Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Verb Must Agree with its Subject

A Verb of a sentence must be agreed with the subject and its number and person. If the subject is singular verb will normally be singular, and if the subject is plural the verb should be plural. Exceptions are 'I' and 'You'. Here the subject is singular but the verb remains plural.
See the following examples:
I do my work properly.
You do your work properly.
Here we find that in both the sentences subjects 'I' and 'you' are singular but the verbs 'do' is plural.
See the following examples:
John along with the players is playing cricket.
The price of these items is high.
Iron and copper are useful metals.
The news I got is true.
The information I got is true.
The present politics of India is sensitive.
Mathematics is a subject of the brain.
Either you or I am responsible.
Neither you nor I am responsible.
Each of the fruits is spoiled.
Every one of the classes has to take part in the quiz.
English, as well as Urdu, is taught here.
He along with his friends has got an accident.

The solution to An Approach to English Grammar & Composition Book six-page 57 and 58

1. Fill in the blanks with suitable Verbs chosen from the brackets:
(i) Each of the boys has come. (have/has)
(ii) Each boy and girl has come. (has/have)
(iii) Every book is on the table.(is/are)
(iv) Either he, or I am mistaken.(is/am)
(v) Several boys have bicycles. (has/have)
(vi) I along with my friends was going. (was/were)
(vii) Many students are absent.(is/are)
(viii) Either of you is wrong. (is/are)
(ix) The students have slept. (has/have)
(xi) I as well as my father know this. (know/knows)
(xii) Few persons were there. (was/were)
(xiii) She as well as I am going there.(is/am)
(iv) A few books are useful.(is/are)
2. In each of the following sentences, put the Verb in agreement with its Subject:
(i) The ‘lions of the east’ is an interesting book.
(ii) Neither of the explanation is correct.
(iii) No news is good news.
(iv) Three parts of the business are in my hands.
(v) The origin of the Hindu manners and customs is unknown.
(vi) The house, with its contents is/was insured against fire.
(vii) Either Jane or I am to blame.
(viii) A few hours’ studies is enough.
(ix) Neither John nor you are present.
(x) The Chief with all his men was killed.
(xi) The quality of these mangoes is/was not good.
(xii) He is one of the wisest and noblest kings that has ever lived.
(xiii) The council is unanimous in its decision.
(xiv) The committee were divided in their opinions.
(xv) Rice and curry is his favourite food.
(xvi) Not one of you has done his work properly.
(xvii) Good news is always welcome.
(xviii) Every man, woman and child in the village is wounded.
(xix) None of these boys has passed.
(xx) Two and two make four.
3. Correct the following sentences:
(i) The scholar and the philosopher are dead.
(ii) The manager, as well as his staff, was there.
(iii) A thousand kilometres is a great distance.
(iv) David, and not you, won the prize.
(v) Bread and butter is his main food.
(vi) Jane, as well as Ann, is waiting for you.
(vii) Neither Hari nor Shyam was present yesterday.
(viii) Which one of these umbrellas is yours?
(ix) Throwing stones is forbidden.
(x) The behaviour of the boys and girls was highly objectionable.
(xi) Lamb’s Tales is an interesting book.
(xii) The study of Physics requires brains.
(xiii) James with his friends was caught.
(xiv) Neither Afzal nor Akram has come.
(xv) It is one of the best pictures that has ever been painted.
(xvi) Neither of these questions appears difficult.
(xvii) Every one of the men was present.
(xviii) Slow and steady wins the race.
(xix) None but the brave deserves the fair.
(xx) A knowledge of modern languages is essential these days.
(xxi) The accountant and the treasurer have absconded.
(xxii) A hundred yards is a good distance.
(xxiii) The building with the goods was insured.
(xxiv) More than forty boys were present in the class.
(xxv) Game after game was played.

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