Friday, December 18, 2020

Words and Expressions 1: Unit-3 Class ix Solution

1. Answer: (b) She didn’t want to read with her father.

2. Answer: (d) he was sad.

3. Answer: © to try and see from the other person’s point of views

4. Answer: (d) Atticus agreed to allow only the teacher to teach her.

5. Answer: disorientation

6. Answer: he respected the wishes of the teacher yet didn’t want to disappoint his daughter.

7. Answer: augment/ emphasize.


1. (a) Answer: watched

   (b) Answer: watch

Answer: view

   (d) Answer: observe/watch

Page- 44

   (e) Answer: watched

  (F) Answer: catch, glimpse

2. Use appropriate words from the synonyms given below in the following sentences:

(a) peeped

(b) glancing

(c) observed

(d) gaze

(e) saw

(f) look at

(g) stared

3. Now consult a dictionary and find out the meaning:

(a) Answer: for the time being

(b) Answer: small

©  Answer: Not much

(d) no doubt


1.  Read the following passage and underline the reporting verbs:

(i)                         Agreed

(ii)                      Reminded, insisted

(iii)                   Decided, recommended

(iv)                   Explained, wished, reminded

2. Read the following sentences and choose the correct reporting verb from the options given against each sentence.

(i)                         A) advised

(ii)                      B) advised

(iii)                   A) offered

(iv)                   B) accused

(v)                      B) apologized

(vi)                   C) confirmed

(vii)                A) refused

(viii)             C) suggested


2. Rearrange each set of words to make sentences. Use appropriate punctuation marks.

(a) George Abraham, a resident of Noida near Delhi, is visually impaired.

(b) It provides confidence and competitive spirit and infuses discipline among the participants.

© It has helped the brain behind the disabled to dream the World Cup Cricket.

(d) It was a chance visit to the blind school in Delhi that changed his life.


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