Tuesday, December 10, 2019

A Short Monsoon Diary : ncert solution class 8

1 . Why is the author not able to see Bijju?
Ans:- The author is not able to see Bijju because of the mist normally created in the monsoon season. The mist of the monsoon has completely blanketed the vision.
2. What are the two ways in which the hills appear to change when the mist comes up?
Ans:- The mist blankets the hills and completely covers the whole surroundings. So nothing is seemed visible. The hills suddenly become silent because the birds stop their singing and chirping.
1. When does the monsoon season begin and when does it end? How do you prepare to face the monsoon?
Ans:- Generally the monsoon season begins in the last week of June or at the first week of July. It ends in the last week of August or in the first week of September. We normally purchase umbrellas or raincoats to protect us from the monsoon rain.
2. Which hill station does the author describe in this diary entry?
Ans:- The hill station described by the author in this diary entry is Mussoorie.
3. For how many days does it rain without stopping? What does the author do these days?
Ans:- It rains continuously for eight or nine days without stopping. The author stays in the room walking and watching the rain through his windows.
4. Where do the snakes and rodents take shelter? Why?
Ans:- The snakes and rodents take their shelter under the attics, roofs, and godowns. It is because their original holes are brimmed with rainwater. They want to find convenient places to stay in.
5. What did the author receive in the mail?
Ans:-  The author received a cheque in the mail.
1. Look carefully at the diary entries for June 24-25. August 2 and March 23. Now write down the changes that happen as the rains progress from June to March.
Ans:- At the arrival of the monsoon on the 24th of June, the weather looks very fine because of the comfortable and cool air. The rainfall starts on the 25th of June. It seems nature welcomes it. In the initial stage of August, it becomes monotonous for human beings and animals. People face a bit of problem in walking in the open without an umbrella or raincoat. Sun is rarely seen for a week or more. At the last stage of March, the monsoon announces the departure of the rainy season and winter. It makes nature beautiful.
2. Why did grandmother ask the children not to kill the Chuchunder?
Ans:- Grandmother believes that the Chuchunders are the sign of prosperity so she forbade the children to kill.
3. What signs do we find in Nature which show that monsoons are about to end?
Ans:- The succulent plants with thick fleshy leaves or fruits show their physical entity. The seeds of cobra lily turn red. The very these things indicate that the monsoon is about to end.
4. Complete the following sentences.
(i) Bijju is not seen but his voice is heard because the mist of the monsoon blankets the author’s vision.
(ii) The writer describes hill-station and valley as ‘a paradise that might have been'.
(iii) The leopard was successful in killing a dog but had to flee when Bijju’s mother arrived crying curses.
(iv) The minivets are easily noticed because of their bright colors.
(v) It looks like a fashion display on the slopes when they are covered with a variety of flowers.
(vi) During the monsoon season, snakes and rodents are found under roofs and attics because their holes are flooded with water and compel them to find convenient shelter.
5. ‘Although tin roofs are given to springing unaccountable leaks, there is a feeling of being untouched by, and yet in touch with, the rain.’
(i). Why has the writer used the word ‘springing’?
Ans:- The word ‘springing’ gives the idea of hastiness.
(ii). How is the writer untouched by the rain?
Ans:- The writer is untouched by the rain because he does not go out in the rain. He stays protected in his room during rainfall.
(iii). How is the writer in touch with the rain at the same time?
Ans:- The writer experiences the rainfall on his roof which is made of tin. So it is quite clear that he is in touch with rain.
6. Mention a few things that can happen when there is endless rain for days together.
Ans:- If there is endless rain together people and animals face great a lot of problems. They cannot do their works properly. Both students and the teachers feel bored. Clothes remain wet. The sun is not seen for so many days. Insects and poisonous snakes can enter our houses. People can fall ill.
7. What is the significance of cobra lily in relation to the monsoon season, it's beginning and end?
Ans:- Appearance of cobra lily is the sign of monsoon season. When the seeds of cobra lily turn red, it indicates the departure of the season.
1. Here are some words that are associated with the monsoon. Add as many words as you can to this list. Can you find words for these in your languages?
Downpour, food, mist, cloudy, power-cuts, cold, umbrella, rain, darkness, cloudburst,
2. Look at the sentences below.
(i) Bijju wandered into the garden in the evening.
(ii) The trees were ringing with birdsong.
Notice the highlighted verbs.
The verb wandered tells us what Bijju did that evening. But the verb was ringing tells us what was happening continually at the same time in the past (the birds were chirping in the trees).
Now, look at the sentences below. They tell us about something that happened in the past. They also tell us about other things that happened continually, at the same time in the past.
Put the verbs in the brackets into their proper forms. The first one is done for you.
