Friday, February 5, 2021

Solution to page - no, 131, 133, 134, 135, 137, 138, 139, 142, 147, 150



Page – 131

1.       1. Change each sentence into Indirect form of Speech:
(i) They say, “Kolkata is the city of Palaces.”
Answer: They say that Kolkata is the city of Palaces.
(ii) Mother says, “Munni is an intelligent girl.”
Answer: Mother says that Munni is an intelligent girl.
(iii) Heeroo says, “This dish was very delicious.”
Answer: Heeroo says that this dish was very delicious.
(iv) Rajat will say, “Idleness is a grave sin”.
Answer: Rajat will say that idleness is a grave sin.
(v) The teacher says, “The earth revolves round the sun.”
Answer: The teacher says that the earth revolves round the sun.
(vi) I say, “Prices are shooting up alarmingly.”
Answer: I say that prices are shooting up alarmingly.
(vii) She will say, “The storm was very rough.”
Answer: She will say that the storm was very rough.
(viii) Everyone will say, “Androcles was innocent.”
Answer: Everyone will say that Androcles was innocent.
(ix) Our father says, “The moon will be a space-station in years to come.”
Answer: my father says that the moon will be a space-station in years to come.
(x) She says, “Akbar was the greatest Mughal.”
Answer: She says that Akbar was the greatest Mughal.

Page – 133

1 .  Change each sentence into indirect form of Speech:
(i) The tortoise said, “Slow and steady wins the race."
 Answer: The tortoise said that slow and steady wins the race.
(ii) The teacher said, “The earth revolves round the sun.”
Answer: The teacher said that the earth revolves round the sun.
(iii) Hari said, “Shankar is my elder brother,"
Answer: Hari said that Shankar was his elder brother.
(iv) Pinki said, “Aruna has done the homework.”
Answer: Pinki said that Aruna had done the homework.
(v) He said, “Robin may come in the afternoon."
 Answer: He said that Robin might come in the afternoon.
(vi) Banwari said, “It has been raining since dawn.”
Answer: Banwari said that it had been raining since dawn.
(vii) The slave said, “The lion was limping.”
 Answer: The slave said that the lion had been limping.
(viii) Saraswati said, “Amit goes for swimming daily.”
 Answer: Saraswati said that Amit went for swimming daily.
(ix) Meera said, “Amreen can solve this sum.”
Answer: Meera said that Amreen could solve that sum.
 (x) He said, “Pintoo knows Monta by face only.”
Answer: He said that Pintoo knew Monta by face only.


Page – 134:
1. Change each sentence into Indirect form of Speech:
(i) They said, “The police arrested the murderer.”
Answer: They said that the police had arrested the murderer.
(ii) Anil said, “Amal deserved the prize.”
Answer: Anil said that Amal had deserved the prize.
(iii) My brother said, “Krishna was an intelligent boy.”
Answer: My brother said that Krishna had been an intelligent boy.
(iv) Sukumar said, “Mohini was suffering from fever.”
Answer: Sukumar said that Mohini had been suffering from fever.
(v) Kamala said, “The train had steamed off in time.”
Answer: Kamala said that the train had steamed off in time.
(vi) The passenger said, “The trains were running late.”
Answer: the passenger said that the train had been running late.
(vii) The hare said, “The tortoise had won the race.”
Answer: the hare said that the tortoise had won the race.
(viii) Sadhan said, “The girls were not singing a carol.”
Answer: Sadhan said that the girls had not been singing a carol.
(ix) She said, “Meera had been weeping bitterly for an hour.”
Answer: She said that Meera had been weeping bitterly for an hour.
(x) The old man said, “It has been snowing for half an hour.”
Answer: The old man said that it had been snowing for half an hour.


Page – 135:
1. Change each sentence into Indirect form of Speech:
(i) Roopa said, “We will have a nice time there.”
Answer: Roopa said that they would have a nice time there.
(ii) I said, “I admit that I acted foolishly in what I did.”
Answer: I said I had admitted that I had acted foolishly in what I had done.
(iii) Sunita’s coach said to her, “You should train hard and very regularly if you want to do well in the Championship.”
Answer: Sunita’s coach told her that she should train hard and very regularly if she wanted to do well in the Championship.
(iv) The teacher said, “This plan will cut no ice.”
Answer: the teacher said that that plan would cut no ice.
(v) The worker said, “I shall have finished my work.”
Answer: The worker said that he would have finished his work.
(vi) The monitor said, “Our class shall go for a picnic.”
Answer: the monitor said that their class would go for a picnic.
(vii) The mother said, “The cook will prepare pudding for all.”
Answer:The mother said that the cook would prepare pudding for all.
(viii) They said, “It will have been raining for an hour.”
Answer: They said that it would have been raining for an hour.
(ix) She said, “Neeloo will write a letter.”
Answer: She said that Neeloo would write a letter.
(x) The king said, “Each woman shall have half the baby.”
Answer: the king said that each woman would (should) have half the baby.


