Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Change the following sentences from Active to Passive Voice, leaving out the agents: Page 115, Q-no-5

 Change the following sentences from Active to Passive Voice, leaving out the agents if they are not important: (Page -115: Q – no – 5) (Only answers are provided) (You will copy the questions from your book)
(i)The wood was chopped by him for the fire.
(ii)The books are being arranged in the library.
(iii)Ambition is needed to succeed in business.
(iv)Am admirable performance was given by the actress.
(v)A ballot was held to choose the captain.
(vi) Their way was barred by a fallen tree.
(vii)A sacrifice was ordered to appease the Gods.
(viii) You are allowed another two months.
(ix)The two teams were amalgamated.
(x)Who was appointed as captain?

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