Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Discovering Tut: The saga continue : ncert solution- class 11

Understanding the text.
1. Give reasons for the following.
(i) King Tut's body has been subjected to scrutiny.
Ans:- King Tut's body has been subjected to scrutiny because of several reasons. People wanted to know the actual reasons for his untimely death. People were very curious to know the facts related to his death. Scrutiny helps them know the Tut's age at the time of his death.
(ii) Howard Carter's investigation was resented.
Ans:-Tut's mummy was discovered by an English archaeologist Howard Carter in 1922. His investigation was not justified by others. There was great damage to Tut's mummy. It was a surprising fact that the mummy's breast bone and front ribs were missing. That is why Howard Carter's investigation was resented.
(iii) Carter had to chisel away the solidified resins to raise the king's remains.
Ans:-Carter had to chisel away the solidified resins to raise the king's remains because the ritual resins of Tut's mummy were so hardened that it was impossible to take the king's remains out of the coffin.
(iv) Tut's body was buried along with gilded treasures.
Ans:-Tut's body was buried along with the gilded treasure. It shows the then-belief in Egypt. It was believed that the dead would get their riches after a new life. It was most probably custom for the kings that their dead bodies used to be buried gilded.
(v) The boy king changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun.
Ans:-The boy-king wanted to express his respect to god Amun, 'the living image of Amun' so he changed his name from Tutankhaten to Tutankhamun.
2. (i) List the deeds that led Ray Johnson to describe Akhenaten as "wacky".
Ans:-(i) He moved his religious city from Thebes to Akhetaten.
(ii) He attacked Amun a great god.
(iii) He closed the temple smashing his images.
These are the deeds that led Ray Johnson to describe Akhetaten as "wacky".
(ii)What were the results of the CT scan?
Ans:- The results of the CT scan were satisfactory. Tut's neckbone was seen. His skull and rib cage appeared very clearly. CT scan revealed wonderful images of king Tut.
(iii)List the advances in technology that have improved forensic analysis.
Ans:-(i) Computed Tomography,
(ii) Radiology,
(iii) Anatomy.
Technological advancements have improved forensic analysis.
(iv) Explain the statement, "King Tut is one of the first mummies to be scanned--in death, as in life...".
Ans:-It is true that King Tut is one of the first mummies to be scanned in death, as in life. An English archaeologist Carter discovered the mummy in 1922. The mummy has undergone a CT scan which is normally held with the person who has life. CT scan helped solve the mystery of the king's life and death very properly. It was also solved how old the king was at the time of his death.
Thinking about language.
2. What do you think are the reasons for the extinction of languages?
Ans:-There are a few reasons for the extinction of languages.
(i) People prefer convenient languages. If a language is found easy to write or read it obtains importance. Sometimes situations and time also become responsible for the extinction of languages.
3. Do you think it is important to preserve languages?
Ans:-It is very important to preserve languages. Languages are the treasure of human civilization. It is the language that can convey every detail of human culture and civilization. Languages are the source of our history. If they are extinct we won't be able to get a detailed account of history.
4. In what way do you think we could help prevent the extinction of languages and dialects?

Ans:-Traditional or classical languages must be given special preferences in school or colleges. The historical facts based on those languages must be preserved in a certain place where people can go and study properly. Languages archives must help prevent the extinction of languages and dialects. Dialects play a great role in the construction of folk history and culture. They should also be paid more attention. In this way, I think we could help prevent the extinction of dialects and languages.

