Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Transformation of Sentences: Exercise 59, -64

Exercise 59: Rewrite the following sentences so as to get rid of the Adverb ‘too’.

1.    It is never too late to mend.
Answer: It is never so late that one cannot mend.

2.    He is too proud to beg.
Answer: He is so proud that he cannot beg.

3.    My heart is too full for words.
Answer: My heart is so full that I cannot express my feelings.

4.    He was too late to hear the first speech.
Answer: He was so late that he could not hear the first speech.

5.    He is too ignorant for a postman.
Answer: He is so ignorant that he cannot be a postman.

6.    The boy was too old for a whipping.
Answer: The boy was so old that he could not be whipped.

7.    This tree is too high for me to climb.
Answer:  This tree is so high that I cannot climb.

8.    He speaks too fast to be understood.
Answer: He speaks so fast that he cannot be understood.

9.    He is far too stupid for such a difficult post.
Answer: He is so stupid that he is not suitable for such a difficult post.

10.                       She was sobbing too deeply to make any answer.
Answer: She was sobbing so deeply that she could not make any answer.

11.                       This fact is too evident to require proof.
Answer: This fact is so evident that it does not require proof.

12.                       The work is too much for any man to do single-handed.
Answer: The work is so much that no man can do it single-handed.

13.                       This shirt is too small for me.
Answer: This shirt is so small that it does not suit me.

14.                       The bag was too heavy for me to carry.
Answer: The bag was so heavy that I could not carry it.

Exercise 60: Change the Degree of Comparison without changing the meaning.

1.    Abdul is as strong as his brother.
Answer: Abdul’s brother is not stronger than Abdul. (Comparative)

2.    Akbar was one of the greatest king.
Answer: Akbar was greater than most other kings. (Comparative) or
Very few kings were as great as Akbar. (Positive)

3.    Some boys are at least as industrious as Karim.
Answer: Karim is not more industrious than some other boys. (Comparative)  or
Karim is not the most industrious boy. (Superlative)

4.    Mahabaleshwar is cooler than Mysore.
Answer: Mysore is not so cool as Mahabaleshwar. (positive)

5.    No other bowler in the eleven is so good as Rama.
Answer: Rama is better than any other bowler in the eleven. (Comparative)  or
Rama is the best bowler in the eleven. (Superlative)

6.    Very few cities in India are as big as Chennai.
Answer: Chennai is bigger than most other cities in India. (Comparative) or,
 Chennai is one of the biggest cities in India. (Superlative)

7.    No other story-book is so popular as The Arabian Nights.
Answer: The Arabian Nights is more popular than any other storybook. Or,
The Arabian Nights is the most popular storybook.

8.    This pony is better trained as yours.
Answer: Your pony is not so well trained as this. (positive)

9.    This church is the biggest in Mumbai.
Answer: No other church in Mumbai is so big as this. (Positive) Or, This church is bigger than any other church in Mumbai. (Comparative)

10.                       This newspaper has a bigger circulation than any other morning paper.
Answer.  No other morning paper has as big a circulation as this newpaper. (Positive) Or,
This newpaper has the biggest circulation of all the morning paper. (Superlative)

11.                       Helen of Troy was more beautiful than any other women.
Answer: No other woman was so beautiful as Helen of Troy. (positive) Or,
Helen was the most beautiful woman. (Superlative)

12.                       The airplane flies faster than birds.
Answer: Birds do not fly as fast as the airplane. (Positive)

13.                       Hyderabad is one of the biggest of Indian cities.
Answer: Hyderabad is bigger than most other cities. (Comparative) Or,
Very few Indian cities are as big as Hyderabad. (Positive)

14.                       Some beans are at least as nutritious as meat.
Answer: Meat is not more nutritious than beans. (Comparative)

15.                       Samudra Gupta was one of the greatest of Indian kings.
Answer: Very few Indian kings were as great as Samudra Gupta. (Positive) or,
Samudra Gupta was greater than most other Indian kings. (Comparative)

16.                       Australia is the greatest island in the world.
Answer: No other island in the world is so large as Australia. (Positive) Or,
Australia is larger than any other island in the world. (Comparative)

17.                       Very few Indo-Anglian novelists are as great as R. K. Narayan.
Answer:  R. K. Narayan is greater than most other Indo-Anglian novelists. (Comparative) Or,
R. K. Narayan is one of the greatest Indo-Anglian novelists. (Superlative)

18.                       This is one of the hottest districts in India.
Answer: This is hotter than most other districts in India. (Comparative) Or,
Very few districts in India are as hot as this. (Positive)

19.                       It is better to starve than beg.
Answer: It is not so good to beg as to starve. (Positive)

20.                       He loves all his sons equally well.
Answer: He does not love any of his sons better than the others.

