Thursday, April 30, 2020

The Lost Child: ncert solution class 9

Think  About It
1. What are the things the child sees on his way to the fair? Why does he lag behind?
Ans: The things the boy sees on his way to the fair are blooming mustard fields, insects, worms and dragonflies. On the very way he wants to catch one of the dragonflies, and so he lags behind.
2. In the fair he wants many things. What are they? Why does he move on without waiting for an answer?
Ans: The child wanted so many things available in the fair such as rosogulla, burfi, jalebi and gulab-jamun. Also, he is interested in the garlands made of Gulmohar. He likes balloons very much. The child knows very well that he will not be allowed to get any of those things available in the market. And so he moves on without waiting for an answer.
3. When does he realise that he has lost his way? How has his anxiety and security been described?
Ans: The child loses his way during his staring at the merry-go-round in the fair. He looks quickly towards his parents anticipating favourable answers, but he does not get any answer from his parents.  Then and there he realises that he has lost his way in the fair.
His anxiety and insecurity are exhibited with his tears and shabby clothes. The child now behaves like a fish out of water.
4. Why does the lost child lose interest in the things that he had wanted earlier?
Ans: The child experiences the value and importance of the fair after he loses his way. He finds that when he was moving to the fair with his parents, everything was likely and beautiful, but in the absence of his parents, nothing was left more important than his parents. As we know loneliness for a child is unbearable pain.
5. What do you think happened in the end? Does the child find his parents?
Ans: I think the end is pleasing. The child finds his parents. A village fair is considered a very important centre of enjoyment in India. People from the villages visit the fair in groups made of their neighbours. They bring their children with them and take care very well. In case, if any child misses, all the villagers find it very soon and hand over the child to his respected parents.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Fire and Ice: ncert solution class 10

Thinking about the Poem
1. There are many ideas about how the world will ‘end’. Do you think the world will end someday? Have you ever thought about what would happen if the sun got so hot that it ‘burst’ or grew colder and colder?
Ans: It is a fact that what exists today will surely be disappeared tomorrow. We don’t know when the time will come to witness the end of the world. Yes, I, like others, think that the world will come to an end one day. If the sun gets very hot, in other words, if the sun gets angry the world will have to be burnt on its natural funeral pyre. Nothing will exist on this planet, I mean everything (living, non-living) will automatically be burnt to ashes. Everybody on the globe will be cremated in the same way.
If the sun grew colder and colder, the whole world would turn into a burial ground, because everybody would be frozen and completely covered in the coffin made of ice. So it is quite clear that the world will be brought to an end either by fire (anger) or ice (hatred)
2. For Frost, what do ‘fire and ice’ stand for? Here are some ideas:
Ans:  Fire:- greed, conflict, avarice, fury, intolerance, lust, rigidity
          Ice:- coldness, cruelty, insensitivity, indifference, hatred
3. What is the rhyme scheme of the poem? How does it help in bringing out the contrasting ideas in the poem?
Ans: The rhyme scheme of the poem is
     a b,
     a a,
     b c,
     b c,
Here, in the poem, different ideas of destruction are displayed(expressed) in different rhyme schemes. So one can say that the rhyme schemes of the poem contrast the ideas of annihilation.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Solution to Wren and Martin: Exercise 110

 In each of the following sentences supply a Verb in agreement with its Subject.
1. To take pay and not to work is dishonest.
2. The cost of all these articles has risen.
3. The jury are/were divided in their opinions.
4. That night every one of the boat’s crew was down with fever.
5. One or the other of those fellows has stolen the watch.
6. The strain of all the difficulties and vexations and anxieties was more than he could bear.
7. No news is/was good news.
8. The accountant and the cashier have absconded.
9. A good man and useful citizen has passed away.
10. The famous juggler and conjurer is/was too unwell to perform.
11. The Three Musketeers was written by Dumas.
12. Each of the suspected men is/was arrested.
13. The ebb and the flow of the tides was explained by Newton.
14. Ninety rupees is too much for this bag.
15. The cow as well as the horse eats grass.
16. Neither his father nor his mother is alive.
17. There are many objections to the plan.
18. Two-thirds of the city is in ruins.
19. The formation of paragraphs is very important.
20. Man’s happiness or misery is in a great measure in his own hands.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Nelson Mandela: ncert solution - class 10

