Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Albert Einstein at School : ncert solution - class 11

1. Explain "perhaps you will be so kind to tell the class the Einstein theory of education." with especial reference to the text.
Ans:-Mr Brawn the history teacher of Albert Einstein made the statement with heavy sarcasm. The history teacher wanted to prove that he was able to understand the reality of the learner. When Albert Einstein said that he had no interest in memorizing facts but in ideas, the teacher then got angry at him and started making strong arguments which were enough to humiliate an innocent student. The history teacher did not try to discover the student's hidden talent. Had the teacher tried to find the actual reasons for not learning the dates of battles, Albert Einstein would not have faced the troubles caused by his stern expulsion. It was the climax of the humiliation when the teacher said "perhaps you will be so kind to tell the class the Einstein theory of education".
2. What were the reasons for Albert Einstein's expulsion from school?
Ans:-Albert Einstein did not accomplish his assignments provided by his history teacher. When his teacher asked why he did not know the date of Waterloo. Einstein said he had no interest in memorizing dates. The history teacher got angry at him and after crossing very strongly with the innocent student the teacher recommended his expulsion. The headteacher approved the history teacher's recommendation. These were the reasons for his expulsion from school.
3. What according to Albert Einstein is the difference between facts and ideas?
Ans:-According to Albert Einstein facts can be gathered from different sources which never form the insight of the learners. Memorizing dates of battles has no importance without having basic ideas or reasons for the events. Ideas are the basis of learning. A learner should never be underestimated for not knowing the dates of a particular battle. Ideas always form the insight of the learners. It is an idea that excels the brains of the learners to invent something unique for the people. Ideas create curiosity in the brain of the learners, and they achieve their goals successfully.
4. The school system often curves individual talents. Discuss.
Ans:-It is absolutely true that the school system curves individual talents. The School system does not provide an environment that is suitable for all the students. Students feel confined within the four walls of a class. Students are sometimes compelled to follow strict rules and regulations of school which become unfriendly for the learners. They provide an atmosphere that is not suitable for the learners’ proper and comprehensive development. If children study with full freedom they will go ahead properly. Children must be provided freedom so that they can learn and play. The school must try to discover hidden talents. School's rules and regulations are compulsory but it should not be so tough that it can curve individual talents. A fearless environment provides the students good opportunities for their freethinking and free-thinking forms their insight. If a fearless and free atmosphere is created in school, numerous Albert Einstein may be produced.
5. How do you distinguish between information gathering and insight formation?

Ans:-Gathering information is not education. Nobody can get an education by gathering information. Information can be gathered from different sources but the ideas are one's own. If a learner gathers the information he/she will not be an educationist. But if the learner's insight is formed he/she will be able to get real knowledge. With the help of the ideas, one can get proper information. The history teacher wanted to get information about the defeat of the French at Waterloo. The student who did not find any new idea about the battle did not answer the question. The facts and the dates of battles do not provide any new ideas. So according to Albert Einstein education without ideas is neither education nor knowledge. Insight formation of an individual creates ideas and on the basis of the ideas, he/she can accomplish the toughest assignment. So the insight formation is the real formation of an individual. Albert Einstein wanted to know why the soldiers were thirsty for their bloodshed whereas the history teacher wanted him to know when in what year Prussians defeated the French at Waterloo.   

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