the narrator strangely because the radar at the control centre traced only one flight, the old Dakota.
5. Who do you think helped the narrator to reach safely? Discuss this among yourselves and give reasons for your answers.
Ans: There may be different reasons about who helped the narrator to land his plane safely. Sometimes radar does not trace some aeroplanes because of their technological advancements. It may also be possible that radar fails to trace the helping flight due to its technical problems caused by the storm.
I think the narrator saw another aeroplane due to a hallucination created in his brain by fear. In the state of fear, a pilot seeks help, and so, an illusion is created in the brain. Consequently, he can feel about someone to be helping. It is true that a pilot cannot return to the storm after helping another plane. So it is for sure that there was no plane or pilot in the sky when the narrator was facing the storm.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

His First Flight: ncert solution class 10

Since the earliest times, human have dreamt of conquering the skies. Here are two stories about flying.
i. A young seagull is afraid to fly. How does he conquer his fear?
Ans: A young seagull experiences a new world in his life. He tries to fly but he fears to fall. He depends on his father and mother for his food which they used to bring for him. His father and mother scold him saying that if he does not fly, he will be starving to death. He wants to get a way out of it. So the seagull conquers his fear and gets ready to fly.
ii. A pilot is lost in storm clouds. Does he arrive safe? Who helps him?
Ans:The pilot is lost in the darkness of a cloudy storm flying the old Dakota over France back to England. As he says, he arrives safe on the runway with the help of another pilot flying a black aeroplane. But it was not actually certified by the woman in the control centre.
Thinking about the Text
1. Why was the young seagull afraid to fly? Do you think all young birds are afraid to make their first flight, or are some birds more timid than others?
Ans: The young seagull was afraid to fly because of a frightening and dangerous ledge. He fears to fall from the narrow cliff. As I know,  most of the young birds are afraid to make their first flight, but some of them are really more timid. They are encouraged or scolded to make them fly.
2. "The sight of the food maddened him”. What does this suggest? What compelled the young seagull to finally fly?
Ans: “The sight of the food maddened him” suggests that the seagull was tempted to the food. He wanted to get it at any cost because he was very hungry. His intense hunger finally compelled him to fly.
3. "They were beckoning to him.” Why did the seagull’s father and mother threaten him and cajole him to fly?
Ans: The seagull’s father and mother wanted him to fly for his food. So they called him scolding and enticed him to fly.
4. Have you ever had a similar experience, where your parent encourage you to do something that you were too scared to try? Discuss this in pairs or groups
Ans: Yes, I had a similar experience when my father was encouraging me to learn swimming. There was a very big pond near my village numerous young boys used to go for swimming every morning. I, too, was very tempted to join them. When I reach the spot, I was afraid of getting into the water because it was very deep. My father persuaded me several times showing some tricks, but I was not ready to listen any of them. After a long effort, my father prepared me to swim, and now I am a skilled swimmer.
5. In the case of a bird flying, it seems a natural act, a forgone conclusion that it should succeed. In the examples you have given in answers to the previous question, was your success guaranteed, or was it important for you to try, or regardless of a possibility of failure?
Ans: When I got ready to learn swimming, I did not know whether I would be a successful swimmer or not. I tried my best with my full effort and endurance. Had I been afraid of failure, I would not have even tried to learn. So one must keep a positive aspect in his mind to get success. So it was important for me to try to learn with a good aspiration.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

NOTICE about Annual Picnic cum Educational Tour

                                                 Annual Picnic cum Educational Tour
24th  May 2020
Students and parents are hereby informed that the Annual Picnic cum Educational Tour will be held on the 31st of December 2020(Kolkata, Victoria Memorial). Consult the respective class teachers for enlistments of participants’ names and subscription fees, the deadline of which has been set on 23rd  December 2020.
Students-----Rs 2350.00
Accompanying Adult -------Rs 2450.00
For additional queries, contact the programme–in–charge.
                                                                                                                       Pawansut Agarwal
                                                                                                                   Program – in-charge         

INVITATION about Annual Sports Meet

                            ANNUAL SPORTS MEET (2020)
RIIEC (+2 Senior Secondary School, Senior Secondary School, Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi)
                                                       Gulzarbagh, Patna
Dear Patrons,
The Principal, Staff and Students of RIIEC, Gulzarbagh cordially invite you to the 26th  Annual Sports Meet at 11 a.m on Thursday, 24th December 2020 at the school playground. The Honourable Mr. B.L Pandit (Company Commander BMP 7) has kindly consented to be the chief guest.