Nelson MandelaActivity Page 17
In column A, are some expressions you will find in the text. Make a guess and  match each expression with an appropriate meaning from Column B
(i)A rainbow gathering of different colours and nations-A beautiful coming together of various peoples, like the colours in a rainbow.
(ii) The seat of white supremacy- The centre of racial superiority.
(iii) Be overwhelmed with a sense of history – Feel deeply emotional, remembering and understanding all the past events that have led up to the moment.
(v) Resilience that defies the imagination- A great ability (almost unimaginable) to remain unchanged by suffering (not losing hope, goodness or courage)
(v) A glimmer of humanity – A sign of human feeling (goodness, kindness, pity, justice, etc.)
(vi) A twilight existence – A half-secret life, like a life lived in the fading light between sunset and darkness.
Oral Comprehension Check Page  18 & 19
1. Where did the ceremonies take place? Can you name any public buildings in India that are made of sandstone?
Ans: The ceremonies took place in the amphitheatre (made of sandstone) in Pretoria. Parliament House, along with some buildings such as Red Fort, Zama Masjid etc. are examples of sandstone buildings in India.
2. Can you say how 10 May is an ‘autumn day’ in South Africa?
Ans: After 300 years of slavery, a ray of freedom was seen in South Africa. 10  May became its witness. That is why 10May  is considered an autumn day in South Africa.
3. At the beginning of the speech, Mandela mentions an extraordinary human disaster”. What does he mean by this? What is the glorious… human achievement” he speaks of at the end?
Ans: The governance and rule of the white people over the black ones for 300 consecutive years was a tragic event. Liberation from that human disaster was achieved after a long battle. Today democracy has been established, which became a very good achievement for Nelson Mandela and the opportunity for the common man to feel freedom. The very this was the glorious achievement he speaks of at the end.
4. What does Mandela thank the international leaders for?
Ans: Nelson Mandela thanks the international leaders because of their glorious support and help for maintaining democracy in South Africa. It was a battle for justice and the welfare of the people.
5. What ideals does he set out for the future of South Africa?
Ans: Nelson Mandela took many steps to liberate the people of South Africa from the years of slavery and bondage. It included everything from poverty, castism, racial discrimination, deprivation etc.

Oral comprehension Check       page 21
1. What do the military generals do? How has their attitude changed, and why?
Ans: They do their duty what was important for the country but not for the people. They want to be loyal to the government all the time. Their duty was completely based on military regulations. They completely changed their attitude into personal benefits. They were unaware of the trouble caused by them to the people. Ultimately, they become an embodiment of exploitation in the country.
2. Why were two national anthems sung?
Ans: It is really interesting to know that in South Africa two national anthems are sung. This is because of the two major races of the country. The whites are founders of the old republic whereas the blacks are founders of democracy. Both the races are honoured by their lovely national anthems which play an important role in maintaining racial harmony.
3. How does Mandela describe the system of government in his country (i) in the first decade, and (ii) in the final decade, of the twentieth century?
Ans: Mandela describes that in the first decade of the twentieth century the white developed a system of governance that was based on racial discrimination. It was beneficial for the white only. The black was not able to express even their trouble and grief clearly. They were not able to enjoy their fundamental rights. 
But in the final decade of the twentieth century, the black changed the system of racial discrimination. Now the people of South Africa formed a democratic government suitable to all the people of the country.

Oral Comprehension Check page 24
1. What ‘twin obligation’ does Mandela mention?
Ans: Obligation means moral or legal commitment(duty) to which a  person is found himself bound. Mandela’s first obligation was concerned with his family members who were striving to survive. It was essential for Mandela to look after his family and children very keenly and carefully.
The second obligation of Mandela was concerned with the system of the then governance under which the people of South Africa including his community had been suffering from exploitation based on apartheid and racial discrimination which caused the suspension of fundamental rights(human rights).
2. What did being free mean to Mandela as a boy, and as a student? How does he contrast this ' transitory freedom’’ with the  ‘basic and honourable freedom’?
Ans: Mandela experienced freedom as a boy to wander, to run in his village, to swim, and to ride bull etc as it is seen everywhere because it is done by the boys who do not know about their family and their rights. As a student, Mandela experienced freedom by saying out at night, by reading desired scripts, by measuring his prospects and so on. Now the freedom which is transformed from the freedom of a boy into the freedom of a student is called transitory freedom.
But the basic honourable freedom was quite different from the transitory one because this freedom is concerned with the freedom of self-respect and individual dignity. This is how Mandela mentions what is basic honourable freedom.
3. Does Mandela think that oppressor is free? Why? Why not?
Ans: Mandela does not think that the oppressor is free. It is because the oppressor is the stern slave of hatred, and consequently captivated in a cage, made of narrow-mindedness and prejudice.

