Tuesday, December 10, 2019

This is Jody's Fawn : ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (page 90)
1. What had happened to Jody's father?
Ans:-Jody’s father was bitten by a rattle-snake.
2. How did the doe save Penny's life?
Ans:-The doe was killed by Jody’s father Penny to use its heart and liver. Its heart and liver removed the poison and saved his life.
3. Why does Jody want to bring the fawn home?
Ans:-The doe the fawn’s mother was killed by Jody’s father to save his life from the poison of rattle-snake. Now fawn was alone to starve in the forest. He was not able to get milk to survive. So Jody wants to bring the fawn home for its survival.
4. How does Jody know that the fawn is a male?
Ans:- Jody was conveyed very well by his father how to recognize a fawn whether a male or female. Jody found all the spots on the fawn were in a line. So he recognized it easily.
Comprehension check (page 91)
1. Jody didn't want Mill-wheel with him for two reasons. What were they?
Ans:- (i) Jody’s circumspection sensed disappointment. If fawn was not found he would lay in distress. He did not want his distress to be shared with anybody else. (ii) If fawn was found he would not like to share the happy moment with any other person. Also, he wanted to keep his rapture very secret.
2. Why was Mill-wheel afraid to leave Jody alone?
Ans:-Jody was not an adult. He was a very young boy. Mill-wheel did not believe him to face the obstacles found on the way to the forest. He could fail to possess the ways, or he could be bitten by the rattle-snake all of a sudden. That is why Mill-wheel was afraid to leave Jody alone.
Comprehension Check (page 94)
1. How did Jody bring the fawn back home?
Ans:-Jody found the carcass of the fawn mother. He understood that the fawn may be there. He felt that fawn might be roused if it saw the carcass. So he passed through the bushes. He protected the fawn from the bushes. He took a rest for the time being after passing the trail. He kept the fawn down for a while. The fawn started bleating and looking at him. He was now very pleased. Jody wanted the fawn to follow him, but the fawn did not do so. Now he picked up the fawn to carry for some distance. He stopped for a little rest. When he took up his walk again, the fawn started following him. In this way, Jody reached his home with the fawn.
2. Jody was filled with emotion after he found the fawn. Can you find at least three words or phrases that show how he felt?
Ans:- (i) a china deer
    (ii) very soft
    (iii) sleek and clean 
3. How did the deer drink milk from the gourd?
Ans:-The deer was unable to drink milk from the gourd at first. Jody helped the deer drink milk by dipping his fingers in the milk and then thrusting them into his mouth. Now his fingers were sucked by the deer. The deer felt the taste of milk. Now he lowered the finger into the gourd and in this way, the fawn began to drink milk from the gourd.
4. Why didn't the fawn follow Jody up the steps as he had thought it would?
Ans:-The fawn did not follow Jody up the steps as he had thought it would, because the fawn was completely unaware of lifting his feet.
Working with the text (page 94)
1. Why did Penny Baxter allow Jody to go find the fawn and raise it?
Ans:-Penny Baxter loved Jody very much. He was well convinced by Jody’s argument about the fawn. It was essential to save fawn because his mother was used to saving Penny’s life. In this situation, he was to starve alone. Thinking every aspect of well-being Penny Baxter allowed Jody to go find the fawn and raise it.
2. What did Doc Wilson mean when he said, "Nothing in the world ever comes quite free'?
Ans:- Doc Wilson meant to say that the doe who was killed to save Penny’s life must be paid a price. That would be paid only when the fawn was raised and brought up properly.
3. How did Jody look after the fawn, after he accepted the responsibility for doing this?
Ans:-Jody gave his fawn a motherly treatment. He used to help him drink milk with his fingers. Later he imparted the skill to drink milk and he was successful.
4. How does Jody's mother react when she hears that he is going to bring the fawn home? Why does she react in this way?
Ans:-Jody’s mother did not want any animal at her home. She was surprised to hear that she had to receive an animal. The coffee which was being poured by her was held in the mid-air. She did never want her money to be spent on any animal.
Working with language (page 94-95)
1. Look at these pairs of sentences.
 Penny said to Jody, "will you be back before dinner?"
 Penny asked Jody if he would be back before dinner.
 "How are you feeling.  Pa?" asked Jody.
 Jody asked his father how he was feeling.
 Here are some questions in the direct speech. Put them into reported speech.
(i) Penny said, "Do you really want it son?"
Ans:-Penny asked his son if he really wanted it.
(ii) Mill-wheel said, "Will he ride back with me?"
Ans:-Mill-wheel asked if he would ride back with him.
(iii) He said to Mill-wheel, "Do you think the fawn is still there?"
Ans:-He asked Mill-wheel if he thought the fawn was still there.
(iv) He asked Mill-wheel, "Will you help me find him?"
Ans:-He asked Mill-wheel if he would help him find him.
(v) He said, "Was it up here that Pa got bitten by the snake?"
Ans:-He asked if it was up there that his Pa had got bitten by the snake.
         He tumbled backward.
         It turned its head.
The first sentence has an intransitive verb, a verb without an object.
The second sentence has a transitive verb. It has a direct object. We can ask: "What did it turn?" You can answer It turned its head."
Say whether the verb in each sentence below is transitive or intransitive. Ask yourself a 'what' question about the verb, as in the example above. (For some verbs, an object is a person, so ask the question 'who instead of 'what').
(i) Jody then went to the kitchen. Transitive
(ii) The fawn wobbled after him. Intransitive
(iii) You found him. Transitive
(iv) He picked it up. Transitive
(v) He dipped his finger in the milk. Transitive
(vi) It bleated frantically and butted him. Intransitive
(vii) The fawn sucked his fingers. Transitive
(viii) He lowered his fingers slowly into the milk. Transitive
(ix) It stamped its small hoofs impatiently. Transitive
(x) He held his fingers below the level of the milk. Transitive
(xi) The fawn followed him. Transitive
(xii) He walked all day. Intransitive
(xiii) He stroked its sides. Transitive
(xiv) The fawn lifted its nose. Transitive
(xv) Its legs hung limply. Intransitive.
3. Here are some words from the lesson. Working in groups, arrange them in the order in which they appear in the dictionary. Write down some idioms and phrasal verbs connected to these words. Use the dictionary for some more idioms and phrasal verbs.
Close, draw, make, wonder, scrawny,
Parted, clearing, sweet, light, pick
Phrasal Verb:-Nothing
Idiom:- keep a close eye, keep a close watch
Phrasal Verb:- close up, close with
Idiom:- draw the curtain on, draw the curtain over
Phrasal Verb:- draw in, draw on
Idiom:- in the light of,  bring to light
Phrasal Verb:- light up
Idiom:-make the most of, make, or break
Phrasal Verb:-make of, make off
Idiom:- part exchange,
Phrasal Verb:- part with
Idiom:- hand-pick, ice-pick
Phrasal Verb:- pick at a pickoff, pick on
Idiom:- Nothing
Phrasal Verb:-Nothing
Idiom:- sweet and sour
Phrasal Verb:-Nothing
Idiom:- a nine-day wonder, no wonder, little wonder
Phrasal Verb:-Nothing

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