"We're Not Afraid to Die... if We Can All Be Together : ncert solution - class 11

Understanding the text.
1. List the steps taken by the captain.
(i) to protect the ship when rough weather began
Ans:-When the captain understood the encounter of strong gales he slowed down the speed of the boat. Then and there he dropped the jib and looped the mooring ropes across the stern. They were now able to go through their life-raft drill. They wore oilskins and life jackets. But the high roaring waves shook the deck.
(ii) to check the flooding of the water in the ship
Ans:-When the strong waves broke over the ship the head of the captain was smashed into the wheel. He felt sinking below the waves. He saw that his ship was about to capsize. Masts were fallen but he did not leave the wheel. After he found his wife shouting that decks were full of water the captain tried to repair the gaping holes with screws and canvas. He tried very hard to repair the gaps from which the deck was flooded. Slowly he got success because of another pump connected to the out-pipe. When the electric pump started working the water level was controlled.
2. Describe the mental condition of the voyagers on 4 and 5 January.
Ans:-The mental condition of voyagers on 4 and 5 January was very pathetic. As they had been pumping water for 36 hours they had controlled the water level. But still, a little water was coming in. Now they hoisted the storm jib and sat for taking beef and biscuits. They were about to eat the meal almost after two days. All of a sudden they found that the waves were rising higher and on 5 January the condition was again turned into a pathetic one. The narrator wanted to assure the children that they would never fail. Surprisingly the narrator's son replied that they were not afraid to die because they were all together. The narrator used a sea anchor made of heavy nylon rope. They felt their death to be very close. Fortunately, the narrator with his wife sat holding their hands and started facing the dangers, and ultimately they got an improved condition on the very next day.
3. Describe the shifts in the narration of the events as indicated in the three sections of the text. Give a subtitle to each section.
Ans:- Adventurous Ordeal of Wave-walker
The first shift in the narration of the events in the initial stage indicates that Wave-walker would achieve its goal and a day will come which will be the witness to its adventurous deeds. The voyagers were to duplicate the round-the-world voyage made 200 years ago by Captain James Cook. It is also mentioned that Wave-walker was professionally built and tested in the roughest weather. So the voyagers were ambitious in achieving success. Their leaving Cape Town startled them. Both the Wave-walker and the voyagers were badly affected by the waves.
Eagerness for Island
The second shift in the narration of the events indicates the eagerness of the voyagers to find the land. The narrator and the children were in great trouble. They wanted to survive. The decks were flooded badly. They did not take much rest. The weather became unbearable. They tried to repair the gaping holes of the deck and moved forward. They wanted to find land at any cost.
The pleasure of Landing.
The third shift in the narration of the events indicates the pleasure of their landing at Ill Amsterdam. When John said about the island to be closed the voyagers were extremely happy and pleased. The inhabitants of the island came to cheer them up.
Talking about the text.
Discuss the following questions with your partner.
1. What difference did you notice between the reaction of the adults and the children when faced with dangers?
Ans:-Children don't have much more experience of any dangers, whereas adults have experience of dangers. So the reactions of the adults are quite different from the reactions of the children. The adults know the consequence of an incident that is completely unknown to the children. Most of the time children feel safe in the lap of their parents which normally shows their innocence. On the one hand, the narrator is very anxious for his family, on the other hand, children are bold enough to face any danger.
2. How does the story suggest that optimism helps to endure "the direst stress".?
Ans:-It is true that optimism helps to endure "the direst stress". The narrator and the family were optimistic even at the time of their dangers. The narrator tried his best to control the situation with patience and effort. When he asked his son how he was, his son said he was very well. The glorious statement of the children gave the narrator power of optimism. He used his anchor, canvas to control the bad condition of the deck. Ultimately he got success.
3. What lesson do we learn from such hazardous experiences when we are face-to-face with death?
Ans:- We learn that we should not leave our patience when we are face-to-face with death. If we lose our patience in such a situation we shall not be able to do anything for the survival of our lives. Patience and optimism give us the strength to do something better for our lives. The power of optimism and great patience is clearly seen in the text "We're Not Afraid To die...If We All Be Together".

