Saturday, August 28, 2021

Solution to Exercise in Composition: 106 & 107


Solution to Exercise in Composition: 106

1.       The swami asked the villagers to bring him a glass of milk.

2.       The teacher told the boys to sit down.

3.       The officer shouted to his men to halt.

4.       The king ordered the Hatter to take off his hat.

5.       The teacher advised him not to read so fast.

6.       He asked me to wait until came.

7.       He told his servant to hurry up and not to waste time.

8.       Their mother told the children to run away.

9.       He asked his daughter to take his golden jug and fetch him some water from the well.

10.   His master ordered him to go down to bazar and bring him some oil and a lump of rice.

Solution to Exercise in Composition: 107

1.       Mr. Squeers exclaimed with a sigh that milk was, to be sure, a very rare article in London.

2.       He angrily remarked that I (he/she) was a very stupid fellow.

3.       He exclaimed sadly that he was ruined.

4.       He exclaimed sadly that their foes were too strong.

5.       He remarked that I/he was a very lazy boy and that I/he had done my work very badly.

6.       They exclaimed that they had passed the holiday merrily.

7.       He exclaimed that it was a nuisance.

8.       He remarked that it was very cruel of him.

9.       He exclaimed that it was a great pity I (she/he/they/we) had not come.

10.   The Queen exclaimed sadly that he had done a very rash and bloody deed.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Solution to Exercise 98


  Solution to Exercise 98                       

1.       My brother is well, but my sister is ill.

2.       He sells mangoes and oranges.

3.       He did not succeed though he worked hard.

4.       Rama and Hari played well.

5.       I honor him as he is a brave man.
I honor him because he is a great man.

6.       You may go, but I will play.

7.       Rama reads for pleasure, but Hari reads for profit.

8.       We decided to set out though it was late.

9.       He was poor but honest.
Though he was poor, he was honest.

10.   He is neither a knave nor a fool.

11.   We love Bahadur as he is a faithful dog.

12.   Rustum made twelve runs before he was caught at the wicket.

13.   He is rich but not happy.
Though rich, he is not happy.

14.   The sheep and the oxen are grazing.

15.   He is poor but contented.
Though he is poor, he is contented.

16.   This mango is large and sweet.

17.   Neither my brother nor my sister was there.



Thursday, August 26, 2021

Solution to Exercise 40 & 41


Solution to Exercise 40

1.       The mouse was killed by the rat.

2.       The tree was cut down by the man.

3.       America was discovered by Columbus.

4.       He was praised by his teacher.

5.       The dog was teased by the boy.

6.       The horse was fed by the syce every day.

7.       He was arrested.

8.       A kite was being made by Rama.

9.       A ball was caught by the boy.

10.   A letter will be written by my father.

11.   He will be conquered (by me).

12.   I was kept waiting.

13.   The lion was shot by the hunter.

14.   The door was opened by Hari.

15.   The thief was caught by a policeman.

16.   The ball was thrown by Sohrab.

17.   Twenty runs were scored by him.

18.   I am vexed by your behavior.

19.   Character is revealed by manners.

20.   A very few remarkable discovery was made by him.

21.   Great oaks are felled by little strokes.

22.   The pony will be brought by Dhondu.

23.   He is loved by everyone.

24.   This picture has been drawn by my cousin.

25.   Good news is expected.

26.   The harvest is gathered by the farmer.

27.   He was swindled by his own brother.

28.   The inspector was pleased by the recitation.

29.   The light has been put out.

30.   Our army had been defeated.

31.   TVs are sold here.

32.   My bicycle had been sold.

33.   It will soon be forgotten.

34.   The theatre was opened only last month

35.   Smoking is prohibited.

Solution to Exercise 41

1.       You and he were seen by us.

2.       I was asked by name.
My name was asked by him

3.       They were refused admission.

4.       A doll was bought for the baby.

5.       He was found guilty of murder.

6.       Milk is often turned sour by a thunderstorm.

7.       The ocean cannot be pumped dry.

8.       The storm was seen approaching.

9.       I am kept waiting.

10.   The house was painted red.

11.   I was told to leave the room.

12.   I was promised a present.

13.   The carriage will be ordered.

14.   The cliff is being climbed by the boy.

15.   Many things can be accomplished by a little effort.

16.   You are being watched carefully.


Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Exercise in Composition 20


1.      No other town in Malaysia is so old as Malacca. (Positive)

Malacca is older than any other town in Malaysia.  (Comparative)

2.       Meat is not more nutritious than Soyabeans.
Soyabeans are not less nutritious than meat. (Comparative)

3.       Jupiter is bigger than any other planet. (Comparative)
Jupiter is the biggest planet. (Superlative)

4.       Latif is more industrious than most other boys. (Comparative)
Latif is one of the most industrious boys. (Superlative)

5.       He would not as soon tell a lie as die. (positive)

6.       India is larger than any other democracy in the world. (Comparative)
No other democracy in the world is so large as India. (Positive)

7.       No other English poet is so great as Shakespeare. (positive)

Shakespeare is greatest of the English poets. (Superlative)

8.       Very few Indian kings were so great as Samudra Gupta. (positive)
Samudra Gupta was greater than most other Indian kings. (comparative)

9.       No other animal is so ferocious as the tiger. (positive)
The Tiger is more ferocious than any other animal. (Comparative)

10.   No other island in the world is so large as Australia. (positive)
Australia is larger than any other island in the world. (Comparative)

11.   No other metal is so heavy as lead. (positive)
Lead is the heaviest of all metals. (superlative)

12.   Some people do not have as much brains as money. (positive)

13.   A foolish friend is not so good as a wise enemy. (positive)

14.   The Marwaries are at least as enterprising as any other community in India. (positive)

15.   You do not know him better than I do. (comparative)

16.   I do not know him as well as you do. (positive)

17.   Bhim was stronger than any other man. (comparative)
Bhim was the strongest of all men. (superlative)

18.   Suresh is not more industrious than some other boys. (comparative)
Suresh is not the most industrious boy. (Superlative).

19.   No other peak of the Himalayas is so high as mount Everest. (positive)
Mount Everest is higher than any other peak of the Himalayas. (comparative)

20.   The crow is one of the most useful animals. (superlative)
The crow is more useful than most other animals. (comparative)

21.   No other country in the world is so rich as America. (positive)
America is richer than any other country in the world. (comparative)

22.   It is not so easy to practice as to preach. (positive)

23.   No other metal is so useful as iron. (positive)
Iron is the most useful of all metals. (superlative)

24.   Secret love is not so good as open rebuke. (positive)

25.   This is taller than any other building in the city. (comparative)
No other building in the city is so tall as this. (positive)

26.   No other Indian was greater orator than Sir Surendranath. (comparative)
Sir Surendranath was one of the greatest Indian orators. (superlative)

27.   No other resort in India is healthier than Ooty. (Comparative)
Ooty is one of the healthiest resorts in India.

28.   The sword is not so mighty as the pen.