                                                                                                                        Gulzarbagh, Patna

INVITATION about Silver Jubilee Celebration

                        SILVER JUBILEE CELEBRATION (2020)

                                                      GRAND PROCESSION
                                         Organized by: RIIEC, Gulzarbagh (Patna)

Sir, Madam
                   To celebrate the ‘Silver Jubilee Year’ of the state’s largest educational organization, we have organized a grand procession on the 27th  of June 2020, Saturday at 11 0’ clock in the morning. Our students of class iii to xii shall participate in it. We invoke for your humble presence to bring extra colour in the said procession.

NOTICE about COVID_ Lockdown

                        RIIEC (+2 Senior Secondary School, Affiliated to CBSE New Delhi)


23rd May 2020

All the student of RIIEC are here by informed that our school will remain closed sine die due to the outbreak of a fatal pandemic caused by a coronavirus, COVID-19. The Management and faculty have decided to facilitate the students online by providing  study materials and  solutions.

                                       Therefore, you are expected to be online through the suggested video conferencing apps.

Niraj Nayan




Grammar Page 49 class 6 based on Participle

 Join the following pair of sentences by Participle.

(i)     Reaching the front door he rang the doorbell.

(ii)    Having bought a ticket she entered the cinema hall.
(iii)   Finishing the dinner the guests left the hall one by one.
(iv)   I could not make out the meaning of a letter written badly.
(v)    It being a very cold night I remained in my room.
(vi)   Opening the safe we found the money intact.
(vii)   Reading the question she wondered what the answer was.
(viii)  Walking in the park I saw a purse.
(ix)   Failing in the first attempt he made no further effort.
(x)    Receiving no reply to my letter I soon sent an urgent telegram.
(xi)   Hearing the news she fainted.
(xii)   Having seized his stick he went out of his house.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

INVITATION for Saraswati Puja

                                   NAMASTE SARADE DEVI
In observance of the auspicious occasion, the Royal Institute of Indian Education and Culture invites you on the 17th of February 2021 for the celebration of ‘SARASWATI PUJA’.
We earnestly solicit your presence on this blissful affair.

                                                               In Faith
                                                    Students & Faculty

NOTICE for Preparation of Saraswati Puja

Royal Institute of Indian Education and Culture(+2 Senior Secondary School)
                        Preparation For Saraswati Puja
15th February 2021
All the students of RIIEC are hereby informed to attend an important meeting to be held on the 16th of February 2021 at 10.30 a.m sharp. The agenda for the discussion are as follows. (i) Enshrining of the idol, (ii) Commencements of Puja rites, (iii) Distribution of Prasad (blessing), (iv) Campus Decoration, (v) Immersion of the idol.
 Pawan Kishore
 School Monitor

INVITATION for Annual Cultural Competitions and Evening

                                               ANNUAL CULTURAL MEET

               RIIEC (+2 Senior Secondary School, affiliated to CBSE New Delhi)               
                                                     (Patna, Gulzarbagh)
Dear Patrons,
The Management, faculty, staff, and students of RIIEC announce the 26th Annual Cultural Competitions to be held on the 24th – 29th  of December 2020 at the school campus culminating with the Annual Cultural Evening on the 31st  December 2020 at 5.55 p.m at the same venue.
                                            Your patronage will be a source of inspiration.

Date:---------                                              RIIEC
Gulzarbagh,                                          Gulzarbagh, Patna 

