Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Summit Within : ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check.
 (page 80)
1. Standing on Everest, the writer was
(i) overjoyed.
(ii) very sad.
(iii) jubilant and sad.
Choose the right item.
2. The emotion that gripped him was one of
(i) victory over hurdles.
(ii)humility and a sense of smallness.
(iii) greatness and self-importance.
(iv) joy of discovery.
Choose the right item.
3. “The summit of the mind” refers to
(i) great intellectual achievements.
(ii) the process of maturing mentally and spiritually.
(iii) overcoming personal ambition for the common welfare.
(iv) living in the world of thought and imagination.
(v) the triumph of mind over worldly pleasure for a noble cause.
(vi) a fuller knowledge of oneself.
Mark the item(s) not relevant.
Working with the text. (page 81)
1. Answer the following questions.
(i) What are the three qualities that played a major role in the author’s climb?
Ans:-The three qualities that played a major role in the author's climb are (a) willpower (b) endurance and (c) persistence.
(ii) Why is an adventure, which is risky, also pleasurable?
Ans:-An adventure is like a game that is played with strong willpower. No matter whether a player wins or loses. It gives great pleasure even on getting fatigued. That is why adventure is considered risky and pleasurable.
(iii) What was it about Mount Everest that the author found irresistible?
Ans:-Climbing Mount Everest is a challenging job. The author found obstacles on his every step while climbing Everest. These obstacles offer open challenges which are irresistible.
(iv) One does not do it (climb a high peak) for fame alone. What does one do it for, really?
Ans:-It is completely true that one does not climb the high peak for fame alone. The experience of climbing the highest peak satisfies one's desire. Consequently, fame is succeeded by glorious success.
(v) “He becomes conscious in a special manner of his own smallness in this large universe”. “This awareness defines an emotion mentioned in the first paragraph”. Which is the emotion?
Ans:-The emotion is 'humility'.
(vi) What were the “symbols of reverence” left by members of the team on Everest?
Ans:-There were so many "symbols of reverence'.
(a) Ahluwalia left there a picture of Guru Nanak.
(b) The picture of Goddess Durga was left by Rawat.
(c) Phu Dorji kept a relic of the Buddha.
(d) Edmund Hillary buried across under the cairn.
(vii) What, according to the writer, did his experience as an Everester teach him?
Ans:-As an Everest Ahluwalia experienced that humility paved his way to success. It was humility that helped to face life's ordeal resolutely. He also learned that it was an ennobling, enriching experience to just look down from the summit of a mountain.
2. Write a sentence against each of the following statements. Your sentence should explain the statement. You can pick out sentences from the text and rewrite them. The first one has been done for you.
(i) The experience changes you completely.
One who has been to the mountain is never the same again.
(ii) Man takes delight in overcoming obstacles.
It is the eternal love for adventure in man.
(iii) Mountains are natural at their best.
Nature's beauty is exhibited in the mountain.
(iv) The going was difficult but the after-effects were satisfying.
Climbing the mountain was a worthwhile experience.
(v)  The physical conquest of a mountain is really a spiritual experience.
The physical act of climbing to the summit of a mountain outside is akin to the act of climbing the mountain within.
Working with the language. (page 82)
1. Look at the italicized phrases and their meanings given in the brackets.
Mountains are nature (nature's best form and appearance) at its best.
Your life is at risk. (in danger; you run the risk of losing your life)
He was at his best/worst in the last meeting. (it was his best/worst performance)
Fill in the blanks in the following dialogues choosing suitable phrases from those given in the box.
At hand, at once, at all, at a low ebb, at first sight.
(i)Teacher: You were away from school without permission. Go to the principal at once and submit your explanation.
Pupil: Yes, Madam. But would you help me write it first?
(ii) Arun: Are you unwell?
Illa: No, not at once. Why do you ask?
Arun: If you were unwell, I would send you to my uncle. He is a doctor.
(iii) Mary: Almost every Indian film has an episode of love at first sight.
David: Is that what makes them so popular in foreign countries?
(iv) Asif: You look depressed. Why are your spirits at such a low ebb today? (use such in the phrase)
Ashok: I have to write ten sentences using words that I never heard before.
(v) Shieba: Your big moment is close at hand.
Jyoti: How should I welcome it?
Shieba: Get up and receive the trophy.
2. Write the noun form of the following words adding – ance or – ence to each.
(i) endure-endurance
(ii) persist- persistence
(iii) signify-significance
(iv) confide-confidence
(v) maintain- maintenance
(vi) abhor-abhorrence.
3. Match words under A with their meaning under B.
   A       --    B
Remote--       difficult to overcome
means--        most prominent
dominant--      be overcome/overpowered
formidable--     method(s)
overwhelmed--   far away from.
Ans:- remote-    far away from
means-         methods
dominant-       most prominent
formidable-      difficult to overcome
overwhelmed-    be overcome/overpowered.
(ii) Fill in the blanks in the sentences below with appropriate words from under A.
(a) There were formidable obstacles on the way, but we reached our destination safely.
(b) We have no means of finding out what happened there.
(c) Why he lives in a house remote from any town or village is more than I can tell.
(d) Overwhelmed by gratitude, we bowed to the speaker for his valuable advice.
(e) The old castle stands in a dominant position above the sleepy town.

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