Wednesday, May 20, 2020


1. Underline the Gerund in each sentence: Page 51
(i)  Panna is very fond of swimming.
(ii) Borrowing is begging.
(iii) Swimming is a very good exercise.
(iv) It is no use crying over spilled milk.
(v) Playing cards is a bad habit.
(vi) Drinking has ruined his health.
(vii) No spitting, please.
(viii) I love reading stories.
(ix) It is no good learning by rote.
(x) This pen is not worth buying at all.
2. Fill up each blank with a suitable Gerund:
(i) Lend me some money. I am to go shopping.
(ii) Talking between meals is a bad habit.
(iii) He succeeded in getting a high first division.
(iv) Plucking lowers is strictly prohibited.
(v) He left the guest house without paying his bill.
(vi) Speaking a language is easier than writing it.
(vii) He is an expert in drawing.
(viii) We prevented her from swimming into the deep water.
3. Pick out the Participles and Gerunds in the following sentences:
(i) I saw him fighting desperately for his life. (fighting-Participle)
(ii) I heard her singing a sweet song. (singing-Participle)
(iii) Walking on the grass is forbidden. (walking- Gerund)
(iv) She came to me weeping. (weeping-Participle)
(v) Are you afraid of telling the truth? (telling-Gerund)
(vi) We spent the afternoon playing football. (playing-Gerund)
(vii) Hearing the noise, I ran to the window. (Hearing-Participle)
(viii) Jumping over the wall, he entered the garden. (Jumping-participle)
(ix) He preferred reading to writing.(reading, writing- Gerund)
(x) Success is not merely winning applause. (Gerund)

                                                     Page 52
4. In the following sentences, change the infinitive into a gerund.
 Only answers are given here.
(i) Children fear going in the dark.
(ii) Have you started working in the morning?
(iii) She began learning music.
(iv) I propose calling meetings of the guardians twice a year.
(V) He intends to leave this place as early as possible.
(vi) I don’t like working at night.
(vii) I don’t like phoning him at his office.
(viii) She prefers teaching young children.

5. Supply a Gerund or Infinitive using the Verb in the brackets.
Only answers are given here.
(i)He refused to accept my advice.
(ii)We hope to see you at Ambala next week.
(iii)Do you really enjoy playing the guitar?
(iv)We cannot permit anyone to talk in the library.
(v)I hate people telling lies.
(vi)They promised to send the books at an early date.
(vii)When the bell rang the students stopped writing.
(viii)The principal decided to award five scholarships of Rs. 200 each to poor but meritorious students.
(ix)I don’t mind lending my books to persons who really need them.
(x)The farmers will finish harvesting the crop by the end of next month.
6. Combine the following pair of Sentences by making use of Participles: Only answers are given.
(i)We watched the sun rising in the east.
(ii)We could hear the bell ringing in the distance.
(iii)We could hear the boys shouting.
(iv)We saw the sailors hauling chests.
(v)I saw him stealing my watch.
(vi)Everybody saw them getting onto the train.
(vii)We found the headmaster scolding Pinaki.
(viii)We saw an old man carrying a bundle of sticks.
(ix)Lifting the receiver he dialed the number.
(x)Seeing his chance the thief jumped out of the van.
7. Replace the Infinitives in the following Sentences by Verbal Nouns ending in – ing
(i)  Giving is better than receiving.
(ii)  Praising all alike is praising none.
(iii)   Finding fault is easy.
(iv) She loves solving crossword puzzles.
(v) Playing cards is his habit.
(vi) No one likes paying taxes.
(vii) Seeing is believing.
 (viii) Asking questions is easier than answering them.
(ix) Helping the needy is our solemn duty.
(x)  Playing with electricity is dangerous.
8. Correct the following Sentences:
Only answers are written.
(i)It being a hot sunny day, we dare not travel through the desert.
(ii)Opening the book I found many pages missing.
(iii)Boarding the train I found the compartment overcrowded.
(iv)It being a stormy night, we canceled our program for dancing.
(v)Standing at the gate I found it locked from inside.
(vi)Drinking ruined his health.
(vii)Stop writing.
(viii)Weeping is a trump card of women.
(ix) Barking dogs seldom bite.
(x)She kept smiling for a while.

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