Sunday, December 20, 2020

Word and Expression 1: Unit - 5 (Solution Class ix)

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1. Answer: (a) He was rich and satisfied with his life.

2. Answer: © They ate fruits to survive.

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5. Answer: (a) wealthy

                    (b) wandered

                    (c) exhausted

                    (d) alarmed

                    (e) instinct

6. Answer: (a) wealthy

                    (b) violent

                    (c) relieved

                    (d) securely

                    (e) defensive

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1. Fear, startled, alarmed, frightened, terror-stricken  

Getting tired, tired, half-dead, suffocated

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2. Answer: (a) fearsome

                     (b) fearful

                     (c) fear-stricken

                     (d) fear-ridden

                     (e) fear-affected

                     (f) fearless

                     (g) fearfulness   

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2. Answer: (a) Romesh said to Lata," Can you go with me for a picnic tomorrow"?

(b) Lata said," Why have you asked me to join"?

(c) Romesh said to Lata," Why are you questioning me?

(d) Lata said to Romesh," There is no use visiting a place I have seen before.

(e) Romesh said to Lata," What is wrong in visiting the same place again for the place is not the same.

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2. Answer: (a) When I gave her the bad news she turned pale.

(b) Don't eat the apple as it has become rotten.

© They became great friends, after their last quarrel.

(d) She became famous, got a prize, after her first and only novel.


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