Tuesday, May 5, 2020


        An Approach to English Grammar & Composition Book Six Page 45

      1. Underline the Infinitive in the following sentences.
     (i) To speak the truth is a virtue.
     (ii) He appears to be rude.
     (ii) To err is human.
     (iv) The general ordered the army to advance.
     (v) Ann ran fast to catch the train.
     (vi) She did nothing to help her husband.
     (vii) It is time to take lunch.
     (viii) Robert always tries to find fault with others.
     (ix) I am very glad to see you.
     (x) The match is about to start.
     (xi) My hobby is collecting stamps.
     (xii) This house is to let.

    2. Fill up each blank with a suitable Infinitive.
      (i) I saw a thief enter my room. (enter)
      (ii) The thief tried to enter my room unnoticed. (enter)
      (iii) You need to practice music for at least three hours a day if you want to do well in it (practice)                                                                                                  (iv) He dared to defy even his parents if he didn’t like their ideas. (defy)                                             
       (v) Mr. Deb allowed me to use his telephone. (use)  
     3. Complete the following sentences.
      (i) I went to the market to buy a book.
      (ii) Who does not want to be famous?
      (iii) They tried hard to succeed in their mission.
      (iv) It is kind of you to help me.
      (v) Sujata worked hard to pass her examinations.
      (vi) There is much money for me to spend.
      (vii) The frock is too tight to wear.
      (viii) To get up late is a bad habit.
      (ix) The old man was too old to walk properly.
      (x) The hound ran fast to chase the cat.         


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