Friday, June 5, 2020

A Tiger in the Zoo: ncert solution class 10

Talking about the Poem
1. Read the poem again, and work in pairs or groups to do the following tasks.
(i) Find the words that describe the movements and actions of the tiger in the cage and in the wild. Arrange them in two columns.
Ans: Actions in the cage                        Actions in the wild
        Locked in                                         lurking
         Stalking                                           sliding
          Ignoring                                          baring
          Hears                                             terrorizing
(ii) Find the words that describe the two places, and arrange them in two columns. Now try to share ideas about how the poet uses words and images to contrast the two situations.
Ans: Place in the zoo                    Place in the wild
        In the cage                              Shadow
        Concrete cell                           Long grass
        Behind bars                             Water holes    
        Visitors                                    Deer pass
                                                         Jungle’s edge
2. Notice the use of a word repeated in lines such as these: What do you think is the effect of these repetitions?
(i)On pads of velvet quiet,
   In his quiet rage
Ans: Here the word ‘quiet’ is repeated to show the silence of the tiger’s pad and its anger. This poetic device is used by the poet to express his grievous view about the tiger which is captivated in a cage.
(ii)And stares with his brilliant eyes
    At the brilliant stars.
Ans: Here the word ‘brilliant is repeated by the poet to express his views about the shining eyes of the tiger and the brilliance of the stars which can flash the rays of hope for his freedom.
3. Read the following two poems – one about a tiger and the other about a panther. Then discuss:
Are zoos necessary for the protection or conservation of some species of animals? Are they useful for educating the public? Are there alternatives to zoos?
Ans: As we know some species of wild animals have already extinct. So I think zoos are necessary for the protection and conservation of those wild animals whose species are going to be extinct very soon or brutally hunted for nothing. If they are kept for the time being in the zoos, they can get a good opportunity to breed being safe and healthy. They are useful for educating people because, people can have a very close study about how to protect themselves and how to remove their immune deficiencies which are very important for their survival.
Wildlife reserves, sanctuaries are the best alternatives. It is because they are provided here with natural surroundings and the environment suitable to them.
4. Take a point of view for or against zoos, or even consider both points of view and write a couple of paragraphs or speak about this topic for a couple of minutes in class.
Ans: Do it yourself. Here some clues are provided.
 For:  (i) Safety and security
         (ii) Good health
         (iii) Healthy breeding
         (iv)  Protection from extinction
         (v) Ensures ecological balance
 Against: (i) Zoos cannot be the shelters for all the wild animals.
               (ii) Animals will be dependent on their food
               (iii) Zoos are only important for those animals which are on          
                      the verge of extinction.
                (iv) They are not free to move to their desired
                (v) If all the animals are kept in the zoos, it may cause an
                      unnecessary economic burden of the people or the

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