Wednesday, June 24, 2020

The Rain on the Roof: ncert solution Class 9

Thinking  about  the Poem Page-42
I.1. What do the following phrases mean to you? Discuss in class.
(i) Humid shadows
Ans: ‘Humid shadows’  means,  clouds full of moisture (humidity).
(ii)starry spheres
Ans: ‘Starry spheres’ means, the spheres which are concerned with stars. These spheres indicate here ‘sky’.
(iii) What a bliss
Ans: A bliss indicates a perfect pleasure, which is here created by the rain.
(iv) A thousand dreamy fancies Into busy being start.
Ans: It means a thousand dream-like imaginations are generated in the mind of the poet during rainfall.
(v) A thousand recollections weave their air-thread into woof
Ans: A thousand memories are created in the poet’s mind. They jointly turn into a woof.
2. What does the poet like to do when it rains?
Ans: The poet likes to remember the affectionate presence of his mother when it rains.
3. What is the single major memory that comes to the poet? Who are the ‘darling dreamers’ he refers to?
Ans: The single major memory, that comes to the poet, is his mother. The children who remember their mother as the poet does, are the darling dreamers.
4. Is the poet now a child? Is his mother still alive?
Ans: I don’t think the poet is a child. I am sure that the poet is an adult or grown-up. His mother is not alive and so, he remembers so much.
II.1. When you were a child, did your mother tuck you in; as the poets did?
Ans: Yes, my mother used to tuck me in when I was a child, as the poet’s mother did. She used to be very anxious about my well-being.
2. Do you like rain? What do you do when it rains steadily or heavily as described in the poem?
Ans: Yes, I like rain. I walk in the rain for the time being to enjoy the rain. I like to stay at my home (basically in my room) when it rains steadily or heavily to view the gradual changes of nature.
3. Does everybody have a cozy bed to live in when it rains? Look around you and describe how different kinds of people or animals spend time, seek shelter, etc. during rain.
Ans: No, everybody does not have a cozy bed to live in when it rains. When I look around me, I find so many persons and animals taking shelter under the roof or tree during rain. I have seen people in the villages taking shelter at the temples or the schools. So is the case with animals. They also take shelter under the roof or try to get inside the rooms. Dogs and goats are seen doing the same during rain.

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