Wednesday, May 20, 2020


1. Underline the Gerund in each sentence: Page 51
(i)  Panna is very fond of swimming.
(ii) Borrowing is begging.
(iii) Swimming is a very good exercise.
(iv) It is no use crying over spilled milk.
(v) Playing cards is a bad habit.
(vi) Drinking has ruined his health.
(vii) No spitting, please.
(viii) I love reading stories.
(ix) It is no good learning by rote.
(x) This pen is not worth buying at all.
2. Fill up each blank with a suitable Gerund:
(i) Lend me some money. I am to go shopping.
(ii) Talking between meals is a bad habit.
(iii) He succeeded in getting a high first division.
(iv) Plucking lowers is strictly prohibited.
(v) He left the guest house without paying his bill.
(vi) Speaking a language is easier than writing it.
(vii) He is an expert in drawing.
(viii) We prevented her from swimming into the deep water.
3. Pick out the Participles and Gerunds in the following sentences:
(i) I saw him fighting desperately for his life. (fighting-Participle)
(ii) I heard her singing a sweet song. (singing-Participle)
(iii) Walking on the grass is forbidden. (walking- Gerund)
(iv) She came to me weeping. (weeping-Participle)
(v) Are you afraid of telling the truth? (telling-Gerund)
(vi) We spent the afternoon playing football. (playing-Gerund)
(vii) Hearing the noise, I ran to the window. (Hearing-Participle)
(viii) Jumping over the wall, he entered the garden. (Jumping-participle)
(ix) He preferred reading to writing.(reading, writing- Gerund)
(x) Success is not merely winning applause. (Gerund)

                                                     Page 52
4. In the following sentences, change the infinitive into a gerund.
 Only answers are given here.
(i) Children fear going in the dark.
(ii) Have you started working in the morning?
(iii) She began learning music.
(iv) I propose calling meetings of the guardians twice a year.
(V) He intends to leave this place as early as possible.
(vi) I don’t like working at night.
(vii) I don’t like phoning him at his office.
(viii) She prefers teaching young children.

5. Supply a Gerund or Infinitive using the Verb in the brackets.
Only answers are given here.
(i)He refused to accept my advice.
(ii)We hope to see you at Ambala next week.
(iii)Do you really enjoy playing the guitar?
(iv)We cannot permit anyone to talk in the library.
(v)I hate people telling lies.
(vi)They promised to send the books at an early date.
(vii)When the bell rang the students stopped writing.
(viii)The principal decided to award five scholarships of Rs. 200 each to poor but meritorious students.
(ix)I don’t mind lending my books to persons who really need them.
(x)The farmers will finish harvesting the crop by the end of next month.
6. Combine the following pair of Sentences by making use of Participles: Only answers are given.
(i)We watched the sun rising in the east.
(ii)We could hear the bell ringing in the distance.
(iii)We could hear the boys shouting.
(iv)We saw the sailors hauling chests.
(v)I saw him stealing my watch.
(vi)Everybody saw them getting onto the train.
(vii)We found the headmaster scolding Pinaki.
(viii)We saw an old man carrying a bundle of sticks.
(ix)Lifting the receiver he dialed the number.
(x)Seeing his chance the thief jumped out of the van.
7. Replace the Infinitives in the following Sentences by Verbal Nouns ending in – ing
(i)  Giving is better than receiving.
(ii)  Praising all alike is praising none.
(iii)   Finding fault is easy.
(iv) She loves solving crossword puzzles.
(v) Playing cards is his habit.
(vi) No one likes paying taxes.
(vii) Seeing is believing.
 (viii) Asking questions is easier than answering them.
(ix) Helping the needy is our solemn duty.
(x)  Playing with electricity is dangerous.
8. Correct the following Sentences:
Only answers are written.
(i)It being a hot sunny day, we dare not travel through the desert.
(ii)Opening the book I found many pages missing.
(iii)Boarding the train I found the compartment overcrowded.
(iv)It being a stormy night, we canceled our program for dancing.
(v)Standing at the gate I found it locked from inside.
(vi)Drinking ruined his health.
(vii)Stop writing.
(viii)Weeping is a trump card of women.
(ix) Barking dogs seldom bite.
(x)She kept smiling for a while.

