Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Active and Passive Voice: Page 116 Q-no 6

Active and Passive Voice: Page 116 Q-no 6
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs given:
(i)An honest man is respected everywhere.
(ii)These children are regularly sent for medical check-up.
(iii)The vegetables are washed before cooking.
(iv)Instructions are not issued in time.
(v)When is the team announced?
(vi)Morning tea is served free of charge.
(vii)The timetable is revised.
(viii)All shops are closed to protest against police excesses.
(ix)The dinner was served when you reached home.
(x)Why are so many trains canceled?
(xi)Where in the library are all the new books kept?
(xii)Who is invited to inaugurate the function?
(xiii) A warning has already been given to the striking workers.
(xiv)The paper was leaked before the examination started.
(xv)Duty should always be done.
(xvi)Promises ought to be kept.
(xvii)If you continue making so much noise, the baby might be disturbed.
(xviii)The news is reported by PTI and confirmed by UNI.
(xix)The whole area was cordoned off by the police and the residents were asked several questions.
(xx)The exciting match was witnessed by about one lakh spectators who were thrilled by the skillful display of Ronaldo.

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