Friday, July 17, 2020

First in the World

1. Who was the first person to go into space?
(a) Yuri Gagarine
(b) Dennis Tito
(c) Kalpana Chawla
(d) Neil Armstrong.
2. Who was the first person to walk in space?
(a)Alexei Leonov
(b) Yuri Gagarine
(c) Neil Armstrong
(d) Ronald Amundsen.
3. Who was the first person to ski down Mt Everest?
(a) Dennis Tito
(b)Yuichiro Miura
(c) Roger Bacon
(d) Emile Berliner
4. Who was the first youngest to sail around the world non-stop and alone?
(a) Kojiro Shiraishi
(b) Kojiro shares
(c) Shreshi Kojiro
(d) Kojirao Shreoshi
5. Who was the first Asian to win a Nobel prize(for literature)?
(a) Devendranath Tagore
(b) Rabindranath Tagore
(c) Ramprasad Bismil
(d) Jagadish Chandra Basu
6. Who was the first Chinese pilgrim to visit India?
(a) Kalhan
(b) Fahien
(c) Huen T-sang
(d)Marco polo
7. Who was the first Asian to get Finix award?
(a) Sr P.C. Sarcar
(b) Sr B.C. Sarcar
(c) Sr P.l. Sarcar
(d) Sr D.C. Sarcar
8. Who was the first Asian woman to cross the English Channel?
(a) Bharati Saha
(b) Aarti Saha
(c) Savitri Saha
(d) Madhumati Desai
9. Who was the first Mongol emperor of China?
(a) Kublai Khan
(b) Kublai Khan
(c) Buklai Khan
(d) Lakbai Khan
10. Who was the first chairman of the People's Republic of China?
(a) Confucius
(b) Lao Tse-tung
(c) Mao Tse-tung
(d) Lenin
11. Who was the first to cross the Sahara Desert?
(a) Dixon Denham and Hugh Clapperton
(b) Kalpana Chawla
(c) John Dixon
(d) Hugh Clapperton
12. Who was the first cricketer to have battled in all positions?
(a) Sachin Tendulkar
(b) Saurab Ganguli
(c) Wilfred Rhodes
(d) Shrikant
13. Who was the first to climb Mount Everest?
(a) Tenzing Guha and Hillary
(b) Norgay and Tenzing
(c) Hillary and Edmund
(d)Tenzing Norgay and Edmund Hillary
14. Who was the first European Invader of India?
(a) Alexander
(b) Menander
(c) Marco polo
(d) Mohammad-bin-Qasim
16. Who was the first Muslim Invader of India?
(a) Babar
(b) Akbar
(c) Mir Qasim
(d) Mohammad-bin-qasim
17. Who was the first man to make a solo flight around the world?
(a) Wright Brothers
(b) Wiley Post
(c) Peter Habeler
(d) Edwin Aldrin
18. Who was the first European to visit China?
(a) Jose Lasso
(b) Marco Polo
(c) Margo Minco
(d) Magellan
19. The first man to fly over both North and the South Poles?
(a) Magellan
(b) Richard E. Byrd
(c) Louis Bleriot
(d) Yuri Gagarin
20. The first Englishman to receive Nobel Prize for literature?
(a)Rudyard Kipling
(b) Thacher
(c) Rosalyn Higgins
(d) Mr. Brown
21. Who was the first foreigner to receive Bharat Ratna?
(a) Abdul Gaffur
(b) Abdul Ghaffar Khan
(c) Abdul Rahim Khan
(d) Abdul Khankhana
22. Who was the first High Commissioner of the UN Human Rights Commission?
(a) Chaiaki Mukai
(b) L. Fernandes
(c) Jose Ayala Lasso
(d) Rubia Khan
23. Who was the first Governor-General of Pakistan?
(a) Mohammad Ali
(b) Mohammad Ali Jinnah
(c) Neshar Ansari
(d) Raffic Alam
24. Who was the first man to sail around the world?
(a) Ferdinand Magellan
(b) Sandra Day
(c) Clapperton
(d) Reinhold Messner
25. Who was the first Pope to visit India?
(a) Pope Paul v
(b) Pope Paul vi
(c) Pope Paul vii
(d) Pope Paul viii
26. Who was the first President of the Chinese Republic?
(a) San Yot Sen
(b) Sun Yat-sen
(c) Son Yat-sen
(d) Saun Yat-sen
27. Who was the first President of the USA?
(a) Booker T Washington
(b) George Washington
(c) Jerrie Mock
(d) George Wellington
28. Who was the first Prime Minister of Pakistan?
(a) Bilayat Khan
(b) Bulayat khan
(c) Liaquat Ali Khan
(d) Bilawal Khan
29. Who was the first Prime Minister of Great Britain?
(a) Robert Walpole
(b) Louise Brown
(c) Joy Brown
(d) Browning
30. Who was the first Secretary-General of the UN?
(a) Trygve Lie
(b) Dante
(c) Murdock
(d) Maria Estela
31. Who was the first Indian Statesman to speak in Hindi at the UN?
(a) L.K Adwani
(b) Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(c) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
(d) Mahatma Gandhi
32. Who was the first Test Tube Baby?
(a) Louise Brown
(b) Joy Brown
(c) Louise joy Brown
(d) Brown Louise
33. Who was the first woman cosmonaut in space?
(a) Tereshkova
(b) Valentina
(c) Gagarina
(d) Valentina Tereshkova
34. Who was the first women judge of the Supreme Court?
(a) O'Connor
(b) Sandra Day O'Connor
(c) Sandra Day
(d) Ann Bancroft
35. Who was the first woman President of the UN General Assembly?
(a) Arati Pradhan
(b) Indira Gandhi
(c) Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit
(d) Sirimavo Bandaranaike

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