Monday, April 20, 2020

Dust of Snow: by Robert Frost - ncert solution Class 10

Thinking about the Poem.
This poem represents a moment that seems simple but has a larger significance. (Compare this other quotation from Robert Frost: “Always, always a larger significance… A little thing touches a larger thing.”)
1. What is a “dust of snow”? What does the poet say has changed his mood? How has the poet’s mood changed?
Ans:  A “dust of snow” indicates the tiny fragments of snow apprehended closely and softly. The mood of the poet was completely changed by the dust of snow falling on him. He experienced the soft and beautiful touch of nature.
2. How does Frost present nature in this poem? The following questions may help you to think of an answer.
(i) What are the birds that are usually named in poems? Do you think a crow is often mentioned in poems? What images come to your mind when you think of a crow?
Ans: There are so many birds used in the poems. They are parrot, hummingbird, cuckoo, woodpecker, etc. I don’t think the crow is often mentioned in the poems.
People have different images of crows. Some say when a crow is seen, guests arrive. If I see a crow early morning, surely a guest will arrive. It is my experience since my childhood. Crow takes the bread from the hands of the children without any hesitation. They are very cunning. It is believed that crow sometimes brings heavy and dangerous rainfall. I also think it sponsors ill omen.
(ii) Again, what is “a hemlock tree”? Why doesn’t the poet write about a more ‘beautiful’ tree such as a maple, or an oak, or a pine?
Ans:  “A hemlock tree” is a small but very dangerous plant. It is known for its poison. As we know poison is not in any way soothing ointment but a destructive substance that causes unbearable pain and suffering. By using the ‘hemlock’ tree the poet wants to represent his mental state full of anxieties, disappointment, and sorrow. 
(iii) What do the ‘crow’ and ‘hemlock’ represent - joy or sorrow? What does the dust of snow that the crow shakes off a hemlock tree stand for?
Ans: Both ‘crow’ and ‘hemlock’ represent sorrow, but the ‘dust of snow’ is quite different from the crow and the hemlock. The dust of snow stands for pleasure and happiness along with its natural beauty.
3. Have there been times when you felt depressed or hopeless? Have you experienced a similar moment that changed your mood that day?
Ans:  I cannot forget the day when I was in Class 6. My science teacher assigned us some home works. We were to submit the same the very next day. Our classes were to be terminated for Puja vacation only after a few days. So, we were in a festive mood. I, along with my seven friends spent our time playing football in the evening. Tired of playing we went straight to our homes and cook a meal. We showed our parents that we were not tired at all. I also showed that I was able to study how long my parents wanted me to do so. But we did nothing. I did not even talk about my assignments. The very next day when I reach school, I saw some of our friends trying to copy the notes of other classmates. I came to know that 90% of the students in my class had done their assignments. Now I was afraid of my science teacher. He ordered the class monitor to collect the notebooks of science. Monitor did it. He started counting the notebooks. Seven copies were missing. It was just the second period. Now the teacher ordered us to stay outside only for seven periods. We were very sad, but after 4th period our Principal saw us standing in the corridor. He called us and knew the reasons for our standing there and ordered us to do our homework in time. Then and there we were released and pleased.

Sunday, April 19, 2020


Tense indicates the time of an action. There are three kinds of tenses.
Present Tense
Past Tense
Future Tense
Present Tense has four forms.
1-Simple Present Tense,
2- Present Continuous Tense,
3- Present Continued Tense, (He goes on laughing) (Included in Present Continuous Tense)
4- Present Perfect Tense,
5- Present Perfect Continuous Tense.
Past Tense has four forms.
1-Simple Past Tense,
2 -Past Continuous Tense,
3 - Past Continued Tense, (She went on laughing) (Included in Past Continuous Tense)
4- Past Perfect Tense,
5- Past Perfect Continuous Tense.
Future Tense has four forms.
1-Simple Future Tense,
2- Future Continuous Tense,
3- Future Perfect Tense
4- Future Perfect Continuous Tense.        