4. Why do you think people undertake such adventurous expeditions in spite of the risks involved?
Ans:-Human beings are fond of discovery and expedition. Our present society has witnessed these all things. This is the human tendency to discover something and explore something. The present development in science and technology is based on adventurous activities. Now people want to know more about this world and its creatures. It is quite clear that unless or until people or scientists undertake such adventurous expeditions human development will never excel. So people undertake such adventurous expeditions in spite of the risks involved.
Thinking about language.
1. We have come across words like 'gale' and 'storm' in the account. Here are two more words for 'storm': typhoon, cyclone. How many words does your language have for 'storm'?
Ans:-In Hindi--Tuphan, Chakrawat, Bhawari, Bawander.
2. Here are the terms for different kinds of vessels: yacht, boat, canoe, ship, steamer, schooner. Think of a similar term in your language.
Ans:- Yatch- Nauka
Boat- Naawa
Canoe- Dangi
Ship- Jahaj
3. 'Catamaran' is a kind of boat. Do you know which Indian language this word is derived from? Check the dictionary.
Ans:-'Catamaran' is derived from the Tamil word 'Kaltamaran (tied wood).
4. Have you heard any boatmen's songs? What kind of emotions do these songs usually express?

Ans:-The boatmen's songs normally express the journey of their life. They express their belief in their songs. They are found certain to achieve their goal or destination. 

Albert Einstein at School : ncert solution - class 11

1. Explain "perhaps you will be so kind to tell the class the Einstein theory of education." with especial reference to the text.
Ans:-Mr Brawn the history teacher of Albert Einstein made the statement with heavy sarcasm. The history teacher wanted to prove that he was able to understand the reality of the learner. When Albert Einstein said that he had no interest in memorizing facts but in ideas, the teacher then got angry at him and started making strong arguments which were enough to humiliate an innocent student. The history teacher did not try to discover the student's hidden talent. Had the teacher tried to find the actual reasons for not learning the dates of battles, Albert Einstein would not have faced the troubles caused by his stern expulsion. It was the climax of the humiliation when the teacher said "perhaps you will be so kind to tell the class the Einstein theory of education".
2. What were the reasons for Albert Einstein's expulsion from school?
Ans:-Albert Einstein did not accomplish his assignments provided by his history teacher. When his teacher asked why he did not know the date of Waterloo. Einstein said he had no interest in memorizing dates. The history teacher got angry at him and after crossing very strongly with the innocent student the teacher recommended his expulsion. The headteacher approved the history teacher's recommendation. These were the reasons for his expulsion from school.
3. What according to Albert Einstein is the difference between facts and ideas?
Ans:-According to Albert Einstein facts can be gathered from different sources which never form the insight of the learners. Memorizing dates of battles has no importance without having basic ideas or reasons for the events. Ideas are the basis of learning. A learner should never be underestimated for not knowing the dates of a particular battle. Ideas always form the insight of the learners. It is an idea that excels the brains of the learners to invent something unique for the people. Ideas create curiosity in the brain of the learners, and they achieve their goals successfully.
4. The school system often curves individual talents. Discuss.
Ans:-It is absolutely true that the school system curves individual talents. The School system does not provide an environment that is suitable for all the students. Students feel confined within the four walls of a class. Students are sometimes compelled to follow strict rules and regulations of school which become unfriendly for the learners. They provide an atmosphere that is not suitable for the learners’ proper and comprehensive development. If children study with full freedom they will go ahead properly. Children must be provided freedom so that they can learn and play. The school must try to discover hidden talents. School's rules and regulations are compulsory but it should not be so tough that it can curve individual talents. A fearless environment provides the students good opportunities for their freethinking and free-thinking forms their insight. If a fearless and free atmosphere is created in school, numerous Albert Einstein may be produced.
5. How do you distinguish between information gathering and insight formation?

Ans:-Gathering information is not education. Nobody can get an education by gathering information. Information can be gathered from different sources but the ideas are one's own. If a learner gathers the information he/she will not be an educationist. But if the learner's insight is formed he/she will be able to get real knowledge. With the help of the ideas, one can get proper information. The history teacher wanted to get information about the defeat of the French at Waterloo. The student who did not find any new idea about the battle did not answer the question. The facts and the dates of battles do not provide any new ideas. So according to Albert Einstein education without ideas is neither education nor knowledge. Insight formation of an individual creates ideas and on the basis of the ideas, he/she can accomplish the toughest assignment. So the insight formation is the real formation of an individual. Albert Einstein wanted to know why the soldiers were thirsty for their bloodshed whereas the history teacher wanted him to know when in what year Prussians defeated the French at Waterloo.   

