Saturday, December 4, 2021

Exercise 25, 29 and 30


Exercise 25.

In each of the following sentences replace each Adverb Phrase by an Adverb Clause:-

 1. On his return we asked him many questions.

Answer: When he returned, we asked him many questions.

2. Do it to the best of your ability.

Answer: Do it to the best your ability.

3. The prince was met on his arrival by his secretary.
Answer: The prince was met by his secretary when he arrived.

4. In spite of poverty he became distinguished.
Answer: Though he was poor he came distinguished.

5. Upon seeing the signal the troops set out.
Answer: The troops set out when they saw the signal.

6. Nobody must expect to become rich without hard work.
Answer: Nobody must expect to become rich unless he works hard.

7. They were very grateful to him for his kindness.
Answer: They were very grateful to him because he was kind.

8. In comparison with air water is heavy.
Answer: Water is heavy when it is compared with air.

9. The weather is too bright to last.
Answer: The weather is so bright that it cannot last.

10. My heart is too full for words.
Answer: My heart is so full that I cannot express my feelings in words.

11. The work is too much for any man to do single-handed.
Answer: The work is so much that no man can do it single-handed.

12. With a view to early retirement he saved his money.
Answer: He saved his money, so that he might retire early.

13. In the event of the president's death the vice-president succeeds him.
Answer: If the president dies the vice-president succeeds him.

14. He always carried out his duties according to instructions.
Answer: He always carries out his duties as he was instructed.

15. The price is high for an old car.
Answer:  The price is high as it is an old car.

16. He ran with all his might.
Answer: He ran as fast as he could.

17. After such hard work, he requires a long rest.
Answer: He requires a long rest as he has done such hard work.

18. He was base enough to accept the dishonorable terms.
Answer: He was so base that he accepted the dishonorable terms.

19. Many ships were so shattered as to be wholly unmanageable.
Answer: Many ships were so shattered that they were wholly unmanageable.

20. A rose by any other name would smell sweet.
Answer: A rose would smell sweet even if it were called by any other name.

 Exercise 29.

 In each of the following sentences replace each Adjective Phrase by an Adjective


 1. A man of industrious habits is sure to succeed.

Answer: A man who is of industrious habits is sure to success.

2. He told us the time of his arrival.

3. The time for departing has now arrived.

Answer: The time when he is to start has now arrived.

4. Do you know the road leading to the temple?
Answer; Do you know the road which leads to the temple.

5. I have a box, filled with almonds.
Answer: I have a box which is filled with almonds.

6. We all admire a man of courage.
Answer: We always admire a man who is courageous.

7. A city on a hill cannot be hidden.
Answer: A city which is situated on a hill cannot be hidden.

8. The people in the gallery could not hear.
Answer: The people who were sitting in the gallery could not hear.

9. You can have anything of your liking.
Answer: You can have anything that you like.

10. The houses of the Burmese are generally built of bamboo.
Answer: The houses in which Burmese live are generally built of bamboos.


Exercise 30.

 In the following sentences replace Adjective Clauses by Adjectives or Adjective


1. Do you know the woman who is wearing a blue sari?
Answer: Do you know the woman wearing a blue sari.

2. The boy who sits near me is my cousin.
Answer: The boy sitting near me is my cousin.

3. That was the reason why he came late.
Answer: That was the reason for his coming late.

4. The reason, why he failed, is obvious.
Answer: The reason for his failure is obvious.

5. The workers, who were weary with their exertions, lay down to rest.
Answer: The workers being weary with their exertion, lay down to rest.

6. The sun, which at mid-day was hot, made the traveler thirsty.
Answer: The being hot at mid-day made the traveler thirsty.

7. Which is the road that leads most quickly to the station?
Answer: Which is the road leading most quickly to the station?

8. People who eat too much die early.
Answer: People eating too much die early.

9. Many men who have not been trained to write become journalists.
Answer: many men not trained to write become journalists.

10. This is the place where our forefathers landed.
Answer: This is the place of landing of our forefathers.

11. The explanation he gave was not satisfactory.
Answer: The explanation given by him was not satisfactory.

12. Such men as you cannot be easily disheartened.
Answer: Men like you cannot be easily disheartened.

13. This boy, who has been industrious, has earned a prize which he has well deserved.
Answer: The industrious boy has earned a prize which he has well deserved.

14. A belief which is generally held is not necessarily one which is true.

Answer: A generally held belief is not necessarily one which is true.

15. An author who was famous during the freedom struggle lived in that cottage which

overlooks the lake.
Answer: The author famous during the freedom struggle lived in that cottage which overlooks the lake.


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