Sunday, December 20, 2020

Words and Expression 1: Unit - 4 - Solution Class ix

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4. Answer: (b) warning signs of depravity

5. Answer: (a) urgent need

Page - 57

1. Answer: (d) Gandhiji showed that it is possible to
succeed without violence with all irrespective of
whether they have continued or discarded the method of violence.

2. Answer: his Ashram in India

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5. Answer: (a) : possible

                    (b): succeed
                    (c): war
                    (d): presence
                    (e): friend

6. Answer: (c) appreciated by you

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1. Answer: If you can keep......

    ...... don't deal in lies.

2. Answer: disaster and triumph

3. Answer: Make an effort after gaining unsatisfactory achievement. 

4. Answer: One should not lose his common touch while walking with a king.

5. Answer: Learn to wait.
Don't make a dream our master.
Never breathe a word about our loss.
One should not lose the common touch.

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1. Answer: (a) freak
                    (b) amateur
                    (c) liberal
                    (d) philistines
                    (e) theoretical

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2. Answer: (a) Here world means all in all.
                    (b) Physical world
                    © World of fashion
                    (d) Talented persons of sports and arts
                    (e) In fact / in reality / indeed

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1. Answer: (a) Dave read a magazine.
  Page - 62 (b) Having lost
                    © Treated with care
                    (d) It has been 
                    (e) Being unemployed

2. Answer: (a) Standing by the side of a temple he asked people to go in.
(b) Coming out of the room she greeted the visitors.
Hearing the news he started crying.
(d) Finding the lock broken he rang up the police.
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(e) Feeling sleepy he went to bed.




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