Tuesday, December 10, 2019

When I set out for Lyonnesse : ncert solution class 8

Working with the poem: (page-110)
1. In the first stanza, find words that show
(i) that it was very cold. ‘Rime’.
(ii) that it was late evening.’ Starlight’.
(iii) that the traveler was alone. ‘Lonesomeness’.
2. (i)Something happened at Lyonnesse. It was
(a) improbable.
(b) impossible.
(c) unforeseeable.
(ii) Pick out two lines from stanza 2 to justify your answer.
Ans:-‘ No prophet durst declare;’
    ‘Nor did the wisest wizard guess’
3. (i) Read the lines from (stanza 3) that imply the following.
Everyone noticed something, and they made
guesses, but didn't speak a word.
Ans:- “All marked with mute surmise”.
(ii) Now read the lines that refer to what they noticed.
Ans:- “My radiance rare and fathomless”.
Question:   Why is it unsafe to walk about in spring?
Answer:     Because the grass has blades, the flowers have pistils and the trees are shooting.

Ans:- Do yourself.

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