Simple Present Tense indicates the time of action which is taken place in (at) present. Sometimes it shows habitual actions.
Ex:-He walks in the morning.
She goes to bed early.
They play cricket.
Structure:-1. ( S'+V'),          2. (S''+V'').
Structure 1 indicates that if the subject is singular verb will be singular. Structure 2 indicates that if the subject is plural verb will be plural. Exception:-I, You. It means only two subjects 'I' and 'You' don't follow the rules.
Examples:- (I go . You go.) In these two sentences one can see that the subject 'I' and 'You' are singular but the verb 'go' is plural with them. Take another example; ( He reads English. One can see here that the subject 'He' is singular so the verb 'reads' is also singular.) (They read English. One can see here that the subject 'They' is plural so the verb 'read' is also plural.) We should know that verbs are originally found in their plural order, like- go, eat, write, laugh, these all verbs are plural. All the verbs are made singular by adding 's' or 'es' with them, as it is required, like-goes, eats, writes, laughs, these all verbs are singular.
StructureSubject + verb (singular/plural) + object.(Positive)
He plays football.
Subject + do/does + not + verb (plural)+ object. (Negative)
He does not play football.
Do/ Does + subject + verb (plural) + object?(Interrogative)
Does he play football?
Wh/H + do/does + subject + verb (plural) + object?(Interrogative)
Why does he not play cricket?

Present Continuous Tense indicates the time of a verb that is taking place at present.
 He is going to school. I am playing cricket. You are writing a letter.
Structure:- Subject + is/am/are + verb + ing + object.(Positive)
 He is going to school. I am playing cricket. You are writing a letter.
Subject + is/am/are +not + verb + ing +object.  (Negative)
 He is not going to school. I am not playing cricket. You are not writing a letter.
Is/Am/Are +subject +verb +ing +object?  (Interrogative)
 Is he going to school? Am I playing cricket? Are you writing a letter?
Wh / H +is/am/are + subject +verb + object? (Interrogative)
 Why is he going to school? How is he playing cricket?
 Who is playing in the class?  

Present Perfect Tense indicates the time of verb which has already been taken place.
Ex:-He has done his homework.
I have done my homework.
She has not done her homework.
Have we done our homework?
Who has not done his homework?
Subject + have/has + past participle + object. (Positive)
Subject +have/has + not + past participle + object. (Negative)
Have/Has + subject + past participle + object? (Interrogative)
Wh/H + have/has + subject + past participle + object? (Interrogative)
Now we can see the above mentioned examples. 'Have' is a plural verb and 'has’ is a singular verb.
We know that if the subject is singular verb will be singular, and if the subject is plural verb will be plural, exceptions are 'I' and 'You'.  

Present Perfect Continuous Tense indicates the time of verb which has been taking place. It is both continuous and perfect tense. It indicates continuous perfection in the present.
Ex:-He has been studying in this school for seven years. (Positive)
You have been studying in this school since 2008. (Positive)
She has not been doing her homework since last Tuesday. (Negative)
Have you been in London for a few months? (Interrogative)
Why have you been in London for a few months? (Interrogative)
Structure:- Subject + have/has + been + verb + ing + object + for/since + period of time/point of time.(Positive)
He has been writing a letter for three hours.
Subject + have not/has not + been + verb + ing + object + for/since + period of time/point of time. (Negative)
She has not been going to school for four days.
Have/Has + subject + been + verb + ing + object + for/since + period of time/point of time? (Interrogative)
Has she been learning in this school since her childhood?
Wh/H +have/has + subject + been + verb + ing + object +for/since + period of time/point of time? (Interrogative)
Why has she been your friend since your childhood?
Here we have to note that 'for' indicates the period of time whereas 'since' indicates the point of time.             
Simple Past Tense indicates the time of verb which was taken place in the past.
Ex:- He went to school. (Positive)
He did not go to school. (Negative)
Did he go to school? (Interrogative)
When did he go to school? (Interrogative)
Structure:-Subject + past form of verb + object. (Positive)
Subject + did + not + verb + object. (Negative)
Did + subject + verb + object? (Interrogative)
Wh/H + did + subject + verb + object? (Interrogative)
We should note that the verb 'did' is the past form of the verb 'do'. In the Simple Past Tense 'did' is used as an auxiliary verb when the sentence is Negative or Interrogative. The verb 'did' is also used as a principal verb when the sentence is Positive.
He did his work well. (Positive).  Here 'did' is used as a principal verb.
He did not do his work well. (Negative). Here 'did' is used as an auxiliary verb.
Did he do his work well? (Interrogative). Here 'did' is used as an auxiliary verb.  