Page – 137:
 1. Change each sentence to Indirect form of Speech:
(i) I said to him, “You are a fool.
Answer: I told him that he was a fool.
(ii) Vishnu said, “I have been ill for three days.”
Answer: Vishnu said that he had been ill for three days.
(iii) Mahim said to her, “You look very smart.”
Answer: Mahim told her that she looked very smart.
(iv) She said to me, “You are in the wrong.”
Answer: She told me that I was in the wrong.
(v) I said to you, “He misbehaved with me,”
Answer: I told you that she had misbehaved with me.
(vi) We said, “We are quite well here.”
Answer: We said that we were quite well there.
(vii) The teacher said to you, “You have failed the test.”
Answer: The teacher told you that you had failed the test.
(viii) I said to him, “I shall return as soon as I can.”
Answer: I told him that I would return as soon as I could.
(ix) You said to her, “I am awfully thirsty.”
Answer: You told her that you were awfully thirsty.
(x) Amit said to Pooja, “You did not return my pen.”
Answer: Amit told Puja that she had not returned his pen.


Page – 138:
3. Change each sentence to Indirect form of Speech:
(i) The preacher said, “We must be bold enough to face injustice.”
Answer: the preacher said that they had to be bold enough to face injustice.
(ii) Iqbal said to Pawan, “This is the finest picture I have seen.”
Answer: Iqbal told Pawan that was the finest picture he had seen.
(iii) The shopkeeper said to the customer, “You will have less to carry.”
Answer: the shopkeeper told the customer that he would have less to carry.
(iv) “We are mere actors on the world stage,” said shopkeeper.
Answer: Shopkeeper said that they were mere actor on the world stage.
(v) The customer said to the shopkeeper, “You will have less to count.”
Answer: The customer told the shopkeeper that he would have less to count.
(vi) She said to me, “She will recover soon.”
Answer: She told me that she would recover soon.
(vii) He said, “We must serve our motherland.”
Answer: He said that we must serve our motherland.
(viii) The teacher said, “God is our father and we are His children.”
Answer: the teacher said that God is our father and we are His children.
(ix) The hare said to the lion, “Another lion detained me on the way.”
Answer: The hare told the lion that another lion had detained him on the way.
(x) The President said, “We are a great nation.”
Answer: the President said that we are a great nation.

Page- 139:
 1. Change each sentence to Indirect form of Speech:
(i) The mother said, “This is why you have failed.”
Answer: the mother said that was why I had failed.
(ii) The boy said, “We are playing.”
Answer: the boy said that they were playing.
(iii) Amal said to Vimal, “I gave you my pen.”
Answer: Amal told Vimal that he had given him his pen.
(iv) She said, “It is money that matters.”
Answer: She said that it was money that mattered.
(v) He said, “Habit dies hard.”
Answer; he said that habit dies hard.
(vi) She said, “This life is not an empty dream.”
Answer: She said that this life is not an empty dream.
(vii) He said to her, “You were a mere child when I saw you last.”
Answer:  he told her that she had been a mere child when he had seen her last.
(viii) He said to you, “I was pleased with you.”
Answer: He told you that he had been pleased with you.
(ix) I said to him, “The sky is blue today.”
Answer: I told him that the sky was blue that day.
(x) He said, “I was ill yesterday.”
Answer: He said that he had been ill the previous day.
(xi) He said to me, “You are honest, so I shall play with you from tomorrow.”
Answer: he told me that I was honest, so he would play with me from the next day.
(xii) My friend said to me, “What brings you hither?”
Answer: My friend asked what brought me thither.