(i)We (get out) of the school bus. The bell (ring) and everyone (rush) to class.
Ans:- We got out of the school bus. The bell was ringing and everyone was rushing to class.
(ii) The traffic (stop). Some people (sit) on the road and they (shout) slogans.
Ans:- The traffic stopped. Some people were sitting on the road and they were shouting slogans.
(iii) I (wear) my raincoat. It (rain) and people (get) wet.
Ans:- I was wearing my raincoat. It was raining and people were getting wet.
(iv) She (see) a film. She (narrate) it to her friends who (listen) carefully.
Ans:- She had seen a film. She was narrating to her friends who were listening carefully.
(v) We (go) to the exhibition. Some people (buy) clothes while others (play) games.
Ans:- She went to the exhibition. Some people were buying clothes while others were playing games.
(vi) The class (is) quiet. Some children (read) books and the rest (draw).
Ans:- The class was quiet. Some children were reading books and the rest were drawing.
3. Here are some words from the lesson which describe different kinds of sounds.
 Drum, swish, tinkle, caw, drip.
(i)Match these words with their correct meanings.
(a) to fall in small drops -drip
(b) to make a sound by hitting a surface repeatedly-drum
(c) to make quickly through the air, making a soft sound-swish
(d) a harsh sound made by birds-caw
(e) ringing sound (of a bell or breaking glass, etc.)-ring
(ii)Now fill in the blanks using the correct form of words given above.
 a)    Ramesh drummed on his desk in impatience.
 b)   Rainwater dripped from the umbrella all over the carpet.
 c)    The pony swished its tail.
 d)   The tinkle of breaking glass woke me up.
 e)   The caw of the raven disturbed the child’s sleep.
4. And sure enough, I received a cheque in the mail.
Complete each sentence below by using an appropriate phrase from the one given below.
Sure enough, colorful enough,  serious enough
kind enough,   big enough,      fair enough,
brave enough,  foolish enough,   anxious enough.
(i)I saw thick black clouds in the sky. And sure enough, it soon started raining heavily.
(ii)The blue umbrella was big enough for the brother and sister.
(iii)The butterflies are colorful enough to get noticed.
(iv)The lady was brave enough to chase the leopard.
(v) The boy was anxious enough to call out to his sister.
(vi)The man was kind enough to offer help.
(vii)The victim’s injury was serious enough for him to get admitted to the hospital.
(viii) That person was foolish enough to repeat the same mistake again.
(ix) He told me he was sorry and he would compensate for the loss.
I said, ‘Fair enough.
1. Do you believe in superstitions? Why, or why not? Working with your partner, write down three superstitious beliefs that you are familiar with.
Ans:- No, I don’t believe in superstitions. They are of no use, but still, some people believe it to be true.
       If one sees a blind man at the initial stage of his/her journey, the work will rarely be done.
       If a black cat crosses one’s path, the day will be fully harmful, or the person will be at life risk.
2. How many different kinds of birds do you come across in the lesson? How many varieties do you see in your neighborhood? Are there any birds that you used to see earlier in your neighborhood but not now? In group discuss why you think this is happening.
Ans:- I come across, minivets,  drongos,  crows, whistling thrush, and shrew in the lesson. I have seen many birds in my neighborhood but Patridge and vulture are not seen. I think their natural habitat is ruined by human beings.
1. The monsoons are a time of great fun and even a few adventures: playing in the rain and getting wet, wading through knee-deep water on your way to school, water flooding the house or the classroom, power cuts, and so on.
Write a paragraph describing an incident that occurred during the rains which you can never forget.
Ans:- I remember the rainy day when I was in class six. I along with my friends went to our school garden to try to swim in the small pond. The pond was not well furnished but it was the best pond for us. We jumped into the pond without fear because no teacher was available in the school. It was a Sunday as well as a holiday. None of us knew how to swim. Everybody was to die because neither our teacher nor instructor was available. We were an army without a commander. All of a sudden a snake was seen. We all started shouting because we cannot compete with snakes in the water. The watchman of our school heard our cries. He ran to us and was shocked to see us half-naked in the water. He scolded some of our great friends and made a good complaint against us to the Principal on the very next day. We were scolded very nicely by our teachers and the parents. I can never forget the snake incident of the rainy season.
Write a poem of your own about the season of spring when trees are in full bloom.
Ans:-                   SPRING
The Spring season invites us to play day and night
We play all the games until we feel frighted,
The season brings my friend together
Which we cannot forget forever,
The weather shows its beauty
And the flowers their entity,
We celebrate our festivals with encouragement
Both days and nights are spent in merriment,
The chirping of birds call us close under the tree
The fragrance of the flowers help us enjoy free,
The season makes us forget when it’s day or night
It makes our all the times dazzling bright,
Because our parents and teachers forget to scold
We feel extraordinary bright and temporarily bold.


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