 Past Continuous Tense indicates the time of verb which was being taken place in the past.
Ex:-She was writing a letter. (Positive)
They were not writing their notes. (Negative)
Were you writing your notes? (Interrogative)
Why were you not writing your notes? (Interrogative)
Structure: Subject + was/were + verb + ing + object. (Positive)
Subject + was not/were not +verb + ing + object. (Negative)
Was/Were + subject + verb + ing + object? (Interrogative)
Wh/H + was/were + subject + verb + ing + object? (Interrogative)
We should note that 'was' and 'were' are the two auxiliary verbs used in the Past Continuous Tense. The verb 'was' is singular and 'were' is plural. The verb 'was' is used with the singular subject and the verb 'were' is used with the plural one. The verb 'was' is not used with the subject 'You'. So if you write ''You was playing'' will absolutely be the wrong sentence. ''You were playing'' is the correct sentence.                     
Past Perfect Tense indicates the time of verb which had taken place in the past.
He had done his homework. (Positive)
He had not done his homework. (Negative)
Had he done his homework? (Interrogative)
Why had he not done his homework? (Interrogative)
StructureSubject + had + past participle + object. (Positive)
Subject + had + not + past participle + object. (Negative)
Had + subject + past participle + object? (Interrogative)
Wh/H + had + subject + past participle + object? (Interrogative)
We should note that the above-mentioned sentences of Past Perfect Tense are not normally used as Simple Sentences. If a sense represents Past Perfect in the form of a Simple Sentence the sense is constructed in Simple Past Tense. Past Perfect Tense is normally used as Complex Sentence.
Example: The students had done their projects before their teacher came.

Past Perfect Continuous Tense indicates the time of verb which is continuous in its perfect manners.
He had been playing cricket for three hours. (Positive)
He had not been playing cricket since morning. (Negative)
Had he been playing cricket since morning? (Interrogative)
Why had he not been coming to school for seven days? (Interrogative)
Structure: Subject + had + been + verb + ing + object + for/since + period/point of time. (Positive)
Subject + had + not + been + verb + ing + object + for/since + period/point of time. (Negative)
Had + subject + been + verb + ing + object + for/since + period/point of time? (Interrogative)
Wh/H + had + subject + verb + ing + object + for/since + period/point of time? (Interrogative)
This is the basic structure of Past Perfect Continuous Tense.

Simple Future Tense indicates the time of verb which will simply take place in the future.
Ex:-We shall go to Patna tomorrow. (Positive)
He will not play cricket tomorrow. (Negative)
Shall we do our work properly? (Interrogative)
Why will she do her homework in class? (Interrogative)
Structure:- Subject + shall/will + verb + object.(Positive)
She will wait for me.
Subject + shall/will not + verb + object. (Negative)
She will not wait for me.
Shall/Will + subject + verb + object? (Interrogative)
Will she wait for me?
Wh/H + shall/will + subject + verb + object? (Interrogative)
Who will wait for me.

We should note that 'shall' may be used as an auxiliary verb with the subject 'I' or 'we'.   

Future Continuous Tense indicates the time of verb which will remain continued in the future.
Ex:-She will be preparing her notes. (Positive)
They will not be writing their notes. (Negative)
Shall we be visiting a film tomorrow? (Interrogative)
Why will you not be playing cricket tomorrow? (Interrogative)
 StructureSubject + shall/will + be + verb + ing + object.(Positive)
Subject + shall/will + not + be + verb + ing + object.(Negative)
Shall/Will + subject + be + verb + ing + object?(Interrogative)
Wh/H + shall/will + subject + be + verb + ing + object?(Interrogative)
The above mentioned structure of Future Continuous Tense is very useful for the young learners. 

