Tuesday, December 10, 2019

How the Camel got his hump : ncert solution class 8

Comprehension Check (Page-3)
1. What task, do you think, was assigned to the dog and the ox?
Ans:- The dog was assigned to fetch sticks whereas the ox was to plow the field.
2. Why did the camel live in the middle of the desert?
Ans:- The camel lived in the middle of the desert to avoid works. He did not want to do any work. His objective was to eat thorns and sticks without any disturbance by taking a rest all the time.
3. What made the dog, the horse, and the ox very angry?
Ans:- The man asked the dog and the horse to compensate for the works left to be done by the camel by working double times. So they were angry.
4. How did the Djinn know the horse was complaining against the camel?
Ans:- The horse knew all the animals of the desert because he was the master of all. When the horse made a complaint about an animal that had long legs the Djinn understood that the horse was complaining against the camel.
Comprehension Check (page-5)
1. The camel was looking at his own reflection in the pool. What does it suggest to you about the camel?
Ans:- The camel was looking at his own reflection to view his beauty and cheerful existence on his visage. He loved fascination.
2. The camel said, "Humph" repeatedly. How did it affect him?
Ans:- The camel used to say “Humph” all the time. It affected him so strongly that it caused his ‘Hump’ permanently.
3. What according to the Djinn, was the use of the "humph"?
Ans:- According to the Djinn ‘hump’ was very useful for the camel because it allowed the camel to work for three days without food and water. Hump was a storehouse of food and energy.
4. "....he has never yet learned to behave". In light of this, what is the writer's opinion about the camel?
Ans:-The writer’s opinion is that the camel wanted to prove his superiority with his egotism.
Discuss the following topics in groups.
1. Can this story be factually true?
Ans:- This story can never be factually true.
2. What, according to you, is the story about? Consider the following:
(i) How the world began.
(ii) Why everyone should do his/her share of work seriously.
(iii) How animals are important to humans.
(iv) How the camel got his hump.
3. What did you know over the weekend? Were you generally active or idle? Please check your back before starting to discuss or answer the questions.
Ans:- I was very active over the weekend preparing the arguments for the coming debate. It is to be held on the coming Monday.
4. There are broadly two categories of workers--those who prefer to do today what they can do tomorrow, and those who prefer to do tomorrow what they can do today. Where do you belong?
Ans:- I don’t want to wait for my work to be done tomorrow if it is possible to be done today. I belong to those who prefer to do today what they can do tomorrow.

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