Page – 142:
1. Turn into Indirect Speech:
(i) I said to him, “How are you?”
Answer: I asked him how he was.
(ii) The teacher said to her, “Have you done your homework?”
Answer: The teacher asked her if she had done her homework.
(iii) He said to the boy, “Do you know my brother?”
Answer: he asked the boy if he knew his brother.
(iv) They said to me, “Whom do you want?”
Answer: they asked me whom I wanted.
(v) I said to her, “Do you like sweets?”
Answer: I asked her if she liked sweets.
(vi) He said to me, “When will you come?”
Answer: He asked me when I would go.
(vii) Ravi said to his friend, “Will you come to my house tomorrow?”
Answer: Ravi asked his friend if he would go to his house the next day.
(viii) I said to her, “May I come into your room?”
Answer: I asked her if I might go into her room.
(ix) She said to me, “Will you go to Jalpaiguri today?”
Answer: She asked me if I would go to Jalpaiguri that day.
(x) I said to them, “Why were you shouting?”
Answer: I asked them why they were shouting.
(xi) “Who told you about my success?” said she to her friend.
Answer: She asked her friend who had told him/her about her success.
(xii) The boy said, “Is there any hope for me?”
Answer: The boy asked if there was any hope for him.
(xiii) “Why were you absent yesterday?” said the teacher.
Answer: The teacher asked why I had been absent the previous day.
(xiv) He said to them, “May I park my car here?”
Answer: He asked them if he might park his car there.
(xv) The headmaster said to the boy, “Have you anything to say in your defence?”
Answer: The headmaster asked the boy if he had anything to say in his defence.
(xvi) He said to her, “Why did you not attend my birthday party?”
Answer: He asked her why she had not attended her birthday party.

Page -147:
4. Change the form of Narration:
(i) I said to him, “Please shut the window.”
Answer: I requested him to shut the window.
(ii) He said to his servant, “Fetch me a glass of water.”
Answer: He ordered his servant to fetch him a glass of water.
(iii) The doctor said to him, “Take complete rest,”
Answer: The doctor advised him to take complete rest.
(iv) The teacher said, “Don’t make a noise in the class.”
Answer: The teacher forbade to make a noise in the class.
(v) He said, “Let me go.”
Answer: He asked to let him go. He told that he should go.
(vi) I said to him, “Don’t idle away your time,”
Answer: I forbade him to idle away his time.

(vii) Father said to me, “Think twice before you act.”
Answer: Father advised me to think twice before you acted.
(viii) Ram said to his friends, “Let us do it,”
Answer: Ram suggested his friends to let them do that.
(ix) She said to me, “Do not go there.”
Answer: She forbade me to go there.
(x) I said to him, “Look before you leap.”
Answer: I advised him to look before you leap.
(xi) The teacher said, “Boys, do not shout.”
Answer: the teacher forbade the boys to shout.
(xii) She said to him, “Come to my house.”
Answer: She ordered me to go to her house.
(xiii) He said to me, “Let me do my work.”
Answer: He requested me to let him do his work.
(xiv) He said to us, “Let us go to bed now.”
Answer: He told us that they should go to bed then.
(xv) I said, “Let the boy go where he likes.”
Answer: I said that the boy should where he liked.
(xvi) He said, “Please give me another chance.”
Answer: He requested to give him another chance.
(xvii) “Stop writing,” said the invigilator.
(xviii) They said to me, “Take care of yourself.”
Answer: They suggested me to take care of myself.
(xix) I said to her, “Put out the lamp.”
Answer: I ordered her to put out the lamp.
(xx) The accused said to the judge, “Kindly treat me leniently.”
Answer: the accused requested the judge to treat him leniently.

Page -150
1. Turn into Indirect form of Speech:
(i) She said, “What a nice thing it is!”
Answer: She exclaimed that it was a very nice thing.
(ii) He said, “Hurrah! My friend has won the first prize.”
Answer: He exclaimed in joy that his friend had won the first prize.
(iii) He said, “How beautiful the flower is!”
Answer: He exclaimed that it was a very beautiful flower.
(iv) I said to him, “What a fool you are!”
Answer: I exclaimed that he was a great fool.
(v) He said to me, “How clever you are!”
Answer: He exclaimed that I was very clever.
(vi)  She said, “Who knew that this would happen!”
Answer: He exclaimed who had known that that would happen.
(vii) Paul said to his friends, “Good-bye!”
Answer: Paul wished good-bye to his friends.
(viii) I said, “Alas! I am ruined.”
Answer: I cried in grief that I was ruined.
(ix) The boys said, “Hurrah! Our team has won.”
Answer: The boys exclaimed in joy that their team had won.
(x) She said, “What a pity!”
Answer: She cried out that it was a great pity.
(xi) He said, “Good morning, my friends.”
Answer: He wished good morning to his friends.
(xii) She said to them, “How cruel you are!”
Answer: She exclaimed that they were very cruel.
(xiii) He said, “What a pleasant weather it is!”
Answer: He exclaimed in joy that it was a very pleasant weather.
(xiv) “How beautiful these paintings are!” said Ranjan. “I wonder who has painted them.”
Answer: Ranjan exclaimed in joy that those paintings were very beautiful. He wondered who had painted them.
(xv) “What an excellent suggestion you gave! Said Tim to me.
Answer: Tim exclaimed in joy that I had given him an excellent suggestion.





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