A Photograph : ncert solution - class 11

Think it out.
1. What does the word 'cardboard' denote in the poem? Why has this word been used?
Ans:-The word 'cardboard' denotes the thin and hardboard made of paper pulp especially to keep the photograph intact. This word has been used to denote that the thin hardboard kept the photograph of that twelve years old who was mortal. But the cardboard seems immortal. Still shows the same photograph which creates somewhat terrible recollections.
2. What has the camera captured?
Ans:-The camera has captured a very beautiful photograph of the poet's mother when she was twelve years old. Two smiling faces of the girl cousins, Betty and Dolly holding the hands of the poet's Mother have also been caught by the camera. The hands of the poet's mother were being held in the hands of the two girls' cousins, Betty and Dolly.
3. What has not changed over the years? Does this suggest something to you?
Ans:-The Sea has not changed over the years because it is immortal. It suggests that human beings are mortal. A man/woman who is young, will grow old and die at last. So we should not refuse to accept that death is the actual end of a person. A child who is born surely will die at the climax of his/her age.
4. The poet's mother laughed at the snapshot. What did this laugh indicate?
Ans:-The poet's mother laughed at the snapshot because it was taken at her young age. The scene of the photograph indicates that they (the poet's mother along with the girls’ cousins) were at the beach with their strange dresses. This laugh indicated their innocence of youthful days.
5. What is the meaning of the line "Both wry with the labored ease of loss."?
Ans:-"Both wry" indicates that both the poet and poet's mother are disappointed for the loss. Poet's mother has lost the passion and innocence of her younger days when the poet has lost her mother. So both bear the loss with ease.
6. What does "this circumstance" refer to?
Ans:-"This circumstance" refers to the necessary end in other words it is death. Death is a necessary end for the person. So the poet does not have to tell any more regarding the photograph which shows the younger girls at the beach. That has become a matter of the past that never comes back. Normally people don’t think about their necessary end which is death in their lifetime. Only a few, think of their mortality which is certain. It comes when time favors its arrival.
7. The three stanzas depict three different phases. What are they?

Ans:-The first stanza depicts the poet's mother as a young girl of twelve years with her smiling face paddling with two girls’ cousins. The second stanza mentions the middle age of the poet's mother when she used to laugh at her photograph. The third stanza describes the permanent silence (death) of the poet's mother which left an indelible impression over the recollection of the poet.