 Future Perfect Tense indicates the time of verb which will have taken place in the future.
Now a day Future Perfect Tense is not normally used, but the learners must know the form.
Ex:-He will have done his work. (Positive)
He will not have done his work. (Negative)
Will he have done his work? (Interrogative)
Why will he not have done his work? (Interrogative)
Structure Subject + shall/will + have + past participle + object.(Positive)
Subject + shall/will + not + have + past participle + object. (Negative)
Shall/Will + subject + have + past participle + object? (Interrogative)
Wh/H + shall/will + subject + have + past participle + object? (Interrogative)
We should note that these are the basic structures of Future Perfect Tense.

Future Perfect Continuous Tense indicates the time of verb which will have been taking place in the future in a perfect way.
Ex:-He will have been playing football on the field. (Positive)
He will not have been playing football on the field. (Negative)
Will he have been playing football on the field? (Interrogative)
Why will he have been playing football on the field? (Interrogative)
StructureSubject + shall/will + have been + verb + ing + object.(Positive)
Subject + shall/will + not + have been + verb + ing + object. (Negative)
Shall/Will + subject + have been + verb + ing + object? (Interrogative)
Wh/H + shall/will + subject + have been + verb + ing + object? (Interrogative)
These are the basic structures of Future Perfect Continuous Tense.

An Approach to English Grammar & Composition Book 6: Page 38:
Use of Tense
1. Fill in the blanks with suitable forms of the Verbs given in the brackets:
(i) My father writes to me every week.                                              (write)
(ii) She read when he was sleeping.                                                    (read)
(iii) Where does he go to play in the evening.                                    (go)
(iv) He has been working with us for five years.                                (work)
(v) He has always felt for the poor.                                                     (feel)
(vi) We are putting up a show.                                                             (put up)
(vii) If wishes were horses, beggars would ride.                                 (be)
(viii) I returned from Darjeeling last night.                                         (return)
(ix)  I have not yet given up hope.                                                       (give)
(x) If you are hungry, you can eat.                                                       (be)
(xi) It is raining now.                                                                            (rain)
(xii) The bell has rung just now.                                                           (ring)
(xiii) You have been waiting for me since morning.                            (be)
(xiv) This book has cost fifty rupees.                                                   (cost)
(xv)The hen laid four eggs.                                                                  (lay)
(xvi) He has already completed the work.                                            (complete)
(xvii) They learn their lesson before the teacher arrives.                      (learn)  
(xviii) They came here while I was reading a book.                             (read)
(xix) A good boy always obeys his parents.                                         (obey)
(xx) Dear Somu, thank you for your letter which I received (receive) last week. It was really good to hear from you. You said you met (meet) Anadi recently, but you did not say how he was (be). I have been (be) in Kolkata for six weeks, and I’m enjoying life here very much. I have been working (work) very hard since I arrived, but the job is interesting and everybody is kind to me.    
2. Pick out the verbs from the following sentences and write their Tense. Two have been done for you.
(i) She reads a book.
Verb – reads
Tense – Simple Present