Exercise 61: Change the following sentences into the passive form. (Omit the agent where possible)

1.    Premchand wrote this novel.
Answer: This novel was written by Premchand.

2.    We admire the brave.
Answer: The brave are admired (by us).

3.    I bought the baby a ball.
Answer:  A ball was brought for the baby. Or
The baby was brought a ball.

4.    They know me.
Answer: I am known to them.

5.    He invited me to his house yesterday.
Answer: I was invited to his house yesterday.

6.    They enjoy bathing.
Answer: Bathing is enjoyed by them.

7.    I opened the door.
Answer: The door was opened by me.

8.    I read the book long ago.
Answer: The book was read by me long ago.

9.    Pakistan expected to win the match.
Answer: It was expected by Pakistan that they would win the match.

10.                       The master appointed him monitor.
Answer: He was appointed monitor.

11.                       Who taught you such trick as these?
Answer: By whom were you taught such tricks as these.

12.                       Brutus accused Caesar of ambition.
Answer: Caesar was accused of ambition by Brutus.

13.                       The boy is climbing the cliff.
Answer: The cliff is being climbed by the boy.

14.                       He taught me to read Persian.
Answer: I was taught by him to read Persian.

15.                       One expects better behavior from a college student.
Answer: Better behavior is expected from a college student.

16.                       They showed a video of ‘The Titanic’.
Answer: A video of the ‘The Titanic’ was shown.

17.                       You must endure what you cannot cure.
Answer: What cannot be cured must be endured.

18.                       The curator of the museum showed us some ancient coins.
Answer: We were shown some ancient coins by the curator of the museum. Or,
Some ancient coins were shown us by the curator of the museum.

19.                       The king reviewed the troops in the maidan.
Answer: The troops were reviewed by the General in the maidan.

20.                       They have pulled down the old house.
Answer: The old house has been pulled down.

21.                       The rules forbid passengers to cross the railway line.
Answer: Passengers were forbidden to cross the railway line.

22.                       He made his wife do the work.
Answer: His wife was made to do the work.

23.                       Nature teaches beasts to know their friends.
Answer: beasts are taught by nature to know their friends.

24.                       All desire wealth and some acquire it.

25.                       Lincoln emancipated four million African slaves.

26.                       We expect good news.
Answer: Good news is expected.

27.                       They proposed to build a dam for irrigation purposes.
Answer: It is proposed to build a dam for irrigation purposes.

28.                       I offered him a chair.
Answer: He was offered a chair.

29.                       The French surrendered Quebec to the English in 1759.
Answer: Quebec was surrendered by the French to the English in 1759.

30.                       He showed me the greatest respect.
Answer: I was shown the greatest respect.

31.                       Alas! We shall hear his voice no more.
Answer: Alas! His voice will be heard no more.

32.                       Shall I ever forget those happy days?
Answer: will those happy days be ever forgotten?

33.                       Do you not understand my meaning?
Answer: Is my meaning understood?

34.                       We must listen to his words.
Answer: His words must be listen to.

Exercise 62: Rewrite the following sentences in the passive form. (Omit the agent where possible)

1.    Mecbeth hoped to succeed Duncan.
Answer: It was hoped by Macbeth that he would succeed Duncan.

2.    Who taught you Urdu?
Answer:  Who were you taught Urdu by?
By whom were you taught Urdu? (Formal)

3.    They found him guilty of murder.
Answer: He was found guilty of murder.

4.    The king immediately gave him orders that he should be imprisoned.
Answer:  Orders that he should be imprisoned were immediately given by the king.

5.    Somebody has put out the light.
Answer: The light has been put out.

6.    They laughed at his warnings and objected to all his proposals.
Answer: His warnings were laughed at and all his proposals (were) objected to.

7.    The Swiss regarded him as an impostor and called him a villain.
Answer: he was regarded as an impostor and called  villain by the Swiss.

8.    I have kept the money in the safe.
Answer: The money has been kept in the safe.

9.    He pretended to be baron.
Answer: It was pretended by him that he was a baron.

10.                       His subordinates accused him of various offences.
Answer: His was accused of various offences by his subordinates.

11.                       I saw him opening the box.
Answer: He was seen opening the box.

12.                       He ordered the police to pursue the thief.
Answer: The police were ordered to pursue the thief.

13.                       One cannot gather grapes from thistles.
Answer: Grapes cannot be gathered from the thistles.

14.                       You never hear of a happy millionaire.
Answer: A happy millionaire is never heard of.

15.                       The public will learn with astonishment that war is imminent.
Answer: It will be learnt with astonishment that war is imminent.

16.                       Did you never hear that name?
Answer: Was the name never heard?

17.                       The legend tells us how the castle received its name.
Answer: We are told how the castle received its name.

18.                       Do not insult the weak.
Answer: Let the weak not be insulted.

19.                       Why did he defraud you of your earnings?
Answer: Why were you defrauded of your earnings?

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