The Portrait of a Lady : ncert solution class 11

Understanding the text.
1. The three phases of the author's relationship with his grandmother before he left the country to study abroad.
Ans:-The first phase of the author's relationship initiated in his early childhood. Then his grandmother used to tell about the games which she used to play as a child. The author along with the other children used to listen to the grandmother very carefully. The second phase started when the author became a school-going child. His grandmother used to get him ready for school. She used to arrange his slate, inkpot, and a pen. Also, she used to go to school because it was attached to the temple. They used to go to school and walk back from school together. It was a regular routine for both of them. The third phase of the author's relationship with his grandmother started when he went to the city school. She was a bit upset thinking that English school would spoil her grandson because there was no teaching of God and scriptures. She hated western science and music. Now they did not see more of each other. When the author started his higher studies he was given a separate room. It was very painful for his grandmother. Her friendship with her grandson was almost snapped.
2. Three reasons why the author's grandmother was disturbed when he started going to the city school.
Ans:-(i)Grandmother was disturbed because she was not required to go with the author to the city school. She was to stay at home almost all the time. There was no temple near her residence.
(ii)She could not feed the dogs in the city. She was bereft of religious opportunities. She saw less of each other. Her only work was fond of feeding sparrows in the courtyard.
(iii)The author started learning in English school. Grandmother could not help in his studies. When she knew that her grandson was taught western science and music she was completely upset. She thought music had a lewd association. It was only for harlots and beggars. She thought God and the scriptures to be the base of teaching, so she did not like the teachings of a city school.
3. Three ways in which the author's grandmother spent her days after he grew up.
Ans:(i)When the author started for his city school, the friendship between grandmother and the author was almost snapped. Now, grandmother accepted to stay alone reciting her prayers. But that was not enough for her.
(ii)She started spending her time at the spinning wheel. She used to sit by the spinning wheel from sunrise to sunset reciting her prayers.
(iii)She used to sit in the verandah to feed the sparrows. She would break the bread into crumbs and used it to feed the sparrows. This was her routine for every afternoon.
4. The odd way in which the grandmother behaved just before she died.
Ans:-After five years when the author came back home, she did not look a day older. While she clasped the author in her arms he could hear her reciting prayers. In the evening a change came over her. She collected the women of the neighborhood and started singing of homecoming of warriors. She was tired of singing and got a mild fever. The doctor said it would go but grandmother said that her end was near and. She lay peacefully in bed praying and telling her beads. All of a sudden the rosary fell from her finger because she was now dead.
5. The way in which the sparrows expressed their sorrow when the author's grandmother died.
Ans:-After the grandmother of the author died, thousands of sparrows sat scattered on the floor. They did not chirrup at all. The author along with the members of his family felt very sorry for them. His mother brought some bread for them. She broke it into crumbs and threw them to the sparrows, but they took no notice of the crumbs. When the corpse of the grandmother was carried off the sparrows flew away quietly.
Talking about the text.
Talk to your partner about the following.
1. The author's grandmother was a religious person. What are the different ways in which we come to know this?
Ans:-The author's grandmother was a religious person. She used to get up early in the morning. She recited her prayers regularly. She used to go to school with the narrator regularly because school has attached a temple. She would sit in the temple to recite scriptures. She used to carry pieces of bread for the dogs. She used her rosary all the time. When they were sent for the city she felt disturbed. She did not like the teachings of the city school. According to grandmother western, science and music were not at all any lessons for teaching. She hated music thinking that it had a lewd association of harlots and beggars. In the city house, she started feeding sparrows. On the arrival of the narrator after five years from abroad, grandmother started singing home-coming with the women of her neighborhood enthusiastically. She got ill but said no medicine was useful because her end was near. After sometimes her rosary fell from her hands, and she died.
4. Do you know someone like the author's grandmother? Do you feel the same sense of loss with regard to someone whom you have loved and lost?
Ans:- The very my grandmother was the same as the author's grandmother. She was also a religious lady. She would get up early morning and did her morning prayers reciting Bhajans every day. She used to feed our cows every day at first. She did not allow anybody to get inside the kitchen without taking bath. She used to tell the stories of Ramayana, Mahabharata, and Puranas. On the occasion of religious ceremonies, all the members of our family were ordered to take bath in the early morning. Unfortunately, she died with the Gita in her hand while she was reciting her morning prayers.
Thinking about language.
1. Which language do you think the author and his grandmother used while talking to each other?
Ans:-Of course it was Hindi.
2. Which language do you use to talk to elderly relatives in your family?
Ans:-I used to talk to elderly relatives in my family in Hindi or Magadhi.
3. How would you say 'a dilapidated drum' in your language?
Ans:-Jirn-sirn awastha wala dholaka.
4. Can you think of a song or a poem in your language that talks of homecoming.?
Ans:-Aaja mere apne aaja mere pas
Tarap rahi nigahen tarap rahi thi aas
Warson se baithe hain tumhen lagaye aas
Nam pari thi jiwan meri bachi hui thi shans
Aaja mere apne aaja mere pas.