A Triumph of Surgery: ncert solution Class 10

                      A Triumph of Surgery Page (1 & 3)

Read and find out
1. Why is Mrs. Pumphrey worried about Tricki?
Ans: Mrs. Pumphrey is worried about her dog Tricki which is fat and sick. Its eyes are turned red and its tongue is out of its jaws. She thinks to call a veterinary doctor to diagnose her dog.
2. What does she do to help him? Is she wise in this?
Ans: She calls a veterinary doctor Mr. Herriot to treat her dog. It is because her dog was unwell and required to be treated very soon. Yes, she is wise in this connection, because she calls a veterinary doctor to check up on the dog.
3. Who does ‘I’ refer to in this story?
Ans:’I’ refers to the veterinary doctor Mr. Herriot.
4. Is the narrator as rich as Tricki’s mistress?
Ans: No. Tricki’s mistress is richer than the (narrator) doctor.
5. How does he treat the dog?
Ans: He treats the dog very well and properly. He keeps the dog under his keen and careful observation for a little longer. He observed the dog by reducing the quantity of food and providing a good (balanced) diet. The progress is seen in the health of the dog when it starts taking interest in the surroundings out of his surgery.
6. Why is he tempted to keep Tricki as a permanent guest?
Ans: Mrs. Pumphrey starts providing some nutrition for her dog. The quantity of food was much more than the dog could consume during its treatment. The staff of the surgery used to eat the rest of the food and wine. He thought that if the dog is kept permanently in the surgery, Pumphrey will be providing the dog's food on regular basis. This is the reason why he was tempted to keep Tricki as a permanent guest.
7. Why does Mrs. Pumphrey think the dog’s recovery is “a triumph of Surgery”?
Ans: Mrs. Pumphrey’s dog was cured in the surgery under strict observation and care. She was very happy with the doctor and the staff of the hospital. So Pumphrey thinks the dog’s recovery is “a triumph of Surgery(hospital)”.
Think about it
1. What kind of person do you think the veterinary Surgeon, is? Would you say he is tactful as well as full of common sense?
Ans: I think the narrator, a veterinary surgeon has a good thought. It seems he is very careful of his job, in the same way, he has developed a skill to get benefits from the provided opportunities. He is a tactful person because he has used his tactics to keep the dog a little longer to get benefits. But his tactics were used very smartly which was beyond the level of Pumphrey to understand.
2. Do you think Tricki was happy to go home? What do you think will happen now?
Ans: Yes, I think Tricky was happy to go home. It is seen in its conduct. Tricky jumped into Pumphrey’s lap. The dog starts licking her face with the utmost affection and excitement.
I think Tricki will be fed much more than it can consume for its energy. As a result, it will visit once more to the veterinary doctor to be cured.
3. Do you think this is a real-life episode or mere fiction? Or is it a mixture of both?
Ans: After going through the story it seems to me that it is a real-life episode, but if I think very deeply, it comes to me that some facts concerned with the episode are unreal. It is because Mrs. Pumphrey is a not a mad lady, she is able to understand every instruction and consent of the surgeon. She must be careful of her dog’s diet and health. So I think this is a mixture of both fact and fiction.
Think About It
1. This episode describes the silly behavior of a rich woman who is foolishly indulgent, perhaps because she is lonely. Do you think such people are merely silly, or can their actions cause harm to others?
Ans: It is a fact that loneliness sometimes compels a person to behave differently. It does not mean he /she will turn into a foolish fellow. Pumphrey is lonely, and so she loves the dog more than it is proper. Thinking that her dog will remain very strong and healthy by over-feeding, she provided nutritious food in good quantity. Consequently, she causes great trouble to her dog. The dog was sent to the hospital for proper treatment. The vet also suggested she reduce the quantity of the food. So it is clear that such actions can cause great harm to others.
2. Do you think there are also parents like Pumphrey?
Ans: There are so many parents who think their children to be healthy and strong by over-feeding. They prefer quantity to quality. This is the reason why their children have to pay a routine visits to the doctors.
3. What would you have done if you were (i) a member of the staff in Mrs. Pumphrey’s household? (ii) a neighbor? What would your life have been, in general?
Ans: If I were a member of the staff in Mrs. Pumphrey I would have suggested her feed the dog as much as it is proper for a dog to be active and healthy.
Had I been a neighbor of Pumphrey I would have made her understand that the quality of food is more important than the quantity of the same. Quantity sometimes troubles the dog whereas quality helps the dog improve its health.
My life would have been fit and fine along with the health of the dog and its mistress. It is because I would have got success in making her understand the importance of a balanced diet.
4. What would you have done if you were in the narrator’s place?
Ans: If I were in the narrator’s place I would have treated the dog properly and would have made Pumphrey understand the importance of a balanced diet. I would have suggested to her how illness is caused by providing foods in a great quantity. I believe that I would have conveyed to her that the quality of food is far greater than the quantity of the same.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Iswaran The Storyteller: ncert solution Class 9

