Saturday, December 12, 2020

Words and Expressions-1- page 3 & 4 Solution Class ix


1. How will self-driving cars or driverless cars be safe?

Answer: Self-driving cars and driverless cars possess advanced technology to avoid accidents and traffic jams. This is how they will be safe.

2. What do you understand by 'cars' will communicate with each other?

Answer: Cars will communicate with their advanced technology by showing their position and detailed information.

3. What are the advantages of self-driving cars?

Answer: The advantages of self-driving cars are as follows.

(i)                They can protect us from accidents and traffic jams.

(ii)             They are able to commute times on the other activities.

4. What is the use of GPS?

Answer:  GPS is used to get mapping directions and to hail taxis as well.

5. What is a drone? What are its advantages?

Answer: An aerial vehicle without a man is called a drone. Its advantages are as follows:

(i)                It can carry small loads from one place to another.

(ii)             It can take a shoot a photo from above mountain or river.

(iii)           It can provide a video about any particular area which is far from our reach.

6. Which technology will be used in flying cars?

Answer: The technology which will be used in flying cars is known as ‘Military Technology’.

7. How will flying cars be more convenient than planes and helicopters?

Answer: As it is a flying car, it will surely be used as a car as well as a small flying vehicle. So it will be convenient and affordable to the general travelers.

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