A Letter to God by G L Fuentes : ncert solution- class 10

Oral Comprehension Check- Page 5
1. What did Lencho hope for?
Ans:- Lencho hoped for sufficient rain (water) for his crops.
2. Why did Lencho say the raindrops were like 'new coins'?
Ans:- Lencho knew that the raindrops would help the crops grow up to their brim. The very crops are the real coins for the farmers, so Lencho said that the raindrops were like new coins. In other words crops are the only symbol of prosperity for the farmers, as it can be exchanged with the new coins anytime and anywhere to fulfill their purposes.
3. How did the rain change? What happened to Lencho's fields?
Ans:-Lencho was looking satisfied with the rain. But all of a sudden, a strong wind began to blow and the rain changed into hailstones. Consequently, Lencho's fields were submerged in white landscape. It seemed there was nothing but salt in the fields everywhere.
4. What were Lencho's feelings when the hail stopped?
Ans:- Lencho was shocked to see his field fully covered with hailstones. He found his corns destroyed. He expressed his grief to his sons and said that even locusts would not have ruined as much as the hails. There was no hope for any assistance. They were compelled to go hungry throughout the year.
Oral Comprehension check-Page 6
1. Who or what did Lencho have faith in? What did he do?
Ans:- Lencho had faith in God. Being helpless Lencho wrote a letter to God. He wrote that if God did not help him he along with his family would go hungry that year. Also, he requested that he needed a hundred pesos in order to sow his fields and to live until the new crops coming.
2. Who read the letter?
Ans:- As it is mentioned in the text "One of the employees, who was a post man and also helped at the post office, went to his boss laughing heartily and showed him the letter to God." it proves that both the postman and the postmaster read the letter.
3. What did the postmaster do then?
Ans:- The postmaster turned serious, decided to support the writer on behalf of God so that the writer could not shake his faith in God. To answer the letter properly he collected some money as an act of charity and some of them contributed from his salary. Ultimately he kept seventy pesos in an envelope with a letter signed as God and sent it to the writer's address.
Oral Comprehension Check-Page 7
1. Was Lencho surprised to find a letter for him with money in it?
Ans:- No. Lencho was not surprised to find a letter for him with money in it because he had strong belief in God.
2. What made him angry?
Ans:- The amount (less than he wanted to receive from the God) made him angry. He received only seventy pesos, but he wanted a hundred pesos.
Thinking about the Text –Page 7
1. Did Lencho try to find out who had sent the money to him? Why/Why not?
Ans:- Lencho did not try to find out who had sent money to him. It is because he had a strong faith in God. He thought the office employees to be a bunch of crooks, but he never made any comment against God.
2. Who does Lencho think has taken the rest of the money? What is the irony in the situation?
Ans:-Lencho thinks that the post office employees have taken the rest of the money. The irony here is that the post office employees showed their act of charity, but they are believed to be a bunch of crooked

The Fun They Had : ncert solution- class 9

Thinking about the Text.

