Saturday, November 21, 2020

Try Yourself iv


 Let us Practise

A. Answer the following questions:

1. Which animal is used to ride on a high mountain?

Answer: Yak

2. Which animal is called Chilli?

Answer: Frisian Bull

3. Where can you find Emperor Penguins?

Answer:  Antarctica

4. Which group of animals/birds is called ‘business’?

Answer: Ferrets

5. What are the names of the father and mother of a kitten?

Answer: Father is called Tom & Mother is called Queen.

6. Which animal looks like a Llama?

Answer: Alpaca

7. Which animal looks similar to a Sealion?

Answer: Seal

B. Identify these images:

1. Feeding Pigeons

2. Playing with kitten

3. Taking a pet dog for a walk.

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