Thursday, July 30, 2020

Class Test: 01- Class 9-solution

1.“I would not throw it away” is said by Tommy.
2. The mechanical teacher has slots at the appropriate place.
3. Robert Frost is an American Poet.
4. “A yellow wood” indicates a forest at the time of Autumn.
5. ‘Daunting’ means frightening.
6. Evelyn was 16+ when she went to the Royal Academy of Music.
7. Bismillah Khan said, “I missed the unique Mattha of Dumraon.
8. On 15 August 1947 Bismillah khan poured Raag Kafi from the Red Fort.
9. The wind makes strong fire roar and flourish.
10. “The little girl” is written by Katherine Mansfield.
11. “Hue and Cry” means angry protest.
12. In “To regards and darling dreamers” the poetic device is alliteration.
13. ‘Bliss’ means perfect happiness.
14. Nazis came to power in Germany in 1933.
15. ‘Throngs’  indicates a large crowd.
16. The kind-hearted person tried to soothe the lost child.
17. ‘Hefty’ means strong and broad.
18. Grandmother fussed when grandfather brought a bird or animal.
19. Grandfather gave Nana a slap across her haunches.
20. Just after stuffing himself with pulao, Toto threw a plate at grandmother.

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