Friday, December 25, 2020

Dialogue: about - Annual Cultural Evening


Manisha: Good morning my dear friend.

Manoj: Very good morning. How are you? I didn’t see you taking part in any of the Annual Cultural programs performed yesterday.

Manisha: I was unwell yesterday since morning. I attended a wedding the day before yesterday along with my parents. I had some food which caused a severe stomachache. I was really not able to come to school.

Manoj: Are you OKAY now?

Manisha: Yes! I am fit and fine now.

Manoj: Had you come to school yesterday, you would have seen me in the costumes of Raja Harishchandra.

Manisha: Raja Harishchandra? What happened?

Manoj: I was to play a role and I did it successfully. Our Principal said I have the potential to excel in this field if I practice much more with full confidence and carefulness.

Manisha: My God! You are going to be an actor!

Manoj: No. I did only one mistake while I was performing.

Manisha: Let me know what your mistake was.

Manoj: Three times, while I was imitating the dialogues of Raja Harishchandra, I did not appear my visage in front of the audience. My father got angry at me for my role. All of a sudden our Principal came and said that I was not a real actor but a school-student of class viii. So I must be appreciated for my efforts.

Manisha: My God! I am very much afraid of your father. He seems to be a very angry young man. Had our Principal not come there what would he have done?

Manoj: He would surely have beaten me.

Manisha: May our Principal live long!
Manoj: Of course! I was safe yesterday because of the presence of our Principal.

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