Thursday, July 9, 2020

Solution to Voice: Page 113 - 114

   The solution to Voice: Page-113-114
Exercise 1. Change the following sentences from Active Voice to Passive Voice:
Simple Present tense:
(i) The field is dug by the farmer.
(ii) She is taught by me.
(iii) Mice are killed by the cats.
(iv) Is the house guarded by the dog?
(v)  Clever tricks are done by the magician.
Simple Past tense:
(i) The meals were prepared by her.
(ii) They were blessed by him.
(iii) I was given a book by her.
(iv) Was America discovered by Columbus?
(v) We were amazed by his speed.
Simple Future Tense:
(i) These stories will surely be liked by the children.
(ii) The roof will be repaired by a workman.
(iii) These doors will be painted by a painter.
(iv) Will your headache be cured by the doctor?
(v) What will be said by him?
Present continuous Tense:
(i) Our phone is being tapped.
(ii) He is being looked after by nurses.
(iii) The room is being cleaned by the maid.
(iv) English is being taught by the teacher.
(v) Is the plants are being watered by the gardener?
Past Continuous Tense:
(i) The road was being barred by the sheep.
(ii) English was being taught by the teacher.
(iii) The trees were being planted by them.
(iv) A base at the foot of the mountain was being set by the climbers.
(v) Were the nests being built by the birds?
Present Perfect Tense:
(i) She has been cheated by you.
(ii) The strikes have been called off by the workers.
(iii) Have you been cheated by me?
(iv) My watch has been stolen by the servant.
(v)  The work has been finished by them.
Past Perfect tense:
(i) I had been looked after by her for a month.
(ii) They had already been informed.
(iii) My teeth had been cleaned by the dentist last week.
(iv) Why had the ship been left by the sailors in the middle of the ocean?
(v) He had been marked absent by the teacher.
Future Perfect Tense:
(i) Sums will have been done by me.
(ii) She will have been helped by you.
(iii) Will a rupee have been given by you to a beggar?
(iv) This book will have been read by the boy.
(v) These houses will have been demolished by the civic authorities.
2. Rewrite the following sentences in the Passive.
(i) You are ordered to get out of my house.
(ii) You are suggested/advised to keep to the left of the road.
(iii) You are ordered to clear all these bills in time.
(iv) Let the injection be given by the nurse.
(v) You are forbidden to give the dog anything to eat.
(vi) Let all the teachers be informed by the house captain.

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