I. Answer these questions in a few words or a couple of sentences each.
1. How old are Margie and Tommy?
Ans: Margie and Tommy are eleven and thirteen years old respectively.
2. What did Margie write in her diary?
Ans: Margie wrote in her diary, “Today Tommy found a real book”.
3. Had Margie ever seen a book before?
Ans:  Margie had not seen a book ever before.
4. What things about the book did she find strange?
Ans: The things about the book she found strange were the words printed on the book and staying still. There was no movement in the words. She thought words should be moved automatically but they were quite different from the words of her modern books.
5. What do you think a telebook is?
Ans: A telebook consists of millions of different books. It displays the chapters according to the desires of the learners. The words of the books move in accordance with desirable speed. It does not have pages like today’s books. The content and the lesson with their words are displayed on the screen.
6. Where was Margie's school? Did she have any classmates?
Ans: Margie’s school was at her home. She did not have any classmates as we find in modern schools and educational institutes.
7. What subjects did Margie and Tommy learn?
Ans: Margie and Tommy learned geography, history, and arithmetic.
II. Answer the following with reference to the story.
1. "I wouldn't throw it away."
(i) Who says these words?
Ans: Tommy says these words.
(ii) What does 'it' refer to?
Ans:  ‘It’ refers to the television screen or a telebook.
(iii) What is it being compared with by the speaker?
Ans: It is being compared with the real book by the speaker.
2. "Sure they had a teacher, but it was not a regular teacher. It was a man."
(i) Who does 'they' refer to?
Ans: ‘They’ refer to the students or the learners.
(ii) What does 'regular' mean here?
Ans:- ‘Regular’ means the mechanical teacher here, but not the teacher as a man.
(iii)What is it contrasted with?
Ans: The mechanical teacher is contrasted with the earlier or old kind of teacher who used to be a man.
III. Answer each of these questions in a short paragraph (about 30 words).
1. What kind of teachers did Margie and Tommy have?
Ans: Margie and Tommy had mechanical teachers. The teacher had a special screen to display the text and the words. The words of the books are used to move in accordance with the desired speed of the learners. Sometimes the words used to be moving very fast which was not convenient for the students. They used to be fixed on a particular place set for them.
2. Why did Margie's mother send for the County Inspector?
Ans: Margie’s mother sent for the County Inspector because Margie’s mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography and she had been performing unsatisfactorily. Its geography sector was geared up a little more. The County Inspector was able to slow it down so that Margie would be comfortable and convenient with her teacher.
3. What did he do?
Ans:  He slowed down the geography sector of the mechanical teacher. The Inspector was pleased after he did his work and patted Margie’s head. He said that he had set to an average ten-year level.
4. Why was Margie doing badly in geography? What did the County Inspector do to help her?
Ans: Margie was doing badly in geography because her mechanical teacher was geared up a little fast. It had been giving her test after test which she was not able to compete. The County Inspector slowed it down to an average ten-year level.
5. What had once happened to Tommy's teacher?
Ans: The history sector of Tommy’s teacher was once blacked out completely.
 6. Did Margie have regular days and hours for school? If so why?
Ans: Yes, Margie had regular days and hours for school. She had to attend school at a certain time every day except Saturday and Sunday. This is because her mother said that little girls learn better if they learn at regular hours.
7. How does Tommy describe the old kind of school?
Ans: Tommy said that the old kind of school was centuries ago. They had teachers as men. They did not live in the houses but they had special buildings where the learners used to go.
8. How does he describe the old kind of teachers?
Ans: Tommy said the old kind of teachers were men. They did not live in the house but in the special building where kids used to go. The teachers were not required to be adjusted.
IV. Answer each of these questions in two or three paragraphs (100-150 words).
1. What are the main features of the mechanical teachers and the schoolrooms that Margie and Tommy have in the story?
Ans: Margie and Tommy had mechanical teachers which were quite different from the real teachers. As we know teachers are men and women but their teachers were machines. They were fixed on a particular place at their homes where they had to go regularly except Saturday and Sunday. Their teachers used to display words of the books on the screen which were moving in accordance with their desirable pace.
They did not have classmates with them during their studies. It was a monotonous schoolroom. They did not have any opportunities to interact with their classmates. Sometimes their mechanical teachers were very fast and so they performed badly. They calculate in no time. A student is not allowed to keep pace with the lesson. When it was adjusted and readjusted it worked conveniently.
2. Why did Margie hate school? Why did she think the old kind of school must have been fun?