(ii) They are playing cricket.
Verb – are playing
Tense – Present Continuous
(iii) I wrote a letter.
Verb – wrote
Tense – Simple Past
(iv) She was singing a song.
Verb – was singing
Tense –Past Continuous
(v) They have done the work.
Verb – have done 
Tens – Present Perfect
(vi) He had come before I left.
Such types of sentences are basically decided on the structure of the main clause (He had come) which indicates here Past Perfect.
Verb – had come
Tense – Past Perfect (had come)
                Simple Past  (I left)
(vii) We have been living here for five years.
Verb – have been living
Tense – Present Perfect Continuous
(viii) He will be doing it.
Verb – will be doing
Tense – Future Continuous
(ix) I shall never go there.
Verb - shall go
Tense - Simple Future
(x) They came after we had left.
Such types of sentences are basically decided on the structure of the main clause (They came) which indicates here Simple Past.
Verb - came (Simple Past)
            had left (Past Perfect)
(xi) We drink milk.
Verb – drink
Tense – Simple Present
(xii) He was taking medicine.
Verb – was taking
Tense – Past Continuous
(xiii) She had been swimming for an hour.
Verb – had been swimming
Tense – Past Perfect Continuous
(xiv) They will have finished.
Verb – will have finished
Tense - Future Perfect
(xv) The child was crying.
Verb - was crying
Tense – Past Perfect
(xvi) He will have been running this mill for three years.
Verb - will have been running
Tense – Future Perfect Continuous
(xvii) She will have left before you get there.
Verb – will have left
Tense – Future Perfect
(xviii) By next March he will have been working here for five years.
Verb - will have been working
Tense - Future Perfect Continuous
(xix) He will have left for Kalka by next Sunday.
Verb – will have left
Tense – Future Perfect
(xx) She will get a prize.
Verb – will get
Tense – Simple Future
(xxi) I had been reading before I went for a walk.
Verb – had been reading
Tense - Past Perfect Continuous
(xxii) When I saw them, they were playing cricket.
Verb – saw
Tense – Simple Present
(xxiii) She has been living here since January.
Verb – has been living
Tense – Present Perfect Continuous
(xxiv) He is seeing his advocate tomorrow.
Verb –is seeing
Tense – Present Continuous (for future planning)
(xxv) I went to school daily.
Verb – went
Tense - Simple Past
3. Fill up the blanks with the correct verb form from those given in brackets:
(i) He bought a new scooter last week. (bought/have bought/had bought)
(ii) It has been raining since morning. (rained/raining/has been raining)
(iii) The earth moves around the sun. (move/moves/moved)
(iv) We had returned home before it began to rain.(returned/has returned/had returned)
(v)When I got home, Rajani was waiting for me. (waited/was waiting/had been waiting)
(vi) Don’t disturb me. I am doing my homework.(do/did/am doing)
(vii) He jumped off the train while it was moving. (moved/has moved/was moving)
(viii)He will explain it to you when he will come back. (comes/came/will come)
(ix) Ravi wants to be a doctor. (wants/wanting/is wanting)
(x) The girls were playing cricket when I saw them. (play/played/were playing)
(xi) The train left after we had reached the station. (left/has left/had left)
(xii) If you work hard you will succeed. (work/worked/will work)
(xiii) My uncle arrives here tomorrow. (arrives/will have been arriving)
(xiv) I hear a strange noise. (hear/am hearing/ have been hearing)
(xv) By this time next year Rekha will have taken her University Degree. (takes/will take/will have taken)
(xvi) We have been living here for the last ten years. (lived/ are living/ have been living)
(xvii) When he lived in Barauni, he went to the cinema hall almost every week. (goes/went/was going)
(xviii) She – to Delhi tomorrow. (is going/has gone/has been going)
(xix) He was stung by a scorpion while he was walking in the garden. (walked/was walking/had walked)
(xx) He thanks us for what we have done. (have done/had done/had been doing)

