Friday, August 7, 2020

AMANDA: ncert solution Class 10

                                       Thinking about the Poem.

1. How old do you think Amanda is? How do you know this?
Answer: I think Amanda is 12 or 13. It is because pimples are seen on her face which normally appeared at this age.
2. Who do you think is speaking to her?
Answer: I think her mother is speaking to her. It is because mother normally takes much more care of the children’s beauty and complexion.
3. Why are Stanzas 2, 4, and 6 given in parentheses?
Answer: The stanzas 2, 4, and 6 are given in parentheses because these are the symbols of the mute responses.
4. Who is the speaker in Stanzas 2, 4, and 6? Do you think this speaker is listening to the speaker in Stanzas 1, 3, 5, and 7?
Answer: I think the mother is the speaker in Stanzas 2, 4, and 6. I don’t think the speaker is listening to the speaker (parent) in Stanzas 1, 3,5, and 7. It is because the listener is wandering in the world of her own imagination searching for peace and freedom. She is thinking about how to get rid of the unbearable mental burden imposed by her parents.
5. What could Amanda do if she were a mermaid?
Answer: Amanda could wander in the sea without any hindrance and obstacles. She could enjoy her freedom and liberty in the sea.
6. Is Amanda an orphan? Why does she say so?
Answer: No, Amanda is not an orphan. She had parents who scolded her for every trifle. Her parents think that they are only responsible for her better future. But their treatment and behavior with Amanda are so tough that it has become unbearable for her. She is not treated by her parents lovingly and affectionately at all. That is the reason why she says she is an orphan.
7. Do you know the story of Rapunzel?  Why does she want to be Rapunzel?
Answer: yes. I know the story of Rapunzel. She is a beautiful girl. Just after her birth, she was possessed by a witch on the basis of an agreement made between her parents and the witch. She was kept in a high tower for her safety and security. She was told to stay peacefully there throughout her life and was not allowed to come out of the tower. It was a peaceful place far from the residential areas. Amanda wants to get the peace that was made available very far from her parents. In this way, she thinks she will get rid of her parents and their unbearable instructions as well. This is why she wants to be Rapunzel.
8. What does the girl yearn for? What does this poem tell you about Amanda?
Answer:  The girl yearns for her freedom. She wants to spend her life with full liberty and pleasure which is not available at her home due to the presence of her parents. This poem tells me about Amanda that she is an appreciable girl who loves freedom without hurting her parents.
9. Read the last stanza. Do you think Amanda is sulking and is moody?
Answer: I don’t think Amanda is sulking and moody. This expression is made by her parent (mother). It is because she does not answer any of her questions. Consequently, her mother thought her to be a sulking and moody girl.
10. What message does the poet want to convey through 'Amanda'?
Answer: The poet Robin Klein wants to convey a very good message about the spontaneous upbringing of a girl child. An innocent child who does not have any experience of her society should never be forced to act which suits to her parents and her neighborhood. Parents should be able to deal with their children in a way which suits to her mental and physical comfort and convenience. Spontaneity and liberty of the children are far more important for their comprehensive development than a particular system of the society. Parents should never try any experiments on their children without studying their psychology. It may cause disastrous consequences.

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