Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Solution to Wren & Martin: Exercise in Composition 97

Fill each blank in the following sentences with an appropriate Conjunction:
1. Three and three make six.
2. Is his name Sen or Gupta?
3. He will not come if it rains.
4. Unless you run, you will not overtake him.
5. He is very rich yet he is not happy.
6. Until I return, stay where you are.
7. Hw was punished, for he was guilty.
8. He behaved as a brave man should do.
9. There is no doubt that the earth is round.
10. I wonder when he will come.
11. He is witty though vulgar.
12. Will you kindly wait till I return?
13. Karim is tall, but/and Abdul is taller.
14. He lost his balance and fell off the bicycle.
15. He tried hard but did not succeed.
16. Is this my book or yours?
17. Water and oil will not mix.
18. They left as/when we returned.
19. The vase will break if you drop it.
20. I shall not go out now as/because it is raining very heavily.
21. Trains run from this station very few minutes so/and we shall not have to wait.
22. Man proposes but God disposes.
23. Time and tide do not wait for anybody.
24. Virtue ennobles, but vice degrades.
25. This or that must suffice.
26. The train was derailed but no one was hurt.
27. She writes slowly but/and neatly.
28. I believe him as/because he is truthful.
29. You will not get the prize unless you deserve it.
30. Send for me when/whenever/if you want me.
31. Hari ill do all right if he perseveres.
32. Catch me if you can.
33. He told me that you had arrived an hour ago.
34. You will never succeed unless you try.
35.  If I were you, I'd keep quiet.
36. Wait till I come.
37. Be just and fear not.
38. Tell me whether you understand.
39. We will come, whether it rains or not.
40. Make hay when/while the sun shines.
41. It is a long time since we last saw him.
42. Please write as I dictate.
43. It is hoped that all will go well.
44. Give me neither poverty nor riches.
45. He is taller than I (am).
46.  Since I cannot get away, I will go next week.
47. Since you wish it, it shall be done.
48. Why is our food so sweet? Because we earn before we eat?
49. Take heed lest you fall.
50. He gazed so long That both his eyes were dazzled.
51. While there is life there is hope.
52. Walk on till/until you come to the gate.
53. They say that he is better.
54. I have been in such a pickle since I saw you last.
55. His plans, though vast, were never visionary.
56. Some people live so that they may eat.
57. He went as/when/before/after I came.
58. He will starve before he will steal.
59. There are more people than we had expected.
60.  If there is something to be done, the world knows how to get it done.
61. Though/Although I grant his honesty I suspect his memory.
62.  Though/Although I am poor, I am not dishonest.
63. No one knows where he went.
64. Come when/whenever/if you please.
65. Do as you are bidden.
66. He must have passed this way, as/because there is no other road.
67.  Though/Although respected, he is not liked.
68. We all know that sin and sorrow go together.
69. I don't know if/whether he will be there.
70. Grievances cannot be redressed unless they are known.
71. We shall fail unless we are industrious.
72.  Though/Although it was late we decided to set out.
73. I am well,  but I do not feel very strong.
74. If he is there, I shall see him.
75. How can he buy it if he has no money.
76. Though/Although you are not ready, we must go on.
77. The building was been razed since I visited the city.
78. Love not to sleep, lest thou come to poverty.
79. He bled so profusely that he died.
80. I know you better than he (does).

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