Friday, July 10, 2020

How to Change Active Voice into Passive Voice

To change Active Voice into Passive Voice we have to follow a few steps.
1.First of all the Subject of Active Voice becomes the Object of Passive Voice in the form of Objective Case (If it is possible).
2. Secondly the Object of Active Voice becomes the Subject of Passive Voice in the form of Nominative case.
3. Thirdly Subject is succeeded by the verb 'to be'(in accordance with the tense forms) +' past participle' + by (normally) +'object'(in the form of objective case).
See the examples of Nominative Case. I, You, He, She, They, We, etc.
See the examples of Objective Case. Me, You, Him, Her, Them, Us, etc.
Note: 1.If you want to find the subject, ask 'who' or 'what' stands to be a doer. The answer to the very this question will be your Subject. If you want to find the object, ask 'who' or' what is effected by the Subject directly or indirectly. The answer to the very this question will be your Object.(It may be direct or indirect object)
Note: 2. A Sentence of a Transitive Verb is normally changed into Passive Voice.
A Sentence of an Intransitive verb is not normally changed into Passive Voice.
Examples: Changing of Active Voice into Passive Voice.
He plays cricket. Active Voice
Cricket is played by him. Passive Voice
She is singing a song. Active Voice
A song is being sung by her. Passive Voice
I have done my work. Active Voice.
My work has been done by me. Passive Voice
My friend brought a new pen. Active Voice
A new pen was brought by my friend. Passive Voice       

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