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

The Little Girl: ncert solution - Class 9

Thinking about the Text (page 38)
1. Given below are some emotions that Kezia felt. Match the emotions in Column A with the items in Column B
1. fear or terror
2. glad sense of relief
3. a "funny" feeling perhaps of understanding              B
(i) father comes into her room to give her a goodbye kiss
(ii) noise of the carriage grows fainter
(iii) father comes home
(iv) speaking to father
(v) going to bed when alone at home
 (vi) father comforts her and falls asleep
(vii) father stretched out on the sofa, snoring

Ans:  1.  - (iii) father comes home
           2. - (ii) noise of the carriage grows fainter
           3. - (iv) speaking to father 
II. Answer the following questions in one or two sentences.
1. Why was Kezia afraid of her father?
Ans: Her father is very strict in his activities, uses harsh statements, and did not treat her as a good father treats with his children lovingly.
2. Who were the people in Kezia's family?
Ans: There are four members in Kezia's family. They are Kezia herself, her father, mother, and grandmother.
3. What was Kezia's father's routine
(i) before going to his office?
Ans: Before going to his office his work was to offer her a kiss without showing any affection.
(ii) after coming back from his office?
Ans:: After coming back from his office his first work was to order Kezia to provide the newspaper and tea.
(iii) on Sundays?
Ans: On Sundays, he used to lay on the sofa stretching out. He used to sleep snoring for a little longer.
4. In what ways did Kezia's grandmother encourage her to get to know her father better?
Ans: Kezia,s grandmother wanted her to gift something on her father's birthday so that he could be pleased with her. So she advised her to make a pin-cushion to gift him.
III. Discuss these questions in class with your teacher and then write down your answers in two or three paragraphs each.
1. Kezia's effort to please her father resulted in displeasing him very much. How did this happen?
Ans: Kezia's effort to please her father resulted in displeasing him very much. Whenever her father would come home he used to ask her to put off his shoes and ask her if she was a good girl. She would answer in a different way, it seemed she was not bold enough to answer the questions. She stutters in answering those questions. When her father would take rest she would stare at him a little longer. These activities of Kezia were not likely for her father at all.
Kezia was preparing a pin-cushion to gift her father on his birthday. She prepared the gift with the papers which were very important for her father. When her father wanted to get the paper he came to know the gifted episode and consequently he got angry at Kezia.
2. Kezia decides that there are "different kinds of fathers". What kind of father was Mr. Macdonald, and how was he different from Kezia's father?
Ans: It is true that there are different kinds of fathers. Kezia has seen the affection and treatment of fathers in her neighborhood. So she decides that there are different kinds of fathers. Macdonald shows his affection to his children always. He plays and runs along with them whenever he needs to do that. His children love him very much. They hand on to his pockets and he loves the activities and attitudes of children.
Kezia's father does not like to play with her. He is fond of scolding her. She does not get any opportunity to laugh with her father. She never plays and runs with her father or vice - versa.
3. How does Kezia begin to see her father as a human being who needs her sympathy?
Ans:  Kezia was very much afraid of her father. One day she dreamt a fearful dream. She saw that a butcher approached her with a knife. She cried bitterly but she saw her father was standing there. Now she was made up completely.
Once when her father was very tired he asked Kezia to rub her feet against his leg to make them warm, Kezia did it very well. She now understood that her father had to do better than before to be a good father. She accepted that her father had a big heart.
Thinking about Language
1. Look at the following sentence.
There was a glad sense of relief when she heard the noise of the carriage growing fainter…
Here, glad means happy about something.
Glad, happy, delighted, thrilled, and overjoyed are synonyms (words or expressions that have the same or nearly the same meaning.) However, they express happiness in certain ways.
Read the sentences below.
She was glad when the meeting was over.
The chief guest was pleased to announce the name of the winner
1. Use an appropriate word from the synonyms given above in the following sentences. Clues are given in brackets.
(i) She was thrilled by the news of her brother-------(very pleased)
(ii) I was delighted to be invited to the party. (extremely pleased and excited about)
(iii) She was overjoyed at the birth of her granddaughter. (extremely happy)
(iv) The coach was pleased with the performance. (satisfied about)
(v) She was very happy with her results. (happy about something that has happened)
2. Study the use of the word big in the following sentence.
He was so big – his hands and his neck, especially his mouth……
Here, a big means large in size.
Now, consult a dictionary and find out the meaning of big in the following sentences. The first one has been done for you.
(i)You are a big girl now. older
(ii)Today you are going to take the biggest decision of your career. most important
(iii)Their project is full of big ideas. very important
(iv) Cricket is a big game in our country. popular
(v) I am a big fan of Lata Mangeskar. great
(vi) You have to cook a bit more as my friend is a big eater. remarkable
(vii)What a big heart you’ve got, Father dear. large-hearted
Has your life been different from or similar to that of Kezia when you were a child? Has your perception of your parents changed now? Do you find any change in your parents’ behavior vis-a-vis yours? Who has become more understanding? What steps would you like to take to build a relationship based on understanding? Write three or four paragraphs (150-200 words) discussing these issues from your own experience.
Ans: My life has been different from the life of Kezia. My father was a loving one who always ask for my well-being. Whenever he would come he would ask where I was. Until or unless he would get me he would not sit or take a rest. He used to ask me about my games and spots, about my participation and performance. Sometimes I would say I was defeated he would start laughing by saying that learning 'how to play is far better than winning a match.
Sometimes he would stop me from going from school by saying that studying every day is not essential. It is true that he would take me wherever he go when I was very young. He would show me circus, and magic very often. I can say that My father has a good understanding of the requirements of young children. Young children's first important thing is their playing. If children are not allowed to play they would not develop properly. Both mental and physical development depends on the opportunities provided by the parents.
Children study the attitudes of their parents with their behavior. If their behavior is very soft they feel it very well, if their behavior is harsh they are hurt by it.  Regarding the understanding of behavior, I want to say that my father is the same to same but I have changed myself to a limit. I honor and respect my father for his full support and for providing an opportunity to study properly. I have no issue with misunderstanding so everything is fine. I want to follow in the footsteps of my father who helps me on every step.