Think About It  Page (18)
1. In what way is Iswaran an asset to Mahendra? Or What was Mahendra’s most valued asset?
Ans: Iswaran is appointed to cook food, wash cloths, and help Mahendra whenever he needs to be done so. Iswaran packs food for Mahendra so that he can have it during his office hours. Iswaran has an extraordinary skill to entertain Mahendra and that is storytelling. His fertile brain produces impressive and appreciable anecdotes which lay an indelible impact on Mahendra. He is not only a cook but a good source of entertainment also. That is why he is an asset to Mahendra.
2. How does Iswaran describe the uprooted tree on the highway?
Ans: Description about the uprooted tree made by Iswaran is curious and full of suspense. He describes the tree in a  way that it seems he is describing an enormous giant. During his explanation, he raises his hands and changes the poses of his eyebrows. He expresses his views by saying that it was an enormous bushy beast spreading across the road. The listener is bound to concentrate on his tales. Consequently, the impact of the story is seen in the behavior and attitude of the listener.
3. How does he narrate the story of the tusker? Does it appear to be plausible?
Ans: He narrates the story of a tusker by trying to provide a real situation. He tries to imitate the sound. He wants to convey that the tusker was controlled by him just with a stick and it was collapsed. I don’t think the episode of a tusker is praiseworthy and plausible. It is because he is a cook and storyteller. He is not even a mahout who can get hold of an elephant.
4. Why does the author say that Iswaran seemed to more than makeup for the absence of a TV in Mahendra’s living quarters?
Ans: Iswaran is a cook, but he has a hidden talent for telling tales. His stories are full of suspense and curiosity. His magnificent gestures of making background are worthy of respect. He is a great source of entertainment in the absence of TV. So the author says that Iswaran seemed to more than makeup for the absence of TV in his living quarters.
5. Mahendra calls ghosts and spirits a figment of the imagination. What happens to him on a full-moon night?
Ans: It is true that Mahendra calls ghosts and spirits a figment of imagination, but this is also true that he himself saw a cloudy form taking shapes in the bundle and his intuition considered the shape to be a female ghost carrying a fetus in her hands. Consequently, the darkness about the non-existence of ghosts is removed from his mind, and he prepares to desert the place then and there.
6. Can you think of some other ending of the story?
Ans: I think Mahendra prepares to leave the place just after he saw the female ghost. On the way to his village, the ghost appears and asks him to hold the fetus as he has no heir. Mahendra rejects the proposal. The ghost caught the neck of Mahendra to kill him. Mahendra starts shouting for help. In the meantime, Iswaran appears and recites some spells to save his life. Thus Mahendra was saved from being killed by the ghost.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020


        An Approach to English Grammar & Composition Book Six Page 45

      1. Underline the Infinitive in the following sentences.
     (i) To speak the truth is a virtue.
     (ii) He appears to be rude.
     (ii) To err is human.
     (iv) The general ordered the army to advance.
     (v) Ann ran fast to catch the train.
     (vi) She did nothing to help her husband.
     (vii) It is time to take lunch.
     (viii) Robert always tries to find fault with others.
     (ix) I am very glad to see you.
     (x) The match is about to start.
     (xi) My hobby is collecting stamps.
     (xii) This house is to let.

    2. Fill up each blank with a suitable Infinitive.
      (i) I saw a thief enter my room. (enter)
      (ii) The thief tried to enter my room unnoticed. (enter)
      (iii) You need to practice music for at least three hours a day if you want to do well in it (practice)                                                                                                  (iv) He dared to defy even his parents if he didn’t like their ideas. (defy)                                             
       (v) Mr. Deb allowed me to use his telephone. (use)  
     3. Complete the following sentences.
      (i) I went to the market to buy a book.
      (ii) Who does not want to be famous?
      (iii) They tried hard to succeed in their mission.
      (iv) It is kind of you to help me.
      (v) Sujata worked hard to pass her examinations.
      (vi) There is much money for me to spend.
      (vii) The frock is too tight to wear.
      (viii) To get up late is a bad habit.
      (ix) The old man was too old to walk properly.
      (x) The hound ran fast to chase the cat.