Saturday, April 4, 2020

The Road not Taken: ncert solution - class 9

I. 1. Where does the traveler find himself? What problem does he face?
Ans: The traveler finds himself standing at a junction intersected by two roads. He faces a great problem with the decision he has to take.  He is in a state of confusion about the selection of the road on which he will start traveling.
  2. Discuss what these phrases mean to you.
 (i) a yellow wood
Ans: The phrase ''yellow wood' indicates autumnal forest.
 (ii) it was grassy and wanted wear
Ans: The phrase "it was grassy and wanted wear" means the road is full of grass because people did not travel much more on the road, and so the road wants the people to tread on.
(iii) the passing there
Ans: The Phrase "passing there" indicates the treading on the road which looks the same as the first one
 (iv) leaves no step had trodden black
Ans: The phrase "leaves no step had trodden black" indicates that the leaves on the road seem to lay as usual. It means people did not tread on the road. That is why leaves are unchanged.
 (v) how way leads on to way
Ans: The phrase "how way leads on to way" indicates that a way or road leads to another way or road. It also indicates how a road leads a traveler to another road.
  3. Is there any difference between the two roads as the poet describes them
(i) in stanzas two and three?
Ans: There is no difference between the two roads in stanzas two and three because they were not trodden over. The leaves on the road were unchanged.
 (ii) in the last two lines of the poem?
Ans: Last two lines of the poem provide a great message to the learners about the decision taken by the poet which has changed his life. He wants to convey that one should be very keen and careful in making decision in his life.
  4. What do you think the last two lines of the poem mean? (Looking back, does the poet regret his choice or accept it?)
Ans: The last two lines indicate the theme of the poem. The poet wants to convey that one should take his decision and be on the same. It means decision should be very strong based on individual's strength. Once the decision is taken should never be turned down. One must think again and again before taking decision. One must assess the obstacles on the way to success. We must not underestimate the obstacles created on the way to our progress and development. Let us suppose, someone wants to achieve spiritual enlightenment, and strives for eleven years and at last he does not achieve the goal. Now he wants to be an engineer. He wants to join the school. We must keep in mind that he has already spent eleven years achieving spiritual enlightenment which will never come back. So before making decision it is essential to assess every thing properly along with the person's ability and capability.
II. 1. Have you ever had to make a difficult choice (or do you think you will have difficult choices to make)? How will you make the choice (for what reasons)?
Ans: Yes, I had to make a difficult choice when I was in class viii. It was 8,O' clock in the morning, our History teacher entered the class gloomily, and did not respond to our greets. We were shocked to see him sad. We wanted to ask him why he was sad, but instead of doing so, every student was staring at him anticipating him to disclose the reasons. After sometimes he said that someone was murdered and his body was taken away by the criminals. The spot of incident was just three KM far from our school and on the way to my home. I, the then was a day scholar, so I had to leave my school for my home. I was habituated to come to school on my own without any escort. When our Principal announced that the school would be dismissed just after the third period, I had to find the way out of it. After all, I started my journey along with my friends who were afraid of the incident. I made them bold and said we were innocent ones so no harm would be made. Ultimately we got our destination.
2. After you have made a choice do you always think about what might have been, or do you accept the reality?
Ans: Whenever I make choices I think a lot before I come to the conclusion. I try to assess the situation also. As I expressed my aforesaid experience, I got information that police have escorted the spot, we started moving from school. I accept the reality and that is why I don't want to take any decision without thinking over properly.

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