Wednesday, January 1, 2020

"We're Not Afraid to Die... if We Can All Be Together : ncert solution - class 11

Understanding the text.
1. List the steps taken by the captain.
(i) to protect the ship when rough weather began
Ans:-When the captain understood the encounter of strong gales he slowed down the speed of the boat. Then and there he dropped the jib and looped the mooring ropes across the stern. They were now able to go through their life-raft drill. They wore oilskins and life jackets. But the high roaring waves shook the deck.
(ii) to check the flooding of the water in the ship
Ans:-When the strong waves broke over the ship the head of the captain was smashed into the wheel. He felt sinking below the waves. He saw that his ship was about to capsize. Masts were fallen but he did not leave the wheel. After he found his wife shouting that decks were full of water the captain tried to repair the gaping holes with screws and canvas. He tried very hard to repair the gaps from which the deck was flooded. Slowly he got success because of another pump connected to the out-pipe. When the electric pump started working the water level was controlled.
2. Describe the mental condition of the voyagers on 4 and 5 January.
Ans:-The mental condition of voyagers on 4 and 5 January was very pathetic. As they had been pumping water for 36 hours they had controlled the water level. But still, a little water was coming in. Now they hoisted the storm jib and sat for taking beef and biscuits. They were about to eat the meal almost after two days. All of a sudden they found that the waves were rising higher and on 5 January the condition was again turned into a pathetic one. The narrator wanted to assure the children that they would never fail. Surprisingly the narrator's son replied that they were not afraid to die because they were all together. The narrator used a sea anchor made of heavy nylon rope. They felt their death to be very close. Fortunately, the narrator with his wife sat holding their hands and started facing the dangers, and ultimately they got an improved condition on the very next day.
3. Describe the shifts in the narration of the events as indicated in the three sections of the text. Give a subtitle to each section.
Ans:- Adventurous Ordeal of Wave-walker
The first shift in the narration of the events in the initial stage indicates that Wave-walker would achieve its goal and a day will come which will be the witness to its adventurous deeds. The voyagers were to duplicate the round-the-world voyage made 200 years ago by Captain James Cook. It is also mentioned that Wave-walker was professionally built and tested in the roughest weather. So the voyagers were ambitious in achieving success. Their leaving Cape Town startled them. Both the Wave-walker and the voyagers were badly affected by the waves.
Eagerness for Island
The second shift in the narration of the events indicates the eagerness of the voyagers to find the land. The narrator and the children were in great trouble. They wanted to survive. The decks were flooded badly. They did not take much rest. The weather became unbearable. They tried to repair the gaping holes of the deck and moved forward. They wanted to find land at any cost.
The pleasure of Landing.
The third shift in the narration of the events indicates the pleasure of their landing at Ill Amsterdam. When John said about the island to be closed the voyagers were extremely happy and pleased. The inhabitants of the island came to cheer them up.
Talking about the text.
Discuss the following questions with your partner.
1. What difference did you notice between the reaction of the adults and the children when faced with dangers?
Ans:-Children don't have much more experience of any dangers, whereas adults have experience of dangers. So the reactions of the adults are quite different from the reactions of the children. The adults know the consequence of an incident that is completely unknown to the children. Most of the time children feel safe in the lap of their parents which normally shows their innocence. On the one hand, the narrator is very anxious for his family, on the other hand, children are bold enough to face any danger.
2. How does the story suggest that optimism helps to endure "the direst stress".?
Ans:-It is true that optimism helps to endure "the direst stress". The narrator and the family were optimistic even at the time of their dangers. The narrator tried his best to control the situation with patience and effort. When he asked his son how he was, his son said he was very well. The glorious statement of the children gave the narrator power of optimism. He used his anchor, canvas to control the bad condition of the deck. Ultimately he got success.
3. What lesson do we learn from such hazardous experiences when we are face-to-face with death?
Ans:- We learn that we should not leave our patience when we are face-to-face with death. If we lose our patience in such a situation we shall not be able to do anything for the survival of our lives. Patience and optimism give us the strength to do something better for our lives. The power of optimism and great patience is clearly seen in the text "We're Not Afraid To die...If We All Be Together".

4. Why do you think people undertake such adventurous expeditions in spite of the risks involved?
Ans:-Human beings are fond of discovery and expedition. Our present society has witnessed these all things. This is the human tendency to discover something and explore something. The present development in science and technology is based on adventurous activities. Now people want to know more about this world and its creatures. It is quite clear that unless or until people or scientists undertake such adventurous expeditions human development will never excel. So people undertake such adventurous expeditions in spite of the risks involved.
Thinking about language.
1. We have come across words like 'gale' and 'storm' in the account. Here are two more words for 'storm': typhoon, cyclone. How many words does your language have for 'storm'?
Ans:-In Hindi--Tuphan, Chakrawat, Bhawari, Bawander.
2. Here are the terms for different kinds of vessels: yacht, boat, canoe, ship, steamer, schooner. Think of a similar term in your language.
Ans:- Yatch- Nauka
Boat- Naawa
Canoe- Dangi
Ship- Jahaj
3. 'Catamaran' is a kind of boat. Do you know which Indian language this word is derived from? Check the dictionary.
Ans:-'Catamaran' is derived from the Tamil word 'Kaltamaran (tied wood).
4. Have you heard any boatmen's songs? What kind of emotions do these songs usually express?

Ans:-The boatmen's songs normally express the journey of their life. They express their belief in their songs. They are found certain to achieve their goal or destination. 

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