Ans: Margi hated school because her school did not have fun which could please her. She was not in any way satisfied by the working procedures of her mechanical teacher. Her teacher sometimes used to give her test after test so fast that she could not work out properly. Her mother had to call the County Inspector to slow down the speed of the teacher. She did not have classmates to make fun with them. She was to sit in front of her teacher and she did not have any opportunities to talk to the teacher or with her classmates.
The old kind of school was far better than her modern school. The schools were situated in a particular place and made for a large number of students where they used to go and study sitting together. The teacher used to go there or stay there to teach the kids. The kids used to make fun with their classmates and get opportunities to interact with them. She thought that the old kind of school must have fun.
3. Do you agree with Margie that schools today are more fun than the school in the story? Give reasons for your answer.
Ans: I must agree with Margie that schools today are more fun than the school in the story. The schools today have some special teachers for each and every subject. Teachers are specialists in their subjects. They stay in the school where kids or students go to study. They teach and facilitate the children and the learners by talking and demonstrating properly. A large number of students go there and study their subjects. Whenever they need to interact, they can do this. But this is not the case with Margie’s mechanical teacher.
 Margie’s teacher can give her lesson very fast which sometimes becomes almost impossible for the students to deal with. In schools, today children are provided special time to think properly in case they face any problem in understanding or thinking. Schools today are more fun because kids go and study their subjects sitting together in the same classroom. They leave school at the same time. They get ample opportunities to talk and clear their concepts regarding any topic they learn in the classroom.
Thinking about Language
1. Adverbs
Read this sentence taken from the story:
They had once taken Tommy's teacher away for nearly a month because the history sector had blanked out completely.
The word complete is an adjective. When you add - ly to it, it becomes an adverb.
1. Find the sentences in the lesson which have the adverbs given in the box below.
awfully   sorrowfully   completely   loftily
carefully   differently   quickly   nonchalantly
Ans: They turned the pages, which were yellow and crinkly, and it was awfully funny to read words that stood still instead of moving the way there were supposed to --- on a screen, you know. the mechanical teacher had been giving her test after test in geography and she had been doing worse and worse until her mother shook her head sorrowfully and sent for the County Inspector. They had once taken Tommy's teacher away for nearly a month because the history sector had blanked out completely.
 He added loftily, pronouncing the word carefully, "Centuries ago."
 He added loftily, pronouncing the word carefully, "Centuries ago."
"But my mother says a teacher has to be adjusted to fit the mind of each boy and girl it teaches and that each kid as to be taught differently."
"I didn't say I didn't like it," Margie said quickly.
"Maybe," he said nonchalantly.
2. Now use these adverbs to fill in the blanks in the sentences below.
(i) The report must be read carefully so that performance can be improved.
(ii) At the interview, Sameer answered our questions loftily shrugging his shoulders.
(iii) We all behave differently when we are tired or hungry.
(iv) The teacher shook her head sorrowfully when Ravi lied to her.
(v) I completely forgot about it.
(vi) When I complimented Revathi on her success, she just smiled nonchalantly and turned away.
(vii) The President of the Company is awfully busy and will not be able to meet you.
(viii) I finished my work quickly so that I could go out to play.
3. Make adverbs from these adjectives.
(i) angry  angrily   (ii) happy    happily   (iii) merry    merrily (iv) sleepy   sleepily (v) easy   easily  (vi) noisy   noisily (vii) tidy   tidily  (viii) gloomy   gloomily
ii. If Not and Unless
Imagine what Margie’s mother told her. “You will feel awful if you don’t finish your history lesson.”
She could also say: “You will feel awful unless you finish your history lesson,”
Unless means if not. Sentences with unless or if not are negative conditional sentences.
Notice that these sentences have two parts. The part that begins with if not or unless tells us the condition. This part has a verb in the present tense (look at the verbs don’t finish, finish in the sentences above).
The other part of the sentence tells us about a possible result. It tells us what will happen (if something else doesn’t happen). The verb in this part of the sentence is in the future tense (you’ll feel/ you will feel).
Now notice these two tenses again in the following examples.
   Future Tense                   Present Tense
There won’t be any books left unless we preserve them.
You won’t learn your lessons if you don’t study regularly.
Tommy will have an accident unless he drives more slowly.
 Complete the following conditional sentences. Use the correct form of the verb.
1.       If I don’t go to Anu’s party tonight, she will get angry.
2.       If you don’t telephone the hotel to order food, you will not have your meal today.
3.       Unless you promise to write back, I will never write to you.
4.       If she doesn’t play any games, she will remain unhealthy.
5.       Unless that little bird flies away quickly, the cat will catch it.