Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Words and Expression 1: Unit 7 NCERT Class 9

Words and Expression 1: Unit 7

Page – 98

5.  Find words in the passage that mean the opposite of the words given below. Write the words in space provided.

(a)           Inappropriate - appropriate

(b)           Slightly - overly

(c)            Forget - remember

(d)           Concealed - clean

(e)           Disarranged – arranged

6. Read the following groups of words. All but one is synonyms. Circle the odd one out.

(a)           rummaging – driving

(b)           squashed – unpacked

(c)            organize – arrange

(d)           rubbish – polished

Page – 99

1.Tick the correct order of the words to make a complete sentence.

The man / a boy/ on the shore / saw / standing

Answer – The man saw a boy standing on the shore. ADBEC

Page – 100

4. Answer – sharks

6. Answer – traveler

7. Answer – hero

Page – 105

2. Rearrange each set of words to make sentences. Use appropriate punctuation marks.

(a)           The court appointed him guardian of the orphan child.

(b)           Time makes friends the worst enemies.

(c)            They elected him secretary of the club.

(d